Saturday, March 8, 2025

It may be a shock to you

It may be a shock to you 

“Why are you checking them Dear?”

“Oh! No reason!”

“Really? Can I ask you again? Why are you checking your breasts. Those very same breasts that have been increasing in size recently.”

“Well! It may be a shock to you, but you may as well know that I am having Master’s child.”

“A shock? Every night he has been with you I have been there beside the bed wearing a restraint on my little penis, with your unconsumed birth pills hanging on a loop around my neck. And I have suffered the embarrassment of knowing that each and every time he ejaculates in you that he does so into your unprotected body. So ask me again why you think it is such a shock that he has knocked you up.”

“Maybe ‘shock’ is too strong a word. How about total ‘humiliation’, or ‘less than a man’ or ‘emasculation’. Would they be more appropriate cucky?”

“Of course they would Dear.”

Friday, March 7, 2025

My preparations

My preparations

It's a normal Sunday afternoon for Brenda and me. My Wife has been staying most nights this week with her Boyfriend as usual, but on Sundays we always have Mark over as a change of venue for them, and for my sense of inclusivity. Quite why they think one bedroom is different from another beats me, but as a cuckold I do appreciate the thought.

Mark always like to arrive early at our house and always appreciates the preparations I have made in readiness for their loving day together. I will have helped Brenda prepare for the day with him, and I always ensure that she is wearing something sexy and revealing for his arrival. Likewise, I will have prepared our marriage bed for them with fresh sheets and soft pillows, and they will know that I am just outside the bedroom door, waiting for their permission to enter when they are finished.

As an experienced and enthusiastic cuckold, I always enjoy listening to Brenda giving herself, body and soul, to her young and vigorous Lover. I have listened so many times at the door in these past few years that I can always tell when they are becoming satiated and their last intimate moments are happening. And that is when I get ready ...

... to enjoy their thanks for my preparations.

Thursday, March 6, 2025



"So you are going on that date after all."

"I wasn't going to, then you said something that changed my mind."

"Oh really! What on earth could i have said that changed your mind?"

"You said that if I went with a Big Black Master, then you would have to become a submissive sissy willy-caged cuckold."

"So what! How did that change your mind?"

"It wasn't what you said. It was the way you said it."

"Really! How did I say it?"

"Like it was an ambition Dear."

"You know me so well My Love."

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Cuckold Vignette


It's amazing what Wives talk about when their hubbies aren't around.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Happy Wife Reflections

Happy Wife Reflections 

Mrs Wendy Wilberforce says:

Deven is like a machine. He is a tender and attentive Lover, but when we are in bed and my legs are open for him he goes for so long thrusting his big rod in me that I just cling on for dear life.

It's not that I'm complaining. After eight years of marriage to 'one-shot, three-minutes' Gerald, a good 'seeing to' is something that is very much welcome.

Our relationship is a whole lot more than just animal lust and as a cuckolding threesome we are very happy in each other's company. And Deven and my hubby have developed a good relationship too. So much so ...

... that it borders on the very personal.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

He bred my Wife

He bred my Wife 

I had a few clues as to my Wife Jennifer's preference for handsome Black Masters. She was often late home from work, sometimes she was not answering her phone, and she often mentioned another man's name - Raoul.

I think she was trying to tell me of her devotion to Raoul, but it wasn't until she told me that she was pregnant that I knew she had been letting him ejaculate into her fertile young body. And i knew that I was now a weak cuckold.

Although I knew that I was no longer Jennifer's main man, i was in a form of denial. She had told me that she was now growing Raoul's baby inside her but I hadn't embraced the reality of my cuckolding; that is until I came home early from work one afternoon.

Reality can really bite, can't it fellow cuckold's. As I stood in the bedroom door and looked on at my Wife being tenderly held by her Master, I finally understood that I was the lesser man in her life.

After that fateful day, when i had opened the bedroom door, i had made it a habit to come home early and find Jennifer and Raoul together. i don't know if my soulful unhappy face ever made Jennifer think twice about humiliating me with her love for her Black Master. But from that day until this ...
... Raoul has been, is still, and will always be my Wife's Black Master.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Is he special?

Is he special?

“You seem to be making a lot of effort for this new guy? And you’ve shaved your mound. Is he special?”

“I should say so. Did I tell you that he’s a Black Guy?”

“i pretty much guessed so. These Black Men expect their Girlfriends to be soft and shaven. It makes mating and baby making all the more pleasurable and efficient apparently.”

“Well so now you know.”

“Oh Christ alive! You’re going into production with him aren’t you.”

“That’s a good deduction cuckboy!”