My Replacement - Part Seven
I'm a cuckold! There's no escaping the fact now. Susan had
spent the night in another man's bed and had given herself to a big, strong and
well hung Black Man called Raoul. It had been my big and bright idea although I
hadn't believed in my heart that she would do it, so why wasn't I in fits of
anger, tears and recriminations with my Wife? And why, when she had returned in
the morning, had I lay beneath her with an erect 'little man' as she treated me
to the taste of her Lover's semen?
Susan had been tired (unsurprisingly) after a night without
too much sleep whereas I, who hadn't slept either, was wide awake, so it was me
who woke the kids, made sure they washed and went down to breakfast without too
many upsets. Their questions were answered with a short, 'Mummy's tired, so
you've got me,' reply and they seemed happy enough even if their hair was
straggly and their clothes were the same they had on the day before. They were
even happier when we walked straight past the Children's pool and down to the
I found three sunbeds and an umbrella and after applying
thick layers of 'Factor Fifty' I let them run free along the water's edge. Two
hours had gone by, punctuated by water and pee breaks, when out of the corner
of my eye I saw Raoul standing nearby, and he was looking our way.
'Is it acceptable for a husband to wave a greeting to a his
Wife's new Lover'? I thought. 'And what is the right protocol for such moments.
Clearly I am out of my depth?'
I waved; as did Jenni, but Tom was too interested in building
a sandcastle to bother.
"Hi!" he said as he ducked under the umbrella,
"I see that you're in charge."
"Hi!" I replied, pointing to a nearby sunbed for
him to sit on. "Sue needed to catch up on some sleep, so it's down to me
this morning."
Raoul nodded and said nothing in reply but just looked out
to sea. He wanted to talk but clearly hadn't decided just how to approach the
subject - so I made up his mind for him.
"So how was my Wife in your bed last night?" I
asked quietly so the kids couldn't hear.
He nodded his head and smiled slightly, as if in
confirmation of something. And I knew exactly what it was; everything was going
his way - even his new Lover's husband.
"Susan was perfect David," he replied, "very
enthusiastic, very loving and..... er ...... very giving. Even the shower we
had together this morning was a wonderfully sensuous pleasure."
"Even the shower we had together this morning was a wonderfully sensuous pleasure." |
"That's good to know," I commented, remembering
how clean her pussy had smelled prior to his ejaculate sliding down my throat.
I also thought that my comment could be taken as sarcasm, but Raoul didn't
"You would be surprised David just at the number of
husbands who have asked that question of their Wife's Lover. And just how many
are happy to hear that she has pleased her Master," he replied.
"If you had said that to me three days ago I would have
thought you were insane. Now, after talking to Clare, I know different," I
responded. But Raoul wasn't finished.
"So how do you feel when I tell you that Susan and I
had a wonderful night together? How do you react to the very thought of her
lying naked under me as I enter her with my big rod? Does the vision of your
Wife's beautiful body on view to me give you a feeling of pride or inadequacy?
Are you happy for her, or do you feel pangs of jealousy or cuckold angst?"
He was right to ask the question. It had been a tortuous
night for me, knowing that Susan was in Raoul's bed but as I sat there silently
considering my answer I knew that there was a part of me that found the whole
'cuckold' way of life as something to be embraced. It was a 'Love' thing!
Susan wanted Raoul so it was up to me to absent myself and
let passion take its course. He was a strong handsome Black Man, she was my
pretty White Wife and that is what is required of the cuckold.
"Both! All of it," I exclaimed in sudden
realisation that I was experiencing nature in all of its terrible beauty.
"It's the Natural Order, isn't it," I continued,
"and I am beginning to realise just what it means and my job in all of
this is to step aside and let the whole cycle of desire take its course. So yes
Raoul! I am content that Susan is having a fling with you and I accept my
cuckolding without 'angst', as you call it."
"That's good to hear David," he replied, "but
what are the children up to?"
I looked up in the direction of the kids and it was clear to
me that they were getting hot, tired and fractious after a couple of hours of
carefully building and then jumping on sand castles to gleefully destroy them.
"You are about to see a side of your new Lover that
even you could not have guessed at Raoul," I said smugly.
"What's that?"
"It's called 'Mumdar'. It's that natural Mother
instinct and they all have it. I left Susan soundly asleep when I left the room
but I can guarantee that she will be here within the next ten minutes. She will
wake up, brush her hair, dress quickly and be down here to sort those two
out," I explained to a suddenly less than confident lover.
"And your point is?"
"My guess is that all of your Mistresses have been
pretty white Wives with just a little cuckolded hubby and no other obligations.
Am I right?" I asked.
"You are," he replied. "And your theory
"You have been used to complete and unreserved access
to a devoted sweet young thing who wants nothing more than to be in your bed
with her legs open."
"... a devoted sweet young thing who wants nothing more than to be in your bed with her legs open." |
"Correct!" he responded as he smiled in his
recollections of warm passionate nights, but nevertheless waited patiently for
me to continue; it was something I was beginning to like about this big Black
Man who had already spent the night with my Wife - he didn't interrupt.
"Well Susan is a different prospect altogether because
she has deep commitments who she cares for deeply," I said pointing at my
two squabbling children. "She is the complete woman. She is a beautiful,
warm hearted, passionate, kind, funny, a wonderful mother and, like all the
very best of Women, occasionally vulnerable."
There was a moment of silence between us before he responded
with a reply that left me in no doubt about how this holiday was going to play
"And that is why I want her David," he said, just
as Susan swept down onto the beach in bikini and flowing beach wrap to separate
Jenni and Tom and march them both by the arm over to where Raoul and I sat.
She smiled warmly at Raoul and scowled at me. "Didn't
you see what they were getting up to David? Can't I leave them with you
I took my bollocking like the good husband that I am, and I
just sat there on the sunbed looking over at a highly amused and smiling Raoul
as she took five minutes to list everything that I had done wrong that morning.
"And why are they in those dirty clothes," she
finally asked.
I shrugged and said, "Well things were a a bit
different this morning, weren't they? And we didn't want to disturb you."
She took my point and calmed down enough to turn to Raoul
and quietly say, "Good morning Master."
I was startled and realised that she had said it just loud
enough for me to hear but not at sufficient volume for the kids, who were
sitting a few feet away, to make out what she was saying.
"And what were you two talking about?" she asked -
turning to me for the answer.
"I asked Raoul how much he enjoyed you in his bed last
night," I replied honestly as Jenni and Tom scampered back to the water's
edge to start some more mischief.
"I see!" she said as she reached for Raoul's hand
to give it a gentle squeeze.
"Raoul also told me that he wants you."
Susan's face coloured as she turned to him - her eyes
searching eagerly for his. "You want me?" she asked, her voice
slightly quivering.
"Yes!" There was no tremble in Raoul's reply.
I was a mere bit-part player in this developing declaration
of want and desire between my Wife and her new Lover. Her 'Master', as she had
called him - in front of me - her husband.
Her smile was tender and affectionate as she replied,
"Whenever you want me Master, I'm yours."
And turning to me she asked, "do you understand what
this means David?"
"I guess that I will need to find out exactly what
being a cuckold means," I replied.
"Clare tells me that she has been in conversation with
you on this very subject," Raoul said.
"She has," I replied, "but it's easier to
talk about it than do it."
"Well you certainly managed 'it' this morning
David," Susan said with a sly little smile on her lovely face.
Raoul then cut off that string of conversation by suggesting
to me, "we are taking the boat up the coast this afternoon to do some snorkeling,
why don't Susan the kids and you come with us. You can probably talk to Clare
some more then," he suggested.
I knew that I was being manipulated - again, but it was
agreed that we would all meet at the nearby marina after lunch. Although I
don't normally like boats I have to admit that the sea breeze as we skidded
smoothly over the deep blue water was a welcome change from the high
temperatures on the beach.
Raoul, of course, took over the controls and steering while
Marcus stood alongside him talking and joking together. Clare and Susan took
Jenni and made a fuss of her by braiding her hair in the small enclosed cabin
out of the sun. I sat on one of the side seats with Tom chatting together as we
checked the masks, schnorkel tubes and fins.
I had thought that Susan and I had been successful in
keeping her affair with Raoul from the children, but it was Tom who shook me
out of my complacency.
"Dad! Is Raoul Mum's Boyfriend?" he asked
innocently, just as he was adjusting the straps to his own face-mask that we
had bought for him for last year's holiday in Spain.
I froze. 'What the hell?' I thought. 'How do I answer that?'
"Why do you ask me that?" I said.
"It's the way they look at each other."
"They're just friends that's all." I responded
"You know Sarah McIntosh in my class. She sits next to
me when we are at Music," he said.
"Yes," I lied, but I was on nodding terms with her
father, Jack.
"She told me her Mum has a Boyfriend like Raoul."
"Do you mean the same colour?"
"Yeah! His name's Henry and he's her Dad's Boss,"
he replied nonchalantly.
"Well your Mum and Raoul are friends. Would it upset
you he was? Her Boyfriend that is."
"If she likes him and you're happy I think it would be
nice for her. Tunbridge Wells is pretty boring isn't it," he replied
"Christ mate," I said, ruffling his blond hair,
"are you really just six years old."
He laughed as he turned back to the straps on his small-size
rubber fins. "Mum says I have an old head on young shoulders."
"She's right," I agreed, just as Raoul steered the
boat towards a small rocky island and into a secluded cove with a tiny sand
beach and some promising rocks for lots of fish to view through our masks.
"Let's go snorkeling,' I said.
Raoul had chosen the beach well. The sand was clean, the
water was clear and there were plenty of fish to look at as we swam in the
little blue heaven just a few miles up the coast from the hotel.
"Susan and I found it yesterday and thought it was just
right for our privacy," he told me as he carried Jenni on his shoulders
from the boat through the warm surf and up onto the beach.
"Susan and I found it yesterday and thought it was just right for our privacy," |
An awning was erected for the ladies and Tom and I went into
the sea to start looking for fish. My son, although only six years old, had
been a good swimmer since he was nearly a baby, and I had taught him to snorkel
at a villa we had rented last summer; so we just swam out together in the more
shallow water to the nearby rocks.
An hour later we were sat under the awning talking about the
fish we had seen when Clare joined us from the boat. "High you two, did
you have a nice swim," she asked.
"Brilliant!" we replied together, and laughed.
"That's nice," Clare replied and sat down beside
me, "but your Mum has taken Jenni back on the boat Tom and she wants you
to get out of the sun too."
I watched Tom swim out to the boat and climb aboard before I
spoke. "I am assuming that you want to talk to me."
"Well Susan really does want Tom back on board,"
she said, "but yes! I do want a quick word. More like an invite
"Invite! To what?"
"How would you like some proper cuckold training?"
"Training?" I said, feeling an emotional rush even
as I asked the question.
"Initiation is a better way of describing it," she
said; her eyes twinkling in amusement.
"What kind of initiation?"
"Humiliation! Degradation! Depravity! Servitude!
Unmanning! All of the lovely wet and sticky things that a good cuckold seeks in
his desire to express his devotion to his Wife and Master," she said.
"You make it sound so gratifying," I remarked
sarcastically, but she didn't rise to the bait.
"Well my husband Clive thinks so. And so might
"Okay," I said to the smiling dark haired beauty
sat in the sand beside me, "I've made the commitment so I had better
accept your 'initiation invitation' hadn't I."
"Good boy!" she exclaimed. "And Susan tells
me you've already started."
"What did she say?"
Clare smiled sweetly again, and said, "She told me that
you were very welcoming this morning. And that's pretty good for a first-time
"Oh! One does one's best."
She giggled at my flippant response; and then said,
"and that's why we want you to come to our suite tonight, after you have
given your Wife to Raoul for the night of course."
We packed up the awning and waded out to the boat together,
and as I followed her lovely little bikini clad arse up the ladder I said,
"I'm not promising anything, but what is your room number."
"Suite 412 cucky-boy and don't be late," was her
Clare was first to the boat's freshwater hose, closely
followed by Susan, who looked poised and fresh in her skimpy bikini.
... Susan, who looked poised and fresh in her skimpy bikini. |
'Just how much swimming has she done?' I asked myself as I
looked across at Raoul who was sitting happily in the captain's seat looking on
appreciatively at my Wife's trim body. 'And where were they when we were
Jenni had been with Clare and Marcus on the beach and Tom
had been snorkeling with me so where had the two Lovers been? Maybe a cuckold
shouldn't ask such questions of his Wife - so I didn't.
"Tom asked me earlier if Raoul is your Boyfriend,"
I said to Susan as we took two sleepy children back to the suite for their
afternoon rest.
"Did he now," she said. "And what did you
"I told him you were just friends," I replied,
"but it didn't seem to surprise him. Apparently one of his class-mate's
Mum has a Boyfriend like Raoul."
"Which one?"
"Sarah McIntosh?"
"Oh her! Abigail McIntosh doesn't have a Black
Boyfriend," Sue responded laughing.
"No! Abigail has a Master and Jack, her hubby, works
for him. She's the Mistress of a very rich African advertising executive,"
she replied.
I felt reluctant to ask the obvious question, but I did.
"Am I going to regret asking you what is the difference between Boyfriend
and Master? I think I know, but I want to hear it from you."
The kids were asleep in their air conditioned room before
Susan turned to me and said, "You have lived a very sheltered life David
and only now are you beginning to realise just what being Black Owned is all
about. I bet that before we came here and I took up with Raoul, you had never
heard of the Natural Order."
"Of course not. But you obviously had," I replied.
"Oh you mean Paul."
"Yes! He was your Lover when you were in college,
wasn't he?"
"Again, you have got the terminology wrong Dave,"
she said in admonition of my naivety, "Paul was my Master. I was his
Submissive Mistress. I belonged to him in every way. I shared his bed from my
first day at college to the day of my graduation after which I came home to
marry you."
"First day? He was a quick worker wasn't he?" I
Susan looked thoughtful and we sat on our suite balcony for
a while, until she said, "he didn't have to seduce me David."
I stopped and she stopped with me. "Sorry! What did you
She looked slightly nervous as she replied, "I was
given to him David. He was going to be my Master before I even went to
"What? You need to explain that to me."
" You've met Harvey haven't you."
I thought for a second and then realised who she was
referring to. Harvey was Sue's Father's golfing buddy.
"You mean your Dad's friend. The guy from
Trinidad," I replied.
"That's him," she replied, "but he's not just
my Dad's friend. He's my Mum's Master too."
I felt a cold draught run through me. "Are you telling
me the saintly Brenda - the cake making, house cleaning and loving Grandma to
Jenni and Tom - has a Black Master?"
"Yes! Her Mother and her Mother too. It's a 'family'
"A tradition?" I suggested weakly, still in shock.
"Sort of," Sue replied, "the female side of
our family have always been the strongest and we have made it our duty to
prepare our daughters for the joys of Black Loving. We have arranged for them
to meet the right man to marry and have organised their Masters for them when
they are old enough to join a Black Lord in his bed."
"Sorry," I said to Susan, who was showing visible
signs of relief at getting all of these secrets off of her pretty chest,
"I'm confused. Arranging for their daughters? What are you talking
"You were my Boyfriend at school weren't you."
I nodded and replied, "I loved you even then."
"I know Dear," Susan said as she took a hold of my
hand, "and I loved you too. Still do and always will! But Mum had already
identified you as my future husband so when you went off to university she arranged,
through Harvey who was a friend of Paul's, for me to be Paul's Mistress at the
college I was going to study at. As far as she was concerned, it was the
perfect arrangement. We would both return from our colleges and then marry -
which we did."
"Brenda must think of me as a complete Numpty," I
said bitterly, "I thought I was being manipulated here, by you and Raoul,
but this pales into insignificance compared to that."
"Mum doesn't think that. She actually likes you but, it
has to be said, she always thought that you would make a good cuckold
husband," Susan replied, "and that's why she encouraged us to
"And you," I said, "do you think I will
be...," I made an air quote with my fingers, "... 'a good cuckold
Susan smiled sweetly back at me and replied, "once we
have a little cage on your penis, I think you will be perfect."
"I'm going to have to wear a contraption on my
"Not just yet Dear," Susan replied, "but
soon. You'll see!"
"And if I say no?"
"Nobody is forcing you to wear one Dave, but trust me.
You will!"
"Nobody is forcing you to wear one Dave, but trust me. You will!" |
"The Natural Order, that's why," she replied as
she stood up and held out her hand to me. I took it willingly.
"Where are we going?"
"To the bathroom. The kids are asleep so I thought that
we could have a special time together. Just you and me. Naked and very
"Well lead on Missus," I said - very much happier
now than the first day we had arrived in Crete.