If the very thought of your Wife with another man arouses you like no other then please enjoy my stories (short and long) of the way of life us cuckolds love. I also love the concept of interracial loving between two consenting couples. And finally: If you are under 18 - Please leave now.
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Cuckold Subjugation in Art
... hubby will provide - including his acceptance of his diminished status as her cuckold.
The pecking order of a happy Cuckold Marriage is beautifully demonstrated in this little picture.
After a night in her Lover's bed, my Wife Astrid and i always like to remake the bond between us.
"They both think they are going to take us upstairs to bed after this Rachel."
"Little do our cucky hubbies know that they are only preparing us for our Black Lovers."
"Make sure you get it all cucky."
"His seed has almost all gone my Angel!"
"Good! I shall go back into our bedroom next door and beg Master for a refill."
Friday, October 28, 2022
My cuckold shorts
“Of course He’s been here all night. Oh! And has his big black body been between my legs all night too. So what do you think of that cuckold?”
"I think it's only right that a real man enjoys my Wife's lovely body Mistress."
Thursday, October 27, 2022
My cuckold shorts
She is smiling because She knows what is in his shorts. He is smiling, because he knows he is going to be fucking Her soon!
And Hubby, who took the picture, is smiling because he knows it too!
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
A true cuckold
A true cuckold will understand exactly why his Wife's Black Lover keeps coming back for more of her soft and gentle pleasures.
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Tales from the White Mistress Order
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Tales from the White Mistress Order
Would I be good enough for the White Mistress Order? Neville says that I would be, but he would wouldn't he - him being my husband. Jackie my Sister has been 'Black Owned' now for almost three years and her hubby Paul is very much the cuckold. She tells me that his little penis has been locked away permanently for all of that time and he is very understanding when she brings some of her liasons home, instead of spending the night with them in the WM Hotel.
Would Neville be happy to pay every month for the honour of me being a White Mistress? Will he understand that having a Wife who is 'Black Owned' is an honour and that he is joining the ranks of thousands of cuckolds in just this part of England alone?
I know that Neville had a very long talk with Paul just last week and Jackie has said that they discussed her 'Ownership' at some length. So Paul must have talked about his unmanning, his little cage and his acceptance of Jackie's many Black Lovers bedding her right in front of him.
Friday, October 21, 2022
My cuckold shorts
Hubby knows she now belongs to him. She willingly gives herself to him , and her Lover willingly takes her.
This is what being a cuckold is all about.
Thursday, October 20, 2022
My cuckold shorts
This what a Cuckold imagines when his wife takes a vacation with her black lover. Sun, sea and sex for them! And humiliation for him.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
A true cuckold
Being relegated to the spare room is pretty normal for a cuckold. The idea that her Lover and his Wife are mating in order to bring another person into the world is the ultimate humiliation.
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Saturday, October 15, 2022
The Wittol Group Private Investigators
Investigation Report
On: Mr Dominique Blaque
On Behalf Of: Mr Justin Smallpiece
Reason: Confirmation of Ownership of Fiancée
Dear Justin,
In accordance with your instructions we carried out a fourteen day surveillance on your Fiancée's Employer due to you requiring confirmation that he now 'Black Owns' your twenty three year old intended Wife - Miss Madeline Jones. Our monitoring of Mr Blaque's activities was carried out within the Business Weeks 14 and 15 of year 2022.
Our usual methods of observation were used in that we installed micro cameras throughout Mr Blaques home, his car and he was followed by one of our best and most experienced operatives. And as you shall see later, we also had cause to locate some further cameras in the Maître Noir et Femme Blanche Hotel (Black Master and White Wife Hotel) in Paris.
On the first day of our surveillance we observed Madeline leave for work at the normal time, but then at midday she left hand in hand with Mr Blaque. This, in itself, was not an indication of intimacy, however after entering his car, it became clear that the relationship between them was far from platonic.
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... the relationship between themwas far from platonic. |
We estimate that Mr Blaque had sex with your Fiancée three times that afternoon and, after a short break for refreshment at a local public house, the two Lovers returned to the apartment where Mr Blaque strenuously took Madeline in almost every conceivable but enjoyable position in his bed. See below:
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... Mr Blaque strenuously took Madeline ... |
It was during one of their (many) post coital breaks later that week (after you and her had been to the cinema), that Mr Blaque suggested to your Fiancée that they should go to Paris and discuss their 'little problem'. Her reply was that (quote), "Justin is a such a sweetie. I'm sure he will understand."
At this juncture we at the Wittols Group assumed, wrongly, that Madeline was carrying her Master's child in her womb.
We knew by previous experience that the 'Maître Noir et Femme Blanche' would be the hotel that the loving couple would stay at because, as its name would suggest, it is the favourite of many young white Wives and their Black Masters on romantic liasons. We subsequently had their room bugged and wired for camera prior to their arrival.
Just as many Lovers do, Mr Blaque and your Fiancée visited the sites of Paris in the afternoon and it was noted by our agent in the field that they were a beautiful young couple who appeared so very much in love.
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... who appeared so very much in love. |
Mr B - "Have you and Justin set a date for the wedding yet?"
M - "Not yet. I shall have to tell him soon. It's only fair. And I think he suspects that you and I are Lovers."
Mr B - "I see! He's right to be suspicious, but do you think he will accept that his pretty little Wife is 'Owned' by another man? In other words, do you think he is good cuckold material?"
M - "I think so Master. He loves me, just as I love him. So I think, if I approach the subject in the right way, that he could be persuaded to understand my needs and admit to himself that he cannot fulfill them adequately."
Mr B - "That's the first time I ever heard you say that you love Justin. Should I be worried?"
M - "No Master! Justin is a sweet natured Beta man who will make a loving and attentive husband. He is a born cuckold with submissive tendencies and has a secret wish to be dominated by a strong Woman."
Mr B - "He told you that?"
M - "One night when we had drunk one too many glasses of wine."
Mr B - "And what about our little plan for the future?"
M - "I do so want to bear your child Master, but I think that we should wait until Justin and me are married before we start a family."
Mr B - "Well how about this for an idea? When we return from Paris, you tell Justin that you are my Mistress and tell him that you still want to marry him. Do you think he will recognize that you belong to me and still marry you anyway?"
M - "Oh yes. Without a doubt! And then what?"
Mr B - Then you cage his little penis permanently and come off your birth control pills two months before the wedding. And the way you and I make love, who knows, you could be standing beside him in the church with my tiny brown baby growing inside you. Do you think he would accept that?"
M - "We would have to approach this proposition with some care, but I'm sure that I could convince him that having your child is best for all three of us."
Mr B - "Do you think he would accept that your Master would be consummating your marriage and taking you on honeymoon."
M - "That would be so wonderful Master. I guess Justin would relish such humiliation if he accepts everything else."
Mr B - "Good! We have a plan! Now open those lovely long legs for me."
M - (laughing) "I thought you'd never ask Master."
It will come of no surprise to you Justin, that Mr Blaque and your Fiancée then settled down into another period of lovemaking. It seemed to us that the two Lovers were starting to practice the beautiful rythm that occurs when two Lovers set out to start a family.
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... the beautiful rythm that occurswhen two Lovers set out to start a family. |
We think it is important for you as a cuckold to know that over the two week period of our observation we counted that Mr Blaque penetrated and ejaculated into your Fiancée no less than thirty times. Roughly calculated, we estimate that every year he spends his seed in her young fertile body somewhere between seven hundred and fifty to eight hundred times. This implies that in the two years in which she has been your Girlfriend and then Fiancée, the 'Love of Your Life' (as you described her at our initial interview) has welcomed Mr Blaque's potent eruptions into her vagina at least fifteen hundred times - and perhaps more.
Note: Although we tried, we failed to keep a count of the number of times that Madeline experienced an orgasm because she seemed to spend the whole time in orgiastic bliss from the intial introduction of Mr Blaques manhood into her vagina to his final ejaculation at each mating.
Your instruction to us was to serveil Mr Blaque in order to determine if he was your Fiancée's 'Owner'. We can confirm that he is her Black Master, and has been so since her 18th birthday, when her Mother, Beryl Jones, encouraged her to follow in the family traditions of 'Black Ownership' with Mr Blaque. Madeline, it was reported, entered into her new life with with a great enthusiasm.
We note that Madeline is soon going to tell you about her relationship with her Master and her desire for his strong dark body, powerful strength, unbelievable stamina, prodigious sexual organ and potent seed. She may also inform you that she samples all of these 'Masterly' attributes routinely and very, very often; and will wish to be his Mistress after you are married. Essentially, your status will not change - you were a cuckolded boyfriend, you are a cuckolded Fiancée now and we think that you will soon enjoy being a cuckolded husband too.
At our initial interview you told us that if Mr Blaque does prove to be her Master, then you would be content to marry Madeline and live the life of true cuckold. Consequently I consider that we have proved that Mr Dominique Blaque is the long time Master to the Lady you wish to marry.
Addionally, at our post surveillance interview we did ask you if you understood what was meant by 'The Natural Order', and your reply convinced us that you had a good appreciation of its protocols. You also indicated that you would like to participate in our 'Cuckold Advisory Service' because of Mr Blaque and your Fiancée's mating plans.
Cuckold Advisory Service
We consider that under the Natural Order it is the duty of the cuckolded husband to encourage his Wife to mate frequently with her Black Master. We consider this a fundamental principle for a happy cuckold marriage and we would encourage you to adopt this way of life, even before your wedding. You should also consider permanent chastity and wear a irremovable restraint on your small penis.
We consider Mr Blaque's idea that your Fiancée should be pregnant with his child on the day of your wedding and then to take her on honeymoon in your place to be an honour that you should accept with gratitude. In order to show your devotion to them both, you may wish to suggest that he makes love to Madeleine just before the ceremony so you know that her young body is full of his potent seed as she promises to be your Wife. Such memories will ensure a long and happy relationship between the three of you.
We would therefore recommend that, when your Fiancée talks to you about your new life together that you accept everything she proposes.
And may we at the Wittol Group wish you the very best and a happy cuckold marriage to your beautiful new Wife.
Mr J Shortstaff
Wittol Group Investigation (cuckold advisory dept.)
Encl. Remittance advice.
Friday, October 14, 2022
i have learned
For a long time i had suspected that my Wife Camilla had been seeing someone outside of our marriage. All the signs had been there for weeks - the unexplained absences, the phone calls at home that were out of my range of hearing, the purchase of some pretty lingerie and, it has to be admitted, her almost permanent good mood. They were typical indications of a Woman who had a powerful and accomplished Lover.
But who was this new man in Camilla's life? Was it my friend at work Jimmy or somebody I didn't know. So I decided to find out. The opportunity came when my Boss Remi sent me on another three day sales visit to one of our clients in Washington, so i took a chance that my Wife would entertain the man in our house.
The setting up of the tiny cameras took very little time and i had the Static IP Address for the mini server in my tablet ready for access for as and when i felt the need. i was relaxing in my hotel in when i decided to open my camera setup at home.
The first camera i accessed was the bedroom (obviously) and then the kitchen but there was nothing to be seen other than scattered clothes and empty wine glasses. But then all of my questions were answered when the tiny camera in our lounge was accessed.
All my suspicions were confirmed and as i watched the small colour screen of my tablet i knew that Camilla did have a powerful and accomplished Lover. And I found exactly why my Boss Remi kept sending me on three day sales visits.
So what should i have done when i found out that i was now a cuckold and my Boss was routinely impaling my Wife on his big and very hard manhood? i did what millions have cuckolds have done over the years -

- i have learned to watch and wonder.

- i have learned to watch and wonder.
And in the following week, when Remi asked me to go on a three month visit to the Far East there was only one answer i could give him; and that was, "Yes Master!"
Thursday, October 13, 2022
My cuckold shorts
This was the moment! You knew it when you saw it! The moment she fell for him. And you knew it wouldn’t be long before that handsome black man would be between your wife’s legs. And you were to be proved right so many, many times.
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Get out!
“Of course he just ejaculated in me! What did you think he would do you silly Cuckold? He’ll be doing it again later, and after that and after that too, so just get out and leave us alone for the night.”
Saturday, October 8, 2022
That's the whole idea
"Yes Dear! That's the whole idea, isn't it?"
"I'm just asking to make sure that you know the implications of dressing me like a pleasure slave and then taking me to him."
"He's a big handsome Black Master my Love. And he has expressed a desire for you to be his Mistress. It's the Natural Order for a husband to give his Wife to such a man, and I know where my duty lies."
"Yes! But how will you feel when I am lying naked in his bed with his strong dark body thrusting between my open thighs? And will you be able to cope with the shame of another man's seed fertilizing your pretty young Wife?"
Friday, October 7, 2022
My cuckold shorts
Knowing that his wife and her Lover explore each other in so many wonderful ways is something that a True Cuckold understands and accepts. To his eternal credit!!
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
A true cuckold
It is one of the many pleasures a cuckolded husband can enjoy by watching his lovely young Wife getting ready for her date with her Master.