Tuesday, May 17, 2022

A True Cuckold


This was my first CC presentation that I put together 14 or so years ago on Yahoo Groups. Unfortunately they shut my group ‘Cuckold Connoisseur’ down for a reason I have never understood.  The colour seems to have left it now, originally the background  was a beautiful golden glow.



  1. Thank you for your contribution with amazing cuckold content. I've reached your CC blogspot a few years ago and since then I am a big fan and follow your publications. My favorites are your very detailed and well written cuckold stories, specially "Dear Diary", but I also like captions and short stories as tales from WMA and WMO. Best wishes and thank you again, from a cuckold from Brazil!

  2. Thank you for your very kind comments, but I have to say that when one has lived the 'cuckold's life' then it is easy to write about.
