Part Five
I sat alone for a while in the bar where every couple were
dancing until it became clear to me that Clare's interest in my cuckold
transition had been taken over by her desire to press her lovely young body
against her Black Master as they moved slowly together on the dance floor. It
was time for me to leave and think about what we had discussed in the quiet of
the hotel suite balcony - with a bottle of Karavitakis of course.
Susan, my lovely Wife, was out on a date with Raoul who was clearly
wanting to take their newly found friendship and attraction to a much more
intimate level. It was obvious to everybody, including me, that Susan was
wanting the same thing but I could tell that something was holding her back -
me and our two wonderful children that were asleep in their own little
I had made a pact with her last summer to let her have a
Lover if she had wanted one and had described the idea as 'My Replacement'. It
had been my idea which, at the time, I had thought was unlikely to be
fulfilled, that is until we met Raoul, a big and handsome Black Man. It was now
time to make good on that promise, but how?
Clare had talked about her husband's inclinations when she
and Marcus make love. Could I do those things? It was true that I had helped
Susan to prepare for her date tonight and, if I am honest, the thought of
another man inspecting my handiwork had excited me. I had advised her on the
lingerie she should wear for her date and had felt proud when I had seen the
look of appreciation in Raoul's eyes when she and I had walked up to him.
But what of 'cleaning' Raoul's salty cream from Sue's labia
after he had ejaculated into her. Clare had said that a cuckold was not
entitled to reject what his own Wife was happy to receive inside her and I had
to admit that she had a point; so when (if?) the time comes I decided that I
would make that sacrifice to my sense of manliness. Who knows, I may even enjoy
And what of serving her Master. She had said that sexuality
had nothing to do with it and maybe she's right. 'Reviver' she had described
the action of the cuckold taking his Master's manhood in his mouth to get him
hard again. I had never done such a thing before. The very thought of having
sex with another man has always repulsed me, but would I be having sex?
'Servitude' she had called it, but I thought submission was a better way of
describing such an act. If I were to do this with him, in order to harden his
member so as to slide back into my own Wife, wouldn't that make me more of a
slave. And am I ready to be my Wife and her Lover's sex slave? The very thought
of it should have revolted me, but it did not; interestingly, the idea made
sense to me. At least that way I would feel part of the process, and not just
an abandoned husband.
Clare had led me to believe that Clive, her husband, loved
the life he lives as a cuckold and there was no reason for me to think
otherwise. She had also told me the night before that he had enjoyed being
humiliated when she had gone for sale in the White Mistress Auctions. Was this
the product of an overheated imagination by my new pretty brown-haired
adulterous friend? After the revelation that Susan's boyfriend before we had
married had been an older Black Man who had 'Owned' her, was this just a dream?
I needed to use my imagination about how I would feel about
the physical aspects of Susan's affair with Raoul. Earlier, on the beach, I had
visualized Susan and Raoul (or should I say - My Wife and her Master) kissing
while sat just a few feet away from me; my reaction had confused me to say the
least. My own emotions were conflicted between outrage and excitement, even so
the picture in my mind's eye seemed so right and so natural.
... the picture, in my mind's eye seemed so right and so natural. |
It was about one o'clock when I heard Susan and Raoul arrive
at the door to our room, and just like the night before, I put my eye up to the
door spy-hole. They were kissing!
It wasn't just a 'thank you for a nice evening' kiss - it
was an unmissable 'I want you inside me' kiss. Her message to him was
unmistakable as their tongues mashed together inside their mouths, her breasts
pressed against his wide manly chest and her hips ground against his in
response to his big brown hands kneading her soft round arse. And Raoul knew
exactly what she was telling him.
"You know,'" he said after they had both come up
for air, "if you still have doubts about David's commitment to your
agreement, you can test him."
"How can I do that My Love?" she asked.
'My Love?' How did that happen? When did Raoul stop
being a handsome date, to her 'Love?' I thought, suddenly feeling very
Raoul reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet
bag which he held out for her to take. Inside was a small chain and pendant
that she held out to view for just a few minutes.
"Tell David that you want to take us to the next level,
and if he accepts the prospect of you and I becoming Lovers, then he should
hang this around your neck when we meet for our next date," he replied.
"And if he won't do it Master?"
'Master Now? This whole thing is moving faster than I had
thought,' was my reaction.
"Then we will know he's not ready to accept that is
Wife wants to have a relationship with another man," he replied.
"And if he does," Susan said as she looked
carefully at the medallion, smiling at the black and white 'ace of spades’
pattern on its surface.
Raoul leaned forward and pressed his lips gently to her
forehead as he replied, "then he will know that your now my Lady."
She kissed him back, on the lips, and replied, "I can't
wait to be yours Master. I can't think of anything I want more than to lie
naked with you in your bed."
'I wonder what her answer will be when I ask her if she
is attracted to him,' I thought sardonically as I looked at the pair
of 'soon to be' Lovers through the spy-hole.
Whatever her answer, it was obvious that Susan was going to
take me up on my offer, and have a 'holiday fling' with the large and well-hung
Black Man. As Clare had been so clear in our conversations - it was not a
matter of 'if', but 'when'; and I had a decision to make - again.
It was ten minutes later when Susan opened the door to the
hotel suite whilst at the same time blowing a kiss to Raoul as he was departing
to go to his own room somewhere across the other side of the hotel complex. Her
face was flushed with pleasure and her eyes shone with that unmistakable look
that comes over a Woman’s face when she is falling in love; a mixture of
tenderness, desire and lust was there for me to see. And it was time for me to
talk to her - properly this time.
“You know,” I said as she eased the skirt down her long
lovely legs, “you never did tell me exactly what you and Raoul were discussing
when you went for your swim yesterday. Or what you were talking about on the
raft earlier today.”
“The kids,” she replied, “but mostly about you.”
“The kids?” I asked, suddenly very worried.
“Yes! We discussed just how they would react if I had a more
intense relationship with him.”
“Intense relationship?” I exclaimed, but not wholly
surprised. “Do you mean what I think you mean?”
“Do you mean what I think you mean?” |
“Do I have to spell it out for you,” Sue replied as she
threw her blouse onto a nearby chair and undid her bra to expose her beautiful
milk white breasts to the evening air.
“I think you should. Just so we know where we are with this
agreement of ours,” I replied - dreading the next part of the conversation.
Just why I was so much in trepidation of what she was about to say didn’t make
sense. It was me who had arranged for this moment - by myself and no one else.
But a part of me was still nervous about what she was about to say.
“Raoul wants to have an affair with me. To take it to the
next level. He wants to be my Lover.”
“And you? what do you want Sue?” I asked - again feeling
that apprehension that any husband would feel when his Wife tells him that
another man wants her.
“You already know the answer to that David,” she replied,
“because you have been watching us through the spy-hole in the door and
listening in to our conversation. Twice!”
My own face must have coloured in embarrassment and Susan
saw it, and came in for the kill.
“Of course I bloody want to,” she continued, “I want to be
his and lie naked on the bed, open my legs and offer him my body. I want to
feel his big brown manhood ease itself into me and claim me as his own. I want
to call him Master and be his loving Mistress and welcome his hot eruptions
into my vagina. There! So now you know.”
"Well that's pretty clear," I remarked coolly,
while doing my very best to not betray my shock at her very explicit words; and
we both knew that my beautiful and loving Wife meant every word of them.
Susan slid her warm body into bed next to me and instead of
going straight to sleep, she kept her eyes open looking up at the ceiling. We
remained silent with our thoughts, holding hands to maintain some degree of
intimacy, but apart nevertheless. It was Susan who broke the silence.
"I will stop seeing Raoul if you are getting cold feet
about me having a fling with him," she said quietly into the darkened air
conditioned room.
"You're making it my decision," I replied.
"That's unfair!"
"I know! - Sorry! But Raoul and me need
certainty," Sue said into the darkness above her."
"About me?"
"About you and the kids."
"The kids won't be a problem - I'll just tell them that
Raoul is lonely because his Ladyfriend couldn't come on holiday, and that you
are keeping him company."
"Estelle, you mean?"
"Very funny," Sue said, "and what else did
Clare tell you?"
"She told me about penis cages and other 'cuckoldy
things'," I replied noncommittally.
"What else?"
"She told me about Paul."
"Wow!" she exclaimed. "You two have been
talking. You knew I wasn't a virgin when we picked up again after college -
"We never talked about him much Sue, but I always
thought he was a fellow student. A little like me. Small, nerdy and, ...... and
"He was Nigerian," Sue said, "and I didn't
think race and colour mattered to you."
"It didn't and it still doesn't. You know that, but
it's not the whole story is it," I said.
I could sense her amusement in the darkness of the bedroom.
"Go on. What else did Clare tell you?"
"Paul was not just your Boyfriend was he. He was an
older man - a lecturer. He was your Master," I replied.
"That's right Dear," Susan replied, stifling a
yawn, "I was his pretty White Mistress and he gave me the best loving a
young woman could ever have. And I made sure that his efforts in our bed were
doubly rewarded. Paul and I did things to each other that would make your hair
curl, what's left of it. I spent the whole three years in college at lectures
or hopping into Paul's big bed. By the time I graduated I was the epitome of
the 'Black Owned Mistress'. Believe me, there was no part of Paul's lovely
black body where my tongue hadn't explored, and I lost count of the number of
times his great big ......"
"Okay! Okay! I get the picture," I snapped.
"Well then," Sue said, "You have a decision
to make about your 'Replacement'. And that medallion he gave me."
There was silence in the room until she continued. "You
did see it through the spy-hole didn't you?"
"Of course I did."
The following morning, Susan and I made our way to the
children's pool and after copious amounts of Factor 50 suncream had been
smeared on every exposed part of the kids we settled down to enjoy the sun and
a rest on our beds. I had drifted off to sleep for a while when I was awoken by
Susan's, "Oh Hi!" greeting to someone. It was Raoul.
As I opened my eyes, I saw him crouching down at the end of
my sunbed, but his eyes were firmly fixed on Sue's appreciable assets, encased
in a multi coloured bikini.
"Hey you guys," he said, tearing his gaze away
from her lovely breasts to somewhere between us both, "I'm going to hire a
small boat from the marina next door and keep it for the rest of the holiday.
How do you fancy taking some trips to the beaches up the coast and maybe some snorkelling
with the kids."
"Oh that would be lovely Raoul," Susan exclaimed
before I could reply.
I smiled and said, "terrific!", but I couldn't
help thinking that it was just another way of ensuring his almost assured
seduction of my Wife. Nevertheless, my unenthusiastic reply didn't discourage
him from turning his attention onto me.
"I'll just go and see what the kids are up to,"
Susan said as she raised herself from her sunbed and stood close - very close -
to Raoul, "and let you two boys have a chat."
"Isn't she wonderful," Raoul remarked as we both
watched her walk towards the Children's Pool; both of us so very aware of her
pretty arse moving sweetly beneath her bikini bottoms.
"I know," I replied tersely; I was not going to
make it easy for him - why should I have done - he wanted my Wife after all.
Raoul seemed to sense this and made anodyne conversation
about the hot weather and the hotel itself; so I waited patiently for him to
come to the point.
"Susan has said that she would like to go on another
date with me tonight David," he said while looking directly into my eyes,
"we are becoming quite close."
"I see," I replied, staring right back at him.
"She also told me that you and her have come to an ......,"
he paused, uncertain how to continue.
"Arrangement?" I said, to complete his sentence
for him.
"That's right," he confirmed, " I think you
call it 'My Replacement'. Is that correct?"
"Then I should tell you that I hold Susan in very high
regard, and wouldn't do anything to harm her in any way," he said
"Thank you for saying that Raoul," I replied,
"but I am beginning to learn that my Wife can look after herself in such
I was beginning to sound like the bank executive that I was.
"Even so David," he replied, "if Susan and I
are to get as close as we both would like, then it's essential that you acquiesce
to our relationship."
"Was that a smart way of saying that I should agree to
let you have sex with my Wife?"
"Yes," he replied immediately - undeterred by my
crude interpretation, "but it won't feel right if you don't show us both
that you are comfortable with the arrangement. It was your own idea after
"I understand Raoul," I said. "So it's all
down to me being content in my cuckolding."
His head shot up at the word 'cuckolding'. "That's
pretty much it David," he said as he touched me on the arm in a friendly
gesture, "but you are not the first, nor will you be the last. I guess it
all boils down to how happy you want Susan to be."
Just as the days before, I had taken the kids back to their
air-conditioned room for a sleep after their exertions in the children's pool.
Susan had agreed to accompany Raoul to the marina to offer her inexpert advice
on boats and I, as was now the routine, sat on the balcony of our suite with a
cold beer.
It was about an hour later that a thirty foot shiny white
pleasure-craft exited the entrance to the marina and traversed across the sea
five hundred yards from the hotel beach front. From that distance I could see
that it was Raoul at the wheel but I couldn't see Susan; that is until he
turned the wheel and the boat turned. Susan was with him after all and the look
on her face was one of pure happiness. And why wouldn't she be happy? My Wife
was letting him see just what he was hoping to enjoy that night.
My Wife was letting him see just what he was going to enjoy that very night. |
The boat turned again towards the channel between the two
islands that were about a mile from the hotel beach; slowly the shiny white
craft disappeared from view with my (all but) naked Wife and her potential
Lover alone to spend a nice afternoon together.
Two hours later the kids were back in the pool causing
mischief and I was on my sunbed. Ten minutes after that, Raoul and Susan
returned looking happy as they held hands like two young Lovers. Raoul kissed
her on the cheek before he left.
"Hi," she said to me as she lowered herself down
on to the sunbed. "How are the kids?"
"They're fine," I replied - my voice shaking
nervously before I asked, "Did you have a nice time with Raoul?"
She knew exactly what I was asking. I was asking if they had
sealed my fate; had they made love and had Susan cuckolded me with her new
Black Lover.
"Raoul found a deserted beach, so we went 'skinny
dipping' together," she replied, while smearing another layer of sun cream
on her arms and neck.
I felt vulnerable and nervous, but I had to ask my next
question. "He has seen you fully naked," I said in a shaking voice.
"Oh don't be so silly David, we did nothing
wrong," Sue said dismissively.
"Well you weren't exactly overdressed when you were on
the boat," I said sarcastically, "that tiny bikini bottom you were
wearing must have been unbearably constricting."
She laughed and said nothing as more suncream was applied to
her long lovely legs. But needed to ask the question that was vexing me more
than anything I had ever experienced before.
"Have you cuckolded me with Raoul?"
Susan didn't even stop rubbing as she replied, "No!
That particular decision is yours to make. We discussed this - didn't we?"
"But you want to - don't you."
"I've already said so," she said as she lay down
on the bed to warm herself in the sun, "it's all down to you now."
The rest of the afternoon was spent playing with the kids
and just generally being the happy little family we are. Ice creams were
consumed, sun cream reapplied and tiny squabbles settled by their beautiful Mum
and gentle Dad; but for all that I felt that our lives had changed. For the
good or bad remained to be seen.
"When I've had my shower David," Sue said, after
we finished settling the kids down to sleep, "it would be nice if you
could help me get dressed."
"To make you look nice for Raoul - just like last
night?" I asked.
"Of course Dear," was her answer. "You did
like doing so, didn't you?"
She knew the answer to the question before she asked it, so
it was no surprise to either of us when I replied, "It was a strange
feeling, but I was proud of you when you walked with me to meet him."
Sue smiled and, ruffling my hair, she said, "Good boy!
But there is another matter that we have discussed. Isn't there!"
I knew immediately what she had been talking about; it was
the ace-of -spades pendant that Raoul had given her to wear.
"It's a big step Sue," I replied as she stepped
naked out of her bikini that lay on the shower room floor, "and I have to
be sure that it's the right thing for us."
She stopped still for a second before stepping into the
shower and turned on the hot water, clearly thinking about what to say next but
decided against.
"Okay!" she replied noncommittally, but the frown
on her face told another story.
Later, after I had dressed, Susan was still sat naked at the
dressing table arranging her hair; and the pendant was sat on the table top by
her right hand.
"David," she said, looking around at me standing
patiently waiting patiently for her to finish (don't we all?), "could you
get my long red dress out of the cupboard please."
"Of course Dear," I replied, "and what
lingerie shall I lay out for you?"
"It's very warm again tonight Dear," she said,
"so just that nice little red thong will be okay."
"And bra?"
"Not tonight David. I don't think I shall need
The dress was made of a very thin material that clung to her
body and revealed almost everything underneath. Her intention was clear; my
Wife was going on her date with her breasts free under her dress, and everybody
would see just how beautiful her private places are. She was shameless, and I
was aware that I was aroused by the thought. And I knew what I was going to do
Susan had finished her hair and makeup and stood naked
before me. I opened out the thin elasticated ribbon that passed for panties and
knelt silently before her as she placed each foot into the open leg holes and
waited for me to lift the flimsy and tiny thong up her long legs.
It was silent in the room as I pulled up the postage stamp
sized cover over her labia. It was an intimate moment between a husband and his
Wife whose lives were setting out on new journey. Was I saying goodbye when I
eased forward and planted a tender kiss on her mons. Her reaction was, for less
than a second, to push gently on the back of my head to press my lips harder
onto her panty crotch. It was a tender moment full of significance for us both
- and we both knew it.
She eased her arms up through the dress that I held out for
her and, after shaking the material down her almost naked body, I succeeded to
tie the silky cord fastener around her neck with shaking fingers.
'This will be very easy to undo,' I thought. 'I wonder
if it is deliberate.'
Our private minute came to a very abrupt halt with a knock
on our suite door. It was Ariana our baby-sitter and it was time for me to
accompany my Wife to her second date with Raoul.
Susan looked meaningfully at me as she turned for the door
and I couldn't help noticing her glance towards the small pendant and chain
that remained on the dressing table. She said nothing but her disappointment
was written clearly across her face.
Together we walked in silence down the corridor towards the
lift (elevator). I could tell that her dismay at not wearing the 'ace of
spades' was annoying her but I didn't care, because I had a plan of my own.
I stopped and felt in my pocket in pretence of looking for
the plastic room key. "Wait here a couple of minutes please Sue," I
said, ignoring her exasperated look, "I've forgotten my key. I'll have to
go back."
Ariana opened the door to my knock and I went in to get what
I needed, and was back beside Sue by the lift within less than a minute.
"Sorry about that," I said weakly.
"S'alright!" was her very short reply.
All eyes were upon us and the talking stopped as we walked
into the bar. Had the word got around the hotel guests and staff that a husband
was delivering his Wife to another man as his date? It was obvious that they
had guessed that something was happening between the pretty blond Wife and the
big handsome Black Man.
Jealous eyes from most of the Women in the bar immediately
spotted the look of Love on her face as we approached the large man who stood
waiting patiently for his prospective bed partner. Their husbands and
boyfriends appreciatively took in the sight of the bouncing breasts and rolling
arse cheeks beneath the thin dress and knew instinctively that this Lady was
wanting a real man to take her to heaven with his big member. And they never
looked at me - thankfully.
Raoul's smile was genuine as we approached, but the
momentarily narrowing of his eyes told us both of his disappointment that the
pendant was not around her neck. As soon as it was there, it was gone, like it
should for all gentlemen.
Susan walked up to him, melted into his embrace and kissed
him passionately on the lips. And I stood aside as they broke the kiss and
leaned back to look into each other's eyes.
Over her head, Raoul looked at me and said, "thank you
for bring Susan to me David. And thank you for helping her dress for her date
with me tonight."
"You're welcome," I replied, my voice shaking with
emotion, "but I forgot something."
Susan turned towards me, still within his arms, and said,
"what is it David?"
"This!" I replied as I removed the 'Ace of Spades'
pendant from my pocket.