Chapter 13 - Date Night - Part One
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Date Night |
“Well, Jackson and me spoke, but you were particularly quiet,” I said to my pretty Wife, although she was not at her best after having cleared up the mess I had made in the house, “Don’t you think that we should have a long talk?”
We had closed the front door just as Jackson’s big Mercedes had turned out of
the road and were returning to the kitchen when I raised the subject with
“What is there to discuss James? I’ve been unfaithful to you. I’ve cuckolded
you. And I now have a Lover. End of!”
“Not all of that is true. Is it!” I replied.
She looked evasive but still held my stare. “In what way?”
“Why don’t you call him by his name? Why ‘Master’?”
She smiled at my question but still looked down at her shoes resting on the bar
of the kitchen stool where she perched prettily. “I thought you already knew
the answer to that question. You heard most of it,” she looked directly into my
eyes and paused for effect, “from my Master.”
Her blatant confirmation of his status struck me like a fist. “Say that again,”
I asked.
“Jackson is my Master!" She continued. "Even though I am married to
you, I belong to him. You may be my husband James, but he is my mate. I am his
Woman even though I am your Wife. Whatever he wants from me, in or out of bed,
I see it as my duty to say ‘yes’ and provide it, if it is in my power to do so.
I have already said that I love you haven’t I.” I nodded in agreement, “So
please do not ever make me choose between you because my devotion to him is
just as strong.”
I sat open mouthed at this revelation into our life together. My emotion was a
mix of shock and arousal at her words. “Is that it? And where do I fit in this
menage a trois?” I asked with just a hint of sarcasm.
The tone of my question went over her head, and her smile was warm and loving
as she paused yet again to consider her words. “Right in the middle of it all
cj – that’s your role now. Serving us. Being his devoted intimate friend, being
the other half of me and, last but not least, being part of us both as our
attentive and submissive cuckold." ‘So I am 'cuckold james' to you
now am I. And - Attentive? Intimate? Devoted? Submissive? - what are
the implications of those emotive words?' I thought.
“Is that it?” I repeated. “In the corner. Out of the way, while you two thrash
around like randy teenagers.”
“No James! You heard what Master said didn’t you? We shall become ‘owned’ in a
cuckold marriage.”
“And do you,” I emphasised the ‘you’, “know what that means?”
Elaine wrinkled her nose in the sweet little way that she had. “No not really.
But I can’t wait to find out.”
Elaine could tell me little more, so I changed tack. “Tell me! How did you and
Jackson – sorry 'Master' – get together. I suppose I might as well know it all
now we have it all out in the open.”
“Oh! How we met etcetera?”
“Exactly. Especially the etcetera.” I replied, and settled down on a stool
facing my Wife so as to hear just how she met and was seduced by her Black
Master. And if my ‘little man’ felt tight in my restraint before it was
positively painful in anticipation of her explanation.
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My 'little man' felt tight. |
"It's all Maddie's fault," Elaine replied, "so if you are
looking to blame someone, it's her - the slut that she is?" She smiled
back at me. "No surprise for you there I think cj."
"Maddie and me ........"
"Don't you mean 'Slut Madeleine', I interjected. But with a smile.
"Slut Madeleine and me," she continued after an arch of her eyebrows,
" were driving to work one day about eighteen months ago when she told me
that she had been having an affair with another man. I wasn't particularly
surprised because she had often said that Alan was - shall we say - 'not doing
the business' in bed." She saw my alarmed expression and smiled. "And
yes! I did discuss your performances too. It's what all slutty wives do."
She got off the stool and stood up, "I am going to have a quick shower
before we go out. I'm a little sticky from clearing up your mess. Why don't you
come and sit with me in the Shower Room and I shall continue with the story of,
shall we say, my 'seduction'."
"Why do I have the impression that your resistance may have been
minimal." I said as I followed her up the stairs while at the same time
marvelling at the undulations of her bouncy little arse. Her response was a
deliciously light laugh.
"Do you want me to shower with you?" I asked more in hope than
"No! Not this time cj. Nice thought though," was her disappointing
reply, "but you are right. My resistance was less than minimal. Maddie
said it was almost non existent."
I watched in appreciation of her naked beauty as she stripped off her working
clothes and stepped into the shower leaving me to ponder her weak opposition to
Jackson's manoeuvring.
As Elaine soaped her naked body she continued with the story. "It was a
set up really. Not quite in the same league as the one on Sunday, but a set up
nonetheless. Maddie knew that I was in need of a Lover so she invited me out
for an afternoon. You heard Master mention Mede Manor just now; it was there
that she took me to meet him while you and Alan were at the football one
'Mede Manor again. What and where is this place?'
She remained quiet for a few seconds as the water streamed down her naked
body washing the soap away. "Was that the Saturday that you didn't
get home until eight o'clock," I remarked, remembering how worried I had
been that night over a year ago.
"Mmmm! That's right," she replied as she stepped out of the shower
and started to dry herself with the towel I had proffered. "Mede Manor is
the large manor house that is set back from the beach we were at on Sunday by
the way. It's a beautiful old place with quite a story behind it."
I took the towel from her and dried her back, her arse cheeks and legs as she
removed her shower cap and rearranged her hair. "I didn't notice it."
I said. "I didn't see very much at all after you went off with him."
"I know Dear," she replied, "but we need to get a move on. We
are going up to the Mayfair for some nice things for me. Aren't we?"
"Yes! Of course. I just thought you were going to tell me about the great
"I shall tell you as we go. Now let's get ready." She replied.
We were about to leave when there was a ring on the doorbell. On the step stood
a young man who looked familiar but I couldn't recall where or when we had met.
"Hi! My name is Terry. Are you cj? Master Jackson has asked me to bring
you this for you. You are him I presume?"
He handed me a small jewellery box that was bound in leather and embossed with
the letters 'cj'. "You presume correctly Terry. And thank you! Was there
any message?"
He looked slightly embarrassed and avoided my eyes as he turned to return to
Jackson's Mercedes. "He said to wear it with pride and put it on before
you go out. It'll help." And with that he started the car and drove away
up the road for the second time in as many hours.
"Was that Terry? Did he bring you something?" Was Elaine's
mischievous question.
"Do you know what it is?" I asked. "I'm a bit suspicious."
"Well you won't know unless you open it cj." She was more excited
than I was.
Elaine stood next to me smelling fresh and clean from her shower as I flicked
the catch and opened the lid. Inside there was a small felt pocket and a note,
which I set aside to undo the drawstring. Tipping the contents out onto my hand
I examined the piece of jewellery that he had sent me. It was a small gold
chain with a pendant attached.
"Another man has just given me jewellery. Should I be grateful or
worried?" I said to Elaine.
She blushed with barely contained excitement and leaned over to look closer.
"Turn it over. See what is on the medallion," she purred.
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It wasn't subtle, its message was unmistakable. I knew immediately that the letter 'J' did not represent my name 'James' - why would it? The letter 'J' meant Jackson. My Wife's Lover wanted me to have a daily reminder of who is the Master, who is the cuckold and who owns who. As pretty as it was, its symbology was obvious.
I picked up the note to read,
cj, we spoke earlier of the necessity for cuckolds like you to wear a small attachment in place of their restraint when it is inappropriate to do so. I had this little token made in the expectation of your acquiescence to our new way of life to which, if I may say, you seem to be an enthusiastic novice. I hope that you will wear this in the spirit in which it is meant and yes, the letter J does mean 'Jackson' - you can work out the symbolism for yourself.
Just for interest's sake, the chain is made from some of Elaine's bikini top that I removed from her beautiful breasts on the beach on Sunday. I still have a little of it left which I am going to turn into something interesting at a later date - for you of course my dear cuckold.
I hope you will wear my gift this afternoon to try out when you take my Mistress up to Bond Street this afternoon.
Fondly yours,
Master J
"It's to wear on my penis," I said to Elaine, "in place of my restraint. For going out, and for work."
"Well your had better put it on cj," she replied impatiently, "we have to get going in a minute."
"Okay! Okay! I have to go to the shower room. I have left the key to my cage up there." Was my testy reply.
"Don't be silly. I have the spare key here around my neck. Just drop your trousers and pants and let me see to it," she said in a business like manner. I complied immediately.
I stood like a little boy with my trousers and underpants down around my feet as she unfastened the small padlock and gently pulled my little restraint from my penis. With some dexterity she also removed the bridge, the locating pins and the 'under testicles' cock ring.
With a little smile playing on her lips Elaine took the chain and its medallion from my open hand and offered it up to my private parts. "Breathe in cj," she said as her cool fingers closed around my balls and penis, "now let's see if it will fit."
"Oh! It has a small elastic piece on it. I guess the tension will keep it in place." She observed as she hooked the flexible part under my small testicles and then the medallion and chain over my 'cotton reel'. "Perfect! Just tight enough to keep you aware and not too tight as to be uncomfortable. How does it feel to you cj?"
As I looked down I felt a mix of humiliation, shame and pride (yes - that's right - pride) as the black and white medallion caught the light from the window as if to remind me of my capitulation and the unmanly path I was travelling. Jackson had put his first physical claim on me and I had accepted it without a word of complaint or defiance; I looked at the note again and re-read the words - ' seem to be an enthusiastic novice.' It was true. I was exactly that, and I needed to sit down alone and have a good long think about where I was going in my life - our lives.
The little chain felt intimate without feeling intrusive or uncomfortable, and as I pulled up my pants and trousers Elaine smiled sympathetically, "You will get used to all this you know James. I know you better than you know yourself. Believe me when I tell you that this is the best for us both." 'James now. Not cj? And best for us both; you more than me I think."
I remained quiet and tried to hide my discomfort as we made our way out into the warm but sweaty summer morning to the car. Being a Londoner I knew the best and least known places to park so as Elaine and me drove through the traffic to Mayfair we had plenty of time to talk.
"Mede Manor then," I said as we approached Tower Bridge, "what happened. All the etceteras as you promised."
"Okay! If you insist. That's if you are ready to hear how your Wife was seduced so quickly and so easily by a big handsome well equipped Black Man?" She replied with an amused twinkle in her eye.
"I do," was my immediate response. 'Didn't I say that at a wedding once?'
Elaine took a deep breath and continued, "Mede Manor, as well as being close to the sea and having its own private beach has two swimming pools; one inside and the other outside. As the weather was chilly the pool party was held in the inside pool. And ......"
I interupted her, "Pool party? You didn't mention that."
"Didn't I? Oh, well! Maddie and me were sat by the pool with Bruno when in walked Jackson who came to sit with us after being introduced to me. The attraction between us was immediate and he clearly liked my breasts and my body. His naked body just seemed to pulse with power and ......"
"Hang on!" I interrupted again. "His naked body? Do you mean - fully naked - unclothed - balls and all hanging out?"
"What did you think I meant Love?" she replied with a little laugh. "We were all starkers. Not just us four but all the others too. It's a private pool so one can do as one wishes."
"Oh, one can. Can one!" I replied sarcastically. "So this total stranger took one look and enjoyed a good view of all of my Wife's little treasures. At least he knew what he was going to have. How very ladylike!" The very picture of her lying naked on a bed by a pool chatting to a stranger caused me to lose concentration and nearly cause an accident on the bridge.
"Be careful cj," She said. But I did not really know if she was referring to my driving or my sarcasm.
"So what was his opening line to you Elaine?" I asked sarcastically again, "Nice pussy Missus. What's your name by the way?"
"No! 'jealous jeremy'. He was the perfect gentleman. Even when I was sat on his shoulders having a play fight with Maddie and Bruno he didn't try anything, or say anything that could be construed as tasteless. There was no oblique innuendo or suggestive looks or anythinglike that. He was a wonderful companion that day, just as he still is." She looked wistful as she recalled the fun in the pool.
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He was a wonderful companion. |
"So when did it dawn on you that he was going to take you on as his Lover? You must have had some clue." I asked, trying to keep my attention on the road and slow moving traffic.
"Immediately! There was no question of 'if'. It was a matter of when." she replied, "He just took me over as his own lady friend that day. We were naked and alone when Bruno, Maddie and all the others in the pool left and went for a drink in the bar. We swam, we talked and I fell in love with the big black hunk who we both knew was going to be my Lover very soon." She stopped for a moment as if to think about what she was about to say, "James, I have to tell you that, if he had held his hand out and took me to one of the beds and kissed me, I would have opened my legs for him and welcomed him inside me that very afternoon."
"I see," I said,"so Master (I emphasised the word for sarcasm yet again) was the perfect gentleman, in spite of being bollock naked and happy to seduce another man's Wife."
Elaine's lips were thin with suppressed amusement (or was it irritation) but she did not reply and just sat waiting for my next question. The obvious one!
"So then Elaine. The question is - just when did 'Gentleman Jackson' get into your knickers, that's if he didn't that afternoon?"
"Okay! I shall tell you. But no more sarky comments from you please cuckold. Are we clear?"
I had been put in my place and I knew it. "Promise!" was my meek reply.
She took a deep breath and started with the tale - finally. "During the afternoon I had told him all about myself, my job, where we live and you - of course. Unlike many men, he was genuinely interested in me and you - and not just my tits, which was a welcome change by the way. It was just before we were all about to leave when he asked me to meet him on the Monday - for a date. He said he would send a car for me at twelve o'clock at the bank front entrance and that he would like to continue our friendship. I just answered 'Yes please,' and we all knew what the next thing would be."
"And there was me thinking he was a fast worker," I commented, but received no reply from Elaine.
"Do you remember cj? You helped me get ready that morning. I told you that I felt like being a little racy that morning, so you helped me to get into a pretty basque thing and stockings. Do you remember?" she said.
"Oh God yes! It was white and blue-ish," I replied. I remembered it clearly because it was an odd set of underwear for a workday morning.
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An odd set of underwear for a workday morning. |
"The car arrived spot on twelve and he was
sat in the back. He asked me if it was okay if we went to his flat near Tower
Bridge - I said yes. In truth it would have taken me just ten minutes to walk
but a car drive on that day, and all the other days since, was such a touch of
class don't you think?"
'Yeah! Real classy to send a car so he can fuck my Wife.' I
Elaine continued," To cut a long story short, when we arrived at his flat
he showed me the view of the bridge and the while we were standing there he
kissed my for the first time. I had no intention of being coy and we both knew
why I was there, so I just asked him to take me to the bedroom. He had already
seen me naked, so the white virginal underwear hit just the right note because
his lovely big manhood suddenly became very interested indeed. We both knew
that there would be more steamy encounters between us at another time but that
lunchtime tryst was my initiation."
She stopped talking for a moment as we approached Trafalgar Square. She was
clearly thinking about what to say next.
"In very crude terms, I lay on my back and opened my legs for him. I was
offering him my already married body and he readily accepted the gift. It had
been a long time since a cock that big had been inside me because over the
years I had been used to your little thing, but once the initial discomfort had
subsided it felt so wonderful in me. I was his and he knew it. I was an
adultress and you were a cuckold. This is not getting too much for you is it
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I was his and he knew it. |
"No!" I lied as we slowly moved through the Regent Street traffic.
"After our lovemaking, he made me a light lunch and then had Terry take me
back to work in his big car. I felt like a kept woman - it was very erotic. I
received a mild telling off from Deirdre, my Line Manager for being late but
she knew the score, having a Lover of her own. That has pretty much been how
our affair has been carried out; Deirdre and me came to an agreement that I could
have an extra hour for lunch and leave work an hour later. Most weekdays since
then I have been spending lunchtimes in Master's bed."
"That's not all of it though is it," I commented, "there have
been other times. Haven't there!"
"What do you mean cj?"
"Jackson knew where everything was in our house last night. He didn't have
to ask where the toilet or shower room are. He helped you clear away things
after I left and he knew exactly where to put them. So he has been to our house
when I am at work. Am I right?" I asked.
"Not when you are at work cj, I wouldn't have taken that chance. When you
have been on night cover and when you attended the trader's convention in Oslo
he spent those nights with me in Blackheath. I'm sorry - really I am, but you
must understand that he was my Lover and I wanted to sleep and wake up with
him." She replied.
I remained silent for about five minutes but as I turned into Bourdon Street
from New Bond Street I spoke again. "Lover eh? So when and how did he
become your Master. I can't wait for that little tale."
"It wasn't a moment," Elaine replied, clearly choosing her words,
"it was a gradual strengthening of devotion to him until one afternoon I
found that all that I wanted to do was please him. I discovered a part of me wanted
to obey him completely and to be totally dominated by him; I think much of that
emotion was the result of his temperament. His strength and power that is
complimented by his tenderness and kindness makes you want to obey him and, if
I am honest, his big manhood is very sweet icing on the cake. What I am trying
to say is that he is very easy to love."
I found the parking slot that I knew would be there and that I had used when I
had cause to visit Mayfair before. We left the car and made our way out onto
New Bond Street, turned left and made our way to an upmarket Ladies Lingerie
It was if Elaine was born to it. The Wife I love, unfaithful as she may be,
suddenly changed from the gentle caring sometimes scatty girl into an all
business professional shopper as we entered through the discrete glass doors.
Within seconds she had two of the assistants attending to her as she sat
imperiously in the red velvet upholstered chair reserved for customers. I felt
out of place, ignored, sorry for myself and suddenly I was scared and out of my
depth - again.
I nodded and tried to make enthusiastic noises as she showed my different
basques, suspenders, bras, matching sets and all the panoply of pretty things
that women love to wear to excite their man, noticing that very little went
back to the racks and drawers but remained around her feet. Suddenly my head
and my wallet felt very light indeed.
Was it my imagination or did they know Elaine; the smiles were genuine but the
look in their eyes was that of intimacy, gentle mischief and amusement. Muffled
laughter when the two were out of sight aroused my suspicions. 'Do they
know?' I thought, 'Can they see me for what I am? How much is this
bloody lot going to cost?'
"Now for a dress for tonight," said Elaine as we left the shop
without noticing my struggle with the bags and boxes that I was attempting to
balance, "what do you think would go well with black underwear."
"Any of this bloody lot, I would have thought," was my muffled repy
from the pile of boxes, "you have enough choice."
The implied criticism went over her head as she tripped along happily towards
the next shop. "Did those girls in the last shop know?" I asked,
"Did they know you and our situation?"
"Oh, God yes," she laughed as she replied, "Master has taken me
there many times to buy me pretty things. They know us both well; he tells them
that I am his Married Mistress. I thought Tina and Sophie behaved themselves
"They laughed at me," I replied grumpily, "I didn't know what to
"I know cj, but the little you did was accomplished perfectly."
"You mean I paid for it all." Me - grumpy again!
"Exactly!" She replied. 'Smug cow!'
The dress shop was not one of Elaine and Master's usual haunts and it was only a
thin black wrap that she needed for her date that night and we were back in our
house within the hour of leaving our parking slot in Bourdon Street.
Elaine had become increasingly thoughtful on our way home and as I closed our
front door she turned to me with a serious face, "Tonight is a big night
for all three of us cj, you understand that don't you. As far as I am concerned
this is the start of a new phase in our lives."
"Yes Mistress," I replied meaning it to be sarcastic, but my Wife
didn't see it that way.
"Yes cj, you are the cuckold and I am the Mistress," she answered
kindly but firmly, "now you are beginning to understand what you are going
to be."
Upon hearing those words, I felt bereft of all of my manliness and felt a
sudden emotional attachment to my penis restraint and started to look around
for it. I wanted it back on me. I suddenly felt naked without it - even after
just a few hours.
"cj! Drop the bags and boxes in the bedroom and then come and help me get
ready for my date."
"Yes Dear!"
"Yes what???"
"Yes Mistress!"
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