If the very thought of your Wife with another man arouses you like no other then please enjoy my stories (short and long) of the way of life us cuckolds love. I also love the concept of interracial loving between two consenting couples. And finally: If you are under 18 - Please leave now.
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Saturday, November 26, 2022
A cuckold short story
A Tale of the Natural Order
Seduced by telephone
It was the look that told me that he had just entered the room and that our lives were to change forever. It was the moment that the consistent pressure of my Boss, Joshua, to date my Wife Samantha had paid off.
It was about three months ago that Samantha and Joshua had met at a party thrown by a mutual friend of ours and their attraction to each other became so very obvious to everone - including me. The following morning, Joshua had called me up to his office and told me that he had enjoyed Samantha's company and asked me if it would be acceptable if he asked her out on a date. As one might imagine, I was not overly enthusiastic about this idea, but reluctantly I agreed to put the idea to her.
That evening Samantha feigned outrage at Joshua's request and informed me that she took her wedding vows seriously. "No bloody way!" she had fervently told me. But I had seen the light of sensual interest in her eyes and that sparkle of pleasure convinced me that her refusal was not the end of the matter.
Joshua remained cheerful at my message that my Wife did not want to date him but, still smiling, he asked me if we would object to him phoning her every evening. I thought it to be an odd way to seduce another man's Wife but I hadn't taken into account his powers of persuasion. So I said yes to his request.
His first call was met with a chilly response from Samantha but subsequent phone conversations every evening, over a period of a week saw my pretty Wife thaw to him and eventually take the call on the extension upstairs. Out of earshot to me, I couldn't hear exactly what she was saying to him, but the sound of her happy laughter told me that my Wife and my Boss were getting on just fine now.
When she came downstairs one evening after a particularly long conversation, Samantha looked pensive and just a little nervous. Clearly something had changed and I wanted to know what it was.
"What is the matter?" I asked.
"Joshua has suggested something," she replied.
"He's been doing that all week!" I responded sarcastically.
Samantha ignored my barb and replied, "He suggested that we meet in that wine bar in town and see how things go between us."
"What does he mean by 'we'?"
"The three of us."
"To discuss his reasons for wanting to start dating me," she replied - her face now an ashen mask of tension.
"For me to discuss ....," she paused, plucking up courage to finish what she was about to say, "..... why ....... I would like ...... to be his....... I mean to go on a date with him."
Samantha had very nearly said it. She would like to be his Girlfriend or Mistress she had been close to saying it to me - her husband. I thought it was time for reality.
"Sam," I said slowly and clearly so there was no misunderstanding, "Joshua is a big Black Master who will expect his pretty dates to do more than just hold hands in the cinema and have sweet little goodnight kisses when he brings you home. He will want you in his bed at the earliest opportunity and by the force of his personality, his large member and sexual stamina he will 'own' you. My pretty Wife will become his Black Owned Mistress and I will be a humiliated cuckolded husband. Is that what you want?"
She looked back at me as if I wasn't there. She had a faraway look in her eyes and the colour had rushed back into her cheeks as she said,
"Will you help me get ready?"
"If that is what you want Dear."
We were halfway through our first glass of wine before Joshua entered the bar, however he lost no time in coming over to us and sit next to Samantha. He was already laying his claim on my Wife and the happy look on her face told me that she knew it too.
After a few minutes of pleasantries, he opened the subject of why we were at that wine bar.
"As you know Paul," he said, calling me by my first name which he never did at work, "Samantha and me have been talking all this week and we both thought that we should give this 'dating' thing a try."
"Then why am I here Joshua?" I asked, using his first name, which I never did at work.
"To see and understand the reality."
"Reality?" I asked, intrigued by what he meant.
"The reality of your Wife leaving your side to go off into the night to be with another man," he replied as he watched my reaction closely.
"The cuckolded hubby's reality you mean," I responded, conscious that my voice was starting to sound like an unhappy whine.
"It's only a date Paul," he said while standing up to help Samantha to her feet.
But I knew different, so did Samantha and so did he. We had both noticed the look of pleasure and desire on her face as he had entered the wine bar and the way that she now clung onto his arm unnecessarily. My Wife is no weakling and is quite capable of standing on her own two feet; perhaps she felt giddy at the anticipation of what he had to offer - that very night in his bed.
They were at the door when I asked the question many cuckolded husbands have asked over the millions of years that humans have married. "Should I wait up Dear?"
Joshua's arm was around her waist but she still managed to turn and look me in the eye. She paused for a moment, smiled sweetly and then very slowly, she shook her head. I had my answer!
I sat alone in that wine bar and took another hour to finish the glass in front of me, and I thought long and hard. Two of my colleagues at work had Wives with Black Lovers; they were quite relaxed and open about it, and because they sat near me in the office, I often caught catches of their conversations about their cuckolding. There was one aspect of their lives they mentioned very often, and that was the 'Natural Order'. I didn't then know what it was, but I thought I did now.
Seeing Samantha with Joshua seemed to me to be quite 'natural'; her delicate beauty and his powerful body and handsome dark face looked right somehow; made for each other even. It was as though it was ordained to be by a higher 'order' and, in my Wife's case,
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had been just waiting to happen.
Friday, November 25, 2022
My cuckold shorts
The joys of mutual pleasure belong to her and her Lover, but never hubby. This is the normal life for a cuckold.
Thursday, November 24, 2022
My Cuckold Shorts
A true cuckold knows that when she is with her Lover, she shows her devotion and respect in so many pleasing ways.
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
A true cuckold
Not just content with helping his Wife look sexy for her Master, a true cuckold sees it as an honour to pay for the very lingerie that makes her so very desirable.
Sunday, November 20, 2022
My Cuckold Shorts
“Stay with me all night Master and never mind my poor hubby’s weeping.
He knows that I now carry your child, and I am now yours for keeping!”
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Friday, November 18, 2022
My Cuckold Shorts
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
A true cuckold
All true cuckolds know that his understanding and acceptance of his Wife's need for better men than he inside her means that she does not cheat. It is no more than the way it should be for the 'smaller husband'.
Sunday, November 13, 2022
I haven't forgotten a thing
"Er! Jackie!"
"Yes Dear?"
"Haven't you forgotten something."
"I don't think so."
"There are three big Black men sitting outside that cafe just across the road. They are looking over at us and you have forgotten to put panties on this morning."
"Oh! So they are! And no Gerald, I haven't forgotten a thing."
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Something i am not
At first sight this is just two people sharing a moment of friendship together - a little joke or an amusing story maybe. A little flirtatious perhaps but nothing that should concern the Lady's hubby. But if you think this you would be wrong.
The picture was taken just a couple of weeks ago at a social gathering, and the people are no other than Remi, the CEO of the Company I work for and my Wife Antonia.
Antonia had never indicated to me that she saw Remi as anything other than my employer and she had rarely shown any interest in his personal life, even though it was rumoured that he often used the pretty Wives from the White Mistress Order for his carnal pleasures. As a Black Master with a Company of his own and a well-hung athletic body, it was no surprise that many of the WMO Wives were happy to give the rich young man everthing he desires when sharing his bed.
Given his popularity with the WMO Wives and his regular use of their services, I was astonished at what Antonia told me when we were in the car going home that evening.
"What were you and Remi talking about," I asked as we left his large detached house in the suburbs.
"Are you ready for this?" she asked.
"Ready for what?"
I experienced that little frisson of trepidation that most husbands feel when his Wife prepares him for a shock. And I was right to feel it.
"Remi is looking for a permanent Girlfriend. He likes the WMO Wives but he thinks that he should have someone steady in his life," she replied.
My voice shook when I asked. "So ... who does he ... have in mind?"
"He's going to call you into his office tomorrow and ask you if he can start dating me."
"Is that why you were smiling at him?" I asked; now feeling slightly sick.
"Yes! I told him that I would love to be his Girlfriend. I hope you don't mind."
At first sight this is just two people sharing a moment of friendship together - a little joke or an amusing story maybe. A little flirtatious perhaps but nothing that should concern the Lady's hubby. But if you think this you would be wrong.
The picture was taken just a couple of weeks ago at a social gathering, and the people are no other than Remi, the CEO of the Company I work for and my Wife Antonia.
Antonia had never indicated to me that she saw Remi as anything other than my employer and she had rarely shown any interest in his personal life, even though it was rumoured that he often used the pretty Wives from the White Mistress Order for his carnal pleasures. As a Black Master with a Company of his own and a well-hung athletic body, it was no surprise that many of the WMO Wives were happy to give the rich young man everthing he desires when sharing his bed.
Given his popularity with the WMO Wives and his regular use of their services, I was astonished at what Antonia told me when we were in the car going home that evening.
"What were you and Remi talking about," I asked as we left his large detached house in the suburbs.
"Are you ready for this?" she asked.
"Ready for what?"
I experienced that little frisson of trepidation that most husbands feel when his Wife prepares him for a shock. And I was right to feel it.
"Remi is looking for a permanent Girlfriend. He likes the WMO Wives but he thinks that he should have someone steady in his life," she replied.
My voice shook when I asked. "So ... who does he ... have in mind?"
"He's going to call you into his office tomorrow and ask you if he can start dating me."
"Is that why you were smiling at him?" I asked; now feeling slightly sick.
"Yes! I told him that I would love to be his Girlfriend. I hope you don't mind."
"Oh dear! Who would have thought that," she replied, not even bothering to hide her happy smile. And that was the moment I knew what the future of our marriage would be.
My Boss did not take long to explain to me the inevitability of Antonia becoming his Mistress and i left his office ten minutes later knowing that my Wife would soon belong to another man.
Their first evening together was a 'get to know you' date, the second night he brought her home and they kissed passionately in front of me - thus showing me their full intentions towards each other. On the night of their third date she phoned me to tell me that she was going to stay with him for the night and not to wait up.
The next day Remi called me up to his office and told me that my Wife had enjoyed having his big dark cock inside her all night and that he now intended to make Antonia his permanent Mistress. He also suggested that i should make many personal adjustments to my new life as a cuckolded husband.
The curious thing about being a cuckold is that it releases you from society's norms. i feel a sense of release from trying to present to the world a persona of a real man; in fact ...
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... i no longer pretend tobe something i am not. |
Friday, November 11, 2022
A true cuckold
A true cuckold never forgets his duties, even when his Wife's breasts hang heavy with milk ready to feed her Black Master's child, who now grows stronger and bigger by the day in her pretty, fertile and young body.
Thursday, November 10, 2022
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
A true cuckold
Being a cuckolded husband is one thing, but to know that his Wife is her Master's willing slave is quite (delightfully) another.
Sunday, November 6, 2022
My cuckold shorts
Pictures of his Wife and her Lover on vacation are always a turn on for a true cuckold. He knows that he cannot compete with her strong Black Master, so he doesn’t. He just accepts that this is the way it should be.
Saturday, November 5, 2022
Friday, November 4, 2022
My cuckold shorts
Even with his baby growing inside her, she still spreads her legs wide for him. A True Cuckold will know this and accept it and relish the humiliation that the world will soon see.
Thursday, November 3, 2022
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
A true cuckold
Getting his Wife ready for her Lover's visit is one of the many cuckold duties for a hubby to enjoy.
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