If the very thought of your Wife with another man arouses you like no other then please enjoy my stories (short and long) of the way of life us cuckolds love. I also love the concept of interracial loving between two consenting couples. And finally: If you are under 18 - Please leave now.
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Sunday, May 28, 2023
Cuckold Reflections
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Cuckold Barry says:
Since my Wife Helen took up her new position as Personal Assistant to the Divisional Head of Development she tells me that she has learned what her new boss requires of her.
"He told me last night that he is very happy with my performance," Helen said last night after she had arrived home late yet again.
"And so he should be," I remarked - knowing full well what just what her 'performance' entails.
Saturday, May 27, 2023
"You know, from this angle it doesn't look so big."
"You're looking at the end of it. If you pick it up with your hand you can see it in the right perspective."
"Oh my God. Your cock is as thick as my husband's is long."
"And that is why you have agreed to join me in my bed this afternoon."
Friday, May 26, 2023
The moment I knew
The moment I knew
i had often felt that Georgina, my Wife, had a 'thing' for my Boss Simon. At office parties and other social gatherings they always seemed to get on well together and spoke at length in quiet corners out of sight.
"Don't be silly," she would say to me, "we're just friends that's all."
But i'm not a fool and the prospect of her cheating on me with Simon was dawning on me, and my suspicions grew further when Simon called me into his office one day and asked me to manage the night shift for a month or two.
i let the matter rest for a week and then decided to leave work early one morning and quietly make my way into the house and peek through the gap in the door to the kitchen. It was clear that Simon and Georgina had spent the night together, and ...
... that was the moment i knew that I was a cuckold.
And like every good cuckolded husband should, i quietly left them to their love and went straight back to work.
... that was the moment i knew that I was a cuckold.
And like every good cuckolded husband should, i quietly left them to their love and went straight back to work.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Its that look on her face that says, “You know I will!”, and its the look on his face that says, “I know you will,” which tells her poor hubby that very soon they will.
For he knows that she now has stopped taking her pill, and tonight her Master will have his leisurely fill, and deep inside her sweet body his dark seed he will spill, and her cuckold knows that it is now nature’s will.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
The way it should be
Hearing the moment his Wife’s Lover enters her can be a difficult moment for a new cuckold. But for a True Cuckold, it is a moment that defines his marriage.
Sunday, May 21, 2023
My cuckold shorts
As a True Cuckold, I will do anything to prove my devotion to my lovely unfaithful wife, even if it means my total capitulation to her wishes. And as that large black member erupts her Lover’s seed into her tonight I shall know my worth and the true meaning of being a submissive, cuckolded husband.
Saturday, May 20, 2023
The story of Elaine, Jackson and cuckold james - Chapter 4
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A very good plan. |
I sat at my desk in the African Currency area of the trading floor trying to convince myself that this was a normal day, but of course it was everything but. How many times did I send young Charlie to get me coffee instead of going for it myself as usual; the trouble was of course that I couldn’t concentrate on anything else but the mental picture of my Elaine lying blissfully on the sand with Jackson pumping away quite happily between her legs. Such was my arousal my thoughts caused, what for me an enormous erection, what's more I spent half the morning trying to trap my four inch twig under my belt so it wouldn’t notice when I got up to move around the floor. Sadly every time I stood up it failed and I had to sit down again before I embarrassed myself.
At about ten thirty the Botswanan Pula decided to tank on the rumours of a war in the region and at last I had something to report upstairs. Contacting my boss, Josh Freeman, I apprised him of the event and gave him some advice on the ramifications for Africa, and the Chinese Yuan given that half of that continent is being dug up by the little men from Peking. This lull in my daydreaming and my priapic state was a blessing as I could at last go down stairs to the bank’s commodities trading floor and see my best friend Alan.
Alan and I have been friends since we were at college together and many people have remarked over the years that, were it not for my dark hair and his fair, we could have been mistaken for brothers. Like me, Alan is slightly built, a little reserved (some say self-effacing) and bookish; we are also season ticket holders for Charlton Athletic who are a football team, it has to be said who have seen their glory days pass. What is more, like me Alan has a lovely young Wife called Maddy (Madeline) who is also a very good friend to Elaine – as thick as thieves I would tend to describe those two beauties. Unlike Elaine however, Maddy was expecting a happy event which was starting to show on her sexy little body already.
Alan , as usual, was up to his arse in commodities (in this case cocao, zinc and wheat prices) but, typically of the best guy I know in this world, he waved me over with a smile and sat me down next to his desk and let me watch him trade twenty million dollars worth of ‘stuff’ in less than two minutes – it was a normal trading day. We sat and chatted while his fingers flew across his keyboard as he made millions for people he’d ever met so consequently I spent a little more time with Alan than I should have done but I had to make sure that he was going to do what he asked. “You’re on night cover on Wednesday aren’t you?” I asked.
“Yeah! What of it? Do you want to swap?” was his reply, but I could see he was intrigued because everybody at the bank hates night cover. It is incredibly boring to watch trading figures all night but I guess that it has to be done, by someone else preferably.
“No! But I want you to do something for me.” At first he looked curious and then, when I did not explain further, he agreed. That’s what mates do and I knew that he wouldn’t let me down. And that was the first part of my plan confirmed.
As I went back upstairs I recall thinking to myself, ‘Elaine and I must invite them round to drink to their happy event.’ Little did I know that future social gathering would change my life in ways I could have never envisaged, but enough of that later.
At lunchtime that day, back in my aroused state, I accessed my Amazon Prime account and made a purchase for next day delivery. Part two of my plan was now set in motion.
Eventually even the most aroused ‘little chap’ has to diminish and shrink so I was able to get on with my work for the rest of the day with only the occasional return to the beach in my mind, until it was time to leave to go home. As I strode through the entrance atrium to the building Alan caught up with me and, as we catch the same buses, we immediately got into conversation.
“Maddy tells me that you had both planned to go to Wittles Bay yesterday. Did you go? How was it?” It was an innocent enquiry but as I looked at Alan I could sense there was something behind it; it wasn’t quite a loaded question but I felt that there was more to it than just interest.
“It was quite secluded,” I responded, still a little curious about the question, “but it was very nice. And the weather was warm too. Have you been there as well Alan?”
“Yes! Last year.” And that was that. No further illumination on Wittles Bay, or as Jackson called it – ‘Snowflake Beach.’ The remainder of our bus journey consisted of discussions about the uselessness of the Charlton Goalkeeper and the four to nil drubbing we received in the last FA Cup game – we have a lot of such sad conversations Alan and I.
That Monday evening was as normal as a Monday night could be. I made supper – Elaine showered and got ready for bed – I then showered and she cleared away the dishes. Like many bored couples we watched television for a while and, riveted as we were to the spectacle of posh actors pretending to be ‘Gor Blimey’ Cockneys, we then went upstairs for the night. All so very normal that is, until Elaine eased herself on top of me and then, with very little encouragement from her, my ‘cotton reel’ resurrected itself and as if it had a will of its own it slid inside my lovely Wife’s vagina. Not that I had anything to do with it of course.
Elaine very quickly got into the swing of it and started to grind her pelvis on top of my own meagre offering below. Gently at first but then with more enthusiastic movements of her hips she rotated herself on my own groin moving my penis like a tiny shrimp caught in a tidal wave. Backwards – forwards – side to side while at the same time grating her clitoris over my pubic area until she started to moan with pleasure. ‘What again? She’s changed since yesterday. She’s insatiable. Of course she has you idiot – she has a Lover who has stirred up her appetite for sex.’ Such were my thoughts as my Wife took her pleasure, and all this without a word being said by her or me; it was if my wants and wishes had been assumed and I had no input into the process other than to be in attendance and provide the equipment.
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Taking her pleasure of cuckold. |
“That was nice Jimmy,” she whispered in my ear, “but I need that sophisticated tongue of yours. You’re so damn good with it.” With her breasts either side of my nose I couldn’t reply so I had no choice but to nod my assent, at which she reached down behind her and, while covering her pussy with her hand, she allowed my penis to slip out of her like a small slippery burst balloon. Kneeling upright, Elaine shuffled up the bed and squatted over my face with her hand still in place over her vulva while making sure that her own legs had trapped my outstretched arms. “Get to work little hubby of mine,” was her gentle but unmistakeable command, “just like last night. But even better.”
I could not move my head. My face was blissfully trapped between her strong thighs and, even if I had wanted to I could not have done anything to escape – so I didn’t try. With the back of her hand touching the tip of my nose Elaine slowly slid her hand away so revealing her bare pussy just above my mouth. There was no conscious thought and it was by instinct that I opened my mouth and took the warm semen fresh from her vagina over my tongue and into my throat; once again that salty taste filled my mouth and the bleachy smell assailed my nostrils. ‘I know what you are doing Elaine,’ I thought to myself, ‘you’re preparing me. Is this where my training starts or has it already begun?’
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Training her cuckold. |
Her soft spoken words broke through my deliberations. “You like that don’t you Little Jimmy.” ‘Little Jimmy? Who the f**k is that? Not me surely. I’m called James don’t you know. Where the hell and back is this going?’ “I always thought you would and I have never been wrong about you have I.” She was right of course, I did like it. Many would see it as demeaning and unmanly and so did I, but at the risk of sounding crass – I was getting a taste for it.
Elaine was clearly taking control and I knew the reason why; our marriage was heading off into a new direction and she was preparing the way by introducing changes that I had never considered. She was testing me to see how I would react to additional love making practices that she had now introduced and I couldn’t but help feeling that it was all part of her plan. And I couldn’t wait to see what she was going to do tomorrow night.
For the next twenty minutes all I could taste was my own ejaculate and all that I could feel was Elaine’s delicious pussy sawing backwards and forwards across my face and nose as my tongue delved deep into her vagina at every chance I had. Gradually she started to moan with excitement as her movements became more and more erratic; so knowing the signs that I have seen so many times I frantically got to work on her clitoris with my tongue, from which I was rewarded with her achieving an explosive and noisy orgasm that could have been heard by Jack, Sheila and their lodger Mr Obinga – our neighbours.
“Oh you’ve done it again with that lovely tongue of yours. My God you’re getting good at this.” She cooed into my ear. “You’re like my own little personal Roman slave. Did you know that the rich ladies of Rome had a body slave for just that purpose? To give them pleasure when their husbands or lovers were away fighting the ‘Whatever Tribe’, or maybe after a night in his bed. They were usually pretty young eunuchs with long noses and tongues who never left the Domina’s side – chained to her like a little dog they were. Completely naked with collar and lead. The sole purpose of their life was to pleasure their owner. Just think what that must have been like.”
Rolling off me with a sigh of satisfaction Elaine snuggled up to me and buried her head into my neck. “You liked that didn’t you my little slave.” she giggled. “Didn’t you!” she repeated when I didn’t answer. “Didn’t you Jimmy!”
“Ow! That hurt Elaine,” I cried as she jammed her sharp finger nails into my flaccid little penis, “yes, I guess I did.” ‘Quite a lot actually my little bossy unfaithful Wife. I always like serving you intimately. But you already know this so why the interrogation?’
“And what about being a body slave?” She asked sleepily. “To be chained and used just for pleasure.”
I did not reply immediately but lay there in the dark confused by what she had said and the thought of being a body slave to a beautiful woman, and to my surprise my little man started to stiffen and raise his small pink head. He was telling me that I had liked what Elaine had done to me and what I had heard from those soft red lips of hers; but was ‘pinky’ telling me my future? “That would be rather nice,” I said quietly in the dark to the sound of light snoring by my side, “at least I would know what I am supposed to be in this life. Because after yesterday at the beach, I am as sure as shit that I don’t know anymore.”
Friday, May 19, 2023
My cuckold shorts
“I know that you like me being used like a whore by him, but even me, slut that I am, can see that I am not over dressed. Now stop being a stupid cuckold and let him in the front door, and don’t forget to kneel before him and beg him to f*ck me as you always do!”
"Yes Mistress!"
Thursday, May 18, 2023
My cuckold shorts
When her hubby sees her dressed for a date, he knows that her Black Master is going to enjoy unrestricted access to her ever welcoming body - just as he has so many times before.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
The way it should be
When his Wife submits to the power and pleasures of her Black Master, her cuckold hubby will know that she will willingly open her legs wide. It was ever thus.
Sunday, May 14, 2023
My cuckold shorts
Clearly this happy wife understands the rearrangement of the old saying - ‘A cock in each hand is as good as one in her bush’.
Saturday, May 13, 2023
"Of course I will marry you."
"Of course I will marry you."
"And your fiancée Do you think he will agree?"
"Gerald said, only last week, that now we have made plans to start a family, that we should formalise our relationship."
"Do you think he would he agree to a cuckold wedding?"
"I suppose it would have to be, now I have agreed to marry you too."
"And what about chastity? Would he accept wearing a cage on his penis for the rest of his married life?"
Friday, May 12, 2023
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Wedding cuckold
"Yes Master! And when she bears your child I shall be so grateful."
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
The way it should be
A true cuckold knows that there is nothing he can do to stop his Wife's seduction and impregnation by a real man. But why should he try to prevent something so natural and beautiful.
Sunday, May 7, 2023
My cuckold shorts
When you watch your young Wife and her Lover together you know that some things are meant to be. And that there is no question who is the father of the child that now grows peacefully inside her, because that is all a true cuckold can expect.
Saturday, May 6, 2023
He really is such a nice man
'He really is such a nice man and I have never regretted marrying him. His lovemaking in our marriage bed is always tender and gentle and so, so civilized. As I look at John talking animatedly to his friends at this party tonight he seems unaware that his Wife is looking at him now and finding fault with someone so perfect.
What would I give for a big handsome Lover who would rip the clothes from my body, throw me on the bed, get between my legs and thrust his big member deep into me and keep it there all night. Oh for a big Black Stud who would make me his Mistress and take me like a whore whenever he wants me.
But what would John say if I asked him to loosen our marriage vows and let me take a Lover. Most men that I have met recently have made it pretty clear that it wouldn’t take me long to find one, in fact it has been obvious to me that the right man would find me pretty quickly.
Maybe I should talk to John tonight and tell him that I want to cuckold him, and if I put my idea the right way I am pretty sure that he would say yes. He might not like it at first, but as I look at him now, I am certain he would eventually accept the fact of me being in another man’s arms and his bed. Who knows, …………..
…… he may get to enjoy the very idea of it as much as I do.'