Chapter Ten - First Steps
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First Steps |
As I looked into the room, my eyes met those of
Elaine and I could see concern in those two beautiful blue orbs. I switched my
view to Jackson and met his look of amused but friendly gaze with my own. Both
were naked and bathed in sweat from their exertions on my bed and the room
smelled of a warm and heady mixture of my Wife's perfume, Jackson's aftershave,
perspiration and semen.
I had never seen Elaine look so beautiful at that moment as she lay there in
that bed with a satisfied and languid look on her that I was unfamiliar with.
Her naked body seemed to exude gratification and contentment that clearly was
to her liking, and my heart skipped a beat as she dropped a hand to her vulva
to stem the flow of Jackson's cream from her vagina.
"Come in James," she repeated in a soft voice, "and talk to
Jackson and me."
"Don't you mean 'Master'." I answered sarcastically as I shuffled
from the doorway and into the room. "Isn't that what I should call the man
who I befriended and is now in bed with my Wife?"
"Not yet Dear." Was her immediate response which I let go for
the moment.
"Oh heavens! You're soaked to the skin and your trousers are all muddy.
You are dripping all over the carpet. What have you been doing?"
I ignored her concern for the moment because it was pretty bloody obvious what
I had been doing, but I had to ask the one thing that would determine the rest
of my life. 'To hell with muddy trousers.' I thought.
"I have only one question and I must have an honest answer." I
stunned myself with the firmness of my voice because inside I was like jelly.
And I didn't want to hear the answer I thought I might receive.
Elaine extended her arm to me to hold my hand but I pulled out of reach. She
saw this and her eyes immediately started to glisten as I had never avoided her
touch before. "What is it James." She spoke in a trembling voice.
"Are you leaving me?"
There! The question was asked and I physically shook like a leaf in the wind as
she wiped her eyes on the corner of the crumpled sheet.
"Never in a million years James." It was short, to the point and she
said no more but just looked at me as if expecting an immediate response.
I just stared back at her in amazement at her answer because I had expected to
hear her say that she was going off with Jackson, or something equally
devastating to me. But she did not and at last broke her silence in that warm pungent room.
In a small voice she asked the same question. "Are you leaving me James?"
I did not have the heart to point out that it was my house and if anyone was to
leave it would be her; besides I already knew what my answer was. "Never
in a million years Elaine."
She bit her lip and smiled through the tears cascading down her pretty face.
"You had better get out of those wet clothes before you catch something.
Then come back in and we shall settle a couple of things. All three of
I left, but not without a backward glance at my Wife and her Lover laying in my
bed. Elaine smiled back at me. And Jackson? Well Jackson had a quizzical look
on his face as returned my gaze; clearly he was trying to ascertain what just
happened between Elaine and me and what it meant for him. 'There's another
surprise for you two yet. The final part of my plan is just minutes away.'
I squelched my way into the bathroom and threw off all of the wet clothes into
the laundry basket and then dried myself with a towel; I was ready for my grand
entrance into the bedroom. My grand naked entrance.
I was secretly amused at the sudden shock on Elaine and Jackson's face as I
walked almost nude into their little pit of passion. And even more amused when
she looked down at my little penis.
"Oh God! James why are you naked? This is not what we had in mind. I think you have misunderstood what .............. Oh!!!! WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR WILLY? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YOURSELF?"
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"What is that on your willy?" |
"It's a penis restraint." I replied, stating the 'bleedin obvious'.
"I know what it is James," she responded, without explaining how she
knew, "but why are you wearing one. Nobody has made you wear it. Have
they?" She asked looking around at her naked Lover, only to receive a slow
shake of his head.
"It's quite simple Elaine. You have cuckolded me with Jackson; the man you
now call Master. You say you are not leaving me and I am not leaving you, so
this is my way of showing that I understand my position."
For the first time Jackson spoke. "James. This has cleared some of the air
between us and it is good that we all know where we stand. It's good that you
have made a first step along the path, but it is only the first step. I don't
think that a long discussion is appropriate for tonight and we should all take
a couple of days off from work to talk about our situation; but before we do that I
want you to know that my relationship with Elaine is serious. I am in this for
the long haul."
"I understand," was my reply, "but why didn't the pair of you
just sit me down and tell me?"
"Experts I know have told me that a shock is the best way for a husband to
realise that he is a cuckold. So Elaine and me decided that is what we would do
at the beach on Sunday which, if I am guessing correctly, is something
you have already guessed. That was our plan and we waited for yours to show
itself. And that is what last night was all about. Am I correct?"
Once more I was impressed by my Wife's Lover's intellect and confirmed that he
was correct. But then he had one further question.
"Your plan." I nodded for him to continue. "Why are you soaking
wet and covered in mud? Why didn't you just come in the front door. We left the
door lock off. All you had to do was use your key and walk in."
"How would I know that? The plan was mine alone. Wait a minute! How did
you know about it?" I stood open mouthed at this revelation. I had been so
clever I thought, but this Black Man lying naked in my bed had completely out
manoeuvred me.
"You asked your friend Alan to ring you from work, didn't you." I
nodded in agreement. "Well Alan mentioned it to Madeline, who then told
Bruno, and he told me. It was very easy then to deduce what the plan was. It
was a good plan that nearly came unstuck by the way. That's why I phoned Bruno
to remind Alan; he had completely forgotten. It seems that he was particularly
busy last night"
"I see. You knew all along then." He nodded. "But I do have one
question though."
He smiled but said nothing as I continued.
"Who the f*ck is Bruno?"
At this Elaine stopped looking down at my plastic penis restraint and chirped
in. "Bruno is Maddie's Master."
A silence enveloped the room as I took this information in, and the two of them
waited for the penny to drop.
"What are you talking about? Are you saying that the pair of you both have
been 'at it' with other men? Is Alan in the same position as me?" I asked
my beautiful naked Wife who still could not take her eyes off the little
plastic thing on my 'cotton reel'.
Jackson let out a quiet chortle as Elaine looked away from my groin to answer
me. "Maddie and Bruno have been Lovers now for almost a year James. Maddie
and Alan are still a married couple but Alan has accepted his role in their
marriage as the subordinate partner."
"Do you mean that Alan is a cuckold? Like me?"
"Yes Dear. But very much more so. Alan, and Maddie too, are living in a
'cuckold marriage' every day. It is now a way of life for them."
I was beaten. My big secret plan was no secret at all, although I guessed that
my little appendage was a surprise. My best friend was a cuckold like me, the
love of my life was lying in bed with a big handsome Black Man and I was
standing by that same bed in the nude with my penis locked away. 'What the
hell do I do now. Perhaps I should just go and leave them to it.'
"James. It's getting very late and Jackson and me don't want to spend the
rest of the night talking. I am going to phone in sick in the morning and you
should too, so we can spend tomorrow and Friday talking things through. I swear
to you that I love you, and care for you more than you may think at the moment.
But I love Jackson too, and tomorrow I will explain just why I think this can
"And maybe why you call him 'Master'. Don't you think?" Was my reply
as I turned to leave the room. "I'll sleep in the other room
There was no reply from Elaine as she moved closer to Jackson and melded her
young body against his in that unmistakable way of encouraging passion.
"James!" It was Jackson's voice. "That 'cucky cage' you've got
on. You need to shave yourself down there or it will be uncomfortable and pull
on your hairs. Besides it will be more hygienic that way. It's just a bit of
advice from someone who knows about these things, that's all. See you in the
morning 'cj'."
He was right, the 'cucky cage', as he called it, had been locked on my 'little
man' since I had got home from work that evening, and yes, it did pull on my
pubic hairs. Nevertheless, shaving them off was a job for tomorrow.
'cj'? Who or what did he refer to?' But it was pointless asking. He was no
longer interested in talking to me because Elaine had her mouth planted on
the large bulbous head of his cock and was busy bobbing her head up and down to
be bothered to carry on any conversation.
"I'll be next door if you want me." I said to nobody in particular and stepped away from their bed, "Goodnight then!" There was no answer from my busy Wife or the large Black Man with the already stiffening manhood.
As I left the room I heard the sound that I knew I was going to hear many times in my life in the future. It was the long scream of pleasure Elaine makes when her Lover penetrates her. And as I climbed into the single bed in the spare bedroom I could hear the rhythm that Jackson and my Wife had set up in the bed next door.
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The long scream of pleasure. |
Listening to my Wife and her Lover gave me a feeling of intense humiliation coupled with a warm sense that she was being loved and was happy.
emotions. Is that the lot of a cuckold? And what the hell did 'cj' mean?'
The odd thing is, I slept well that night.
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