27 - After the
I admit,
that I did enjoy the Wedding itself, and the socialising afterwards. I had recovered
from the sadness that I felt because of the distance that had been put between
Elaine and I; it was probably because of the champagne. And it made me feel good
just to see the happy look on Alana's face as she chatted and danced with
some of the large Black Men, including Bruno and Jackson, although it was
clear that she was trying to make a point, as she had little time for me; she
was obviously still annoyed that I had interrupted her wedding. I, on the
other hand, played the game of keeping a discreet distance from Elaine who
kept trying to catch my eye – clearly wanting to talk. But the last thing I
wanted was confrontation – faint chance of that.
the afternoon turned into evening and the festivities came to an end. Alana,
Maddie, and Bruno had disappeared upstairs, only to reappear later in
travelling clothes for their honeymoon. Hands were shaken, backs were
slapped, and I was, after kissing Alana goodbye, standing alone on the steps
of the mansion, when I felt the back of my collar grabbed in a strong grip –
I knew immediately whose long fingernails were now painfully embedded in my
“So what's
with the attitude?” Elaine yelled, as I swung around to face a very red faced
angry Wife.
I responded, feigning ignorance.
Her face
transitioned from red to ‘tomato’. “Stop repeating what I am saying. Are you
a bloody parrot?”
I was
beginning to enjoy myself. “Who! Me?”
Her eyes
narrowed and then opened in surprise as she realised that I was playing a
gentle game with her. The redness left her face and the corners of her mouth
lifted in a smile as she said, “Okay cj. But we still need to talk.”
“Do we?
What about?”
pregnant with my Lover's baby. And you ....”
 | ... “I'm pregnant with my Lover's baby. ...” |
“OUR Master's
baby,” I interjected.
“Okay! OUR
Master's baby. But we need to talk - don’t we?”
“I would
have thought that after my kissing of your tummy last night – after you had hung
your pills over my neck – that I had already answered the question before it
had even been asked. So what do you want from me now Dear?” I asked, in an almost
sarky manner.
“I want to
know that you are alright. That it's not been a problem too far for you after
all the other shocks you have experienced this week,” was her answer to my
question, as her eyes searched my face for clues as to my state of mind.
deserved an honest answer, so I needed to gather my thoughts – I needed time.
“Can we walk together and find Jackson. I want to explain myself to you
looked worried, but nevertheless hooked her arm through mine and we walked
out of the sunshine and back into the darkened coolness of the Mede Manor
House. We found Jackson standing with John and Jenny engaged in a
conversation that had all three smiling and laughing.
“Say hello
to Uncle Jackson,” Jenny said, “we've had a phone call from Terry. Baby Luke
was born last night, weighing in at six pounds four ounces.”
We both
stopped and looked at our happy Master, but Jenny had more to say, “Mother
and Baby are doing well. Another triumph for the Natural Order. Don't you
think so Dear?” she asked – turning to her husband John.
He smiled
back at his beautiful Wife and said, “One day, maybe soon, or maybe later ,
husbands such as James and I will be the norm. And pretty young Wives such as
Joanne, just like Madeleine, and Elaine here, will know what it is to be loved
physically by a real man - and that would be a Master such as Bruno and
Jackson here.”
 | ... And that would be a Master ... |
There it
was, I had put it to John in our earlier conversation, that Jenny and he were
on a mission. He had just confirmed what I had thought; but instead of
disquiet or anger at that thought, I realised that this middle-aged couple
were right. I had seen the contentment in the eyes of the pretty Wives last
night and this morning at the wedding , alongside the total acceptance of the
husbands of their status as cuckolds. That they were deliriously happy about their
Wives getting naked and happy with strong dark Lovers who took these young
beauties as their own – ‘Black Owned' in fact – would be to overstate the
fact; but just as I was beginning to realise, love and sacrifice can take
many forms.
“And that
is why I need to talk with Master Jackson and Elaine,” I said in response to
“What is
the matter james?” Jenny asked me.
“Yes! What
is it?” Elaine said, with her eyes once again searching my face, I thought
desperately, for some indication of what I had to say.
question was,” I said to the four people who stood before them, “and it still
hasn't been answered properly, why did you think that a sudden shock would be
better for me, than you and I having a ‘sit down chat’ about your relationship
with Jackson.”
“I thought
I explained that,” said John - eyebrows furrowed in concern.
looked enquiringly at Elaine – everybody looked at Elaine.
“I thought
it was the right thing to do,” she muttered – suddenly unsure.
I knew
there were others looking on at the minor disturbance on the steps and what I
had to say, but this was the moment to tell her about me. It had all been
about Elaine, Jackson, Alana, Madeleine etc., etc. so far, and my story had
been one of submission and obedience, albeit with a few comedy moments thrown
in, but now I was going to have my say.
“Do you
remember me passing you the sugar in the Cafe, all those years ago?” I said
looking straight at my Wife.
“Of course
I do,” she replied, “it's how we met.”
“I have
loved you since that very moment.”
“Oh James!
Please don’t .....” Elaine exclaimed emotionally while slipping her hand from
Jackson's to clasp mine to her breasts - but I was not finished.
“Even when
that fuckwit of an ex Lover of yours broke my jaw - I loved you. I loved you
when you walked under the tower to be had by a man I never even knew existed.
I loved you when you bared your tits on the beach and I pretended not to
notice and even invited Jackson to a meal at ours, knowing full-well that somehow
he was going to have you in our bed. You have been, and still are, the love
of my life.”
 | ... when you bared your tits on the beach ... |
By this
time, a small crowd of cuckold couples, assorted young Black Men, some of my
friends who had witnessed my ‘Engagement and Alana's wedding were gathering.
And Elaine’s gaze never left my face.
“I have
always known that I could never be a ‘real man’ for you. I was never ‘big
enough' where it matters, or strong enough, and unable to last long enough –
and I am now beginning to realise (in reference to her ex, a professional
boxer called Nathaniel) – not Black enough.”
stepped back away from me. “That's not true! You have! .... I mean! .... Er, I
have .....” Her voice trailed away to nothing as she said, “I don’t deserve
But we all
knew it to be a lie, and I saw the truth in her eyes when I replied, “No my
Love. You have always deserved someone like Jackson. I have known this from
that meeting in the cafe, and that is why I have embraced my cuckolding. I
have accepted it, embraced it, and committed to it. And when the baby is
born, I shall be by your side – both Master and me."
seconds I had two beautiful Women's arms around my neck. Elaine and Jenny
were pressing their delightful bodies against my own, but I gently pushed
them away. I had more to say.
“So,” I
said, “why didn't you just sit me down and tell me the news that many
husbands have heard in the course of their marriage?”
what's that?” Elaine and Jenny asked as one.
“Well, it
usually starts with, ‘I have something to tell you,’ or ‘I don’t
know how to tell you this,’ or ‘please don’t be angry with me,’ or
even ‘I've met someone,’ and then you give the poor cuckolded hubby
the news. Isn't that the way to do it? To lead them into it slowly?
Especially now you are having Jackson's baby.”
 | .. ‘I have something to tell you,’ .. |
opened her mouth to reply, but was beaten to it by John.
“We tried
that many times in our early days James,” John said, “but too many cuckolds cried
and got depressed. It was all very messy.”
“And the
“You met
most of them last night and at the wedding today.”
maybe I shouldn't have raised the matter and I was about to change the
subject altogether but Elaine still hadn't had her say.
“cj is
right! I owe him so much and he is the kindest man I have ever known. He asked
me to be his Girlfriend after my Lover had put him in hospital and then married
me. He is my rock! My Love! I am so lucky – I have a big handsome Lover and
an understanding husband – and then I played a trick on him,” she said,
turning to me once more, “I am so sorry James. You're right, I should have
talked to you. Please forgive me.”
She held
out her arms to fold me in a loving embrace, “Please forgive me. I feel so bad
about what I did. Please forgive me. ............. Please say something.”
The crowd
remained silent, waiting for my response to my Wife's heartfelt apology;
Jackson stood by her looking concerned, Jenny held her breath, and John
stared at me without blinking his eyes. It was clearly an important moment in
all of our lives. And everybody had their mouths open in expectation of my profound
Would I
say ‘eff off' to my Wife? Would I bring the whole cuckold relationship down
because she had – they had – tricked me on the beach a week ago? Or would I
give a long heartfelt speech of forgiveness. The crowd had grown around us,
and everyone was looking at me with anticipation.
wearing a pair of Madeleine’s panties.”
 | “I'm wearing a pair of Madeleine’s panties.” |
It was the
man in a wheelchair, pushed by a tall Black Master who was flanked either
side by a tall blond and petite French girl – both pregnant, who snorted with
suppressed laughter first. He was followed by other cuckolds, Wives, and
Masters snorted and giggled in an increasing crescendo until the area of the
Made Manor entrance steps was resounding to the roar of jocularity and glee; all,
of course, except for one – Elaine.
The merriment
faded away after five seconds or so as eyes swung towards the stone face and
angry eyes of my lovely, pregnant, Wife.
enveloped the Manor. Baited breath awaited my answer – all eyes were upon me –
mostly amused and all with sympathy. I was going to need it.
“Come with
grabbed my arm in a vice-like grip and marched me away from the manor entrance
down the corridor towards our room. Being dragged along like a small child by
a woman half your size is a humbling experience but I said nothing and just
let the embarrassment and humiliation waft over me in an emotional rush that
nearly overwhelmed me. I was beginning to enjoy myself, and almost laughed
aloud when I heard Master Jackson say to his amused companion, “this is going
to be fun. See you later Bro.”
The door
to our room flew open as Elaine pushed me inside, quickly followed by Jackson
who leaned in a languid fashion against the wall in anticipation of the fun
that was about to evolve.
“Take em
trousers! OFF! NOW!”
There are
time when I can misbehave with Elaine – to play the fool and enjoy her
impatient response to my games; but not that day – too dangerous. My trousers
were down around my ankles within seconds, and Jackson’s chuckle brought a
swift disapproving look from my Wife.
pink!” she exclaimed
Another chuckle
from Jackson.
bloody see-through,” she said, pointing at them in disdain, “tasteless cheap
crap. And I can see the black plastic thingy on your willy.” In all
truth, I would not have know ‘cheap crap’ from the fashion world's finest
lingerie; I didn't care either way, but my Wife was clearly outraged.
and panties off cj,” Elaine said; the anger now replaced by the glimmer of a
smile turning up the corners of her pretty red mouth, “and if this is what
you want, you're wearing mine.”
re-opened the already packed overnight bag resting on the bed and pulled out
a clean pair of black shiny silk knickers that felt softer than the pink
see-through. And, as I pulled them up, and adjusted my male genitals and
caged penis, even I could tell that the lingerie was a much nicer to wear. Better
atmosphere between us, as we changed out of our formal wedding suits and
dress back into our travelling attire was one of intimate friendship. We
laughed and joked about the wedding ceremony and Madeleine’s belly size in her
wedding dress. I changed into a clean white
tee shirt and navy blue shorts, Jackson a cream Ralph Lauren polo shirt and dark
plum coloured Chinos, and Elaine looked happy and beautiful in a flesh pink
see-through dress that discreetly showed the profile and colour of her pretty
breasts. Along with the settled look on her face that spoke of inner
happiness and expectation. She was, and gave the appearance of the complete and
fulfilled Black Master's Mistress.
 | ... the complete and fulfilled Black Master's Mistress. |
I knew why
she had this happy aura about her. In her mind, her husband had very quickly
accepted his new submissive role in her life, she now had a powerful Master who
bedded her with passion, size, and skill, and above all – every pretension
and secret had been resolved. But she didn't know that I had one more small emotional
card to play.
The Mercedes
pulled into the Made Manor Entrance at just after two in the afternoon and,
after saying our goodbyes to Jenny and John Smith, Terry drove the powerful
car at speed up the drive, onto the minor road and headed east towards Kent –
the direction that would take us back to Blackheath. The roads were narrow in
that part of Sussex, so he needed to concentrate until we pulled out onto a
wider main arterial road that enabled Terry to relax a little and start
talking to his passengers.
Just as
before, I sat alongside Terry at the front, and with our bags safely packed
away in the boot (trunk), Jackson and my pregnant Wife had plenty of room to
spread out on the back seat of the car. Nevertheless, in spite of the room
available, the two Lover’s moved close together so he had his arm around her
shoulder with his hand tucked away inside her dress to cup her breast that
lay naked underneath the flimsy material.
his property again,’ I thought to myself as Elaine leaned even closer to put
her head on his shoulder in an act of tenderness and love, and to give him an
easier access to her soft white orbs and hardening nipples.
smiled back at me as I stared back at the pair of them. Pressing Master's
hand against her breast she asked, “Do you want to get in the back with us
I nodded
in agreement.
“Pull over
please Terry,” she told our driver, “James is coming to join us.”
It took Terry
less than three minutes to find a place to stop on that main road, so by the
time I had opened the rear door to the vehicle, my Wife had the head of
Jackson's big dark manhood in her mouth. Her dress was down around her waist
and her Lover had his hand inside her panties – my duty was clear.
Kneeling inside
one of the rear foot-wells, I placed my head close to Elaine’s and flicked
out my tongue onto the thick base of Master's member. Its warmth and softness
felt pleasant on my lips as I slid them up and down the hardening flesh,
pausing only to say sorry to Elaine when I bumped her on the nose with my right
Terry, by
this time, had pulled up the blind between the front and rear seats, and we
were all very glad that the rear windows were made from darkened glass, which
of course, gave us the freedom to have some fun in that luxurious German
metal box. And it saved the other
drivers on the road from looking in to see a small white husband, rolling the
large testicles of a handsome Black Master around in his mouth, whilst the
head of his pretty semi-naked Wife bobbed up and down on a perfectly vertical
hard brown rod of brown meat.
“Pull your
Wife's panties down cj,” Jackson ordered.
I left
the, now shiny, balls to their own devices and manoeuvred around to her
upturned arse in order to gain access to the delicate black lingerie.
Clumsily I pulled the garment down her thighs but could go no further as both
of her knees were firmly planted into the soft but strong leather seats. But
such a small matter of Jackson's access to her pussy was not going to put
Elaine off; first one knee lifted and I pulled one side of the panties down
and then lifting the other meant that I could pull them all the way down,
then easily over her feet. She was available and very ready to give him what
is now rightfully his to take and enjoy.
With a
simple, and fluid movement, Elaine lifted her head from his big manhood,
threw her leg over my head to straddle her Lover's waist and reach behind her
to guide the head towards her slippery vaginal entrance. I didn't need any
prompting. I scrambled across the floor of the car to gently slap her hand
away in order to take a hold of his cock and place it just where it was meant
to be – inside my Wife. And I returned to Jackson's balls, while skilfully
avoiding a broken nose from Elaine’s plunging coccyx.
Being the
good driver that he was, Terry drove at a slower pace to give Elaine and I
plenty of time to show our devotion to our Master, and managed to avoid the
worst of the bumps in the road. Up and down went Elaine on his big hard rod
without any let up; she may have been carrying his baby inside her but her
desire for his penetration into her sweet young body was undiminished. As a
seasoned and experienced Master, Jackson had complete control over his reactions
so just lay back on the seat and enjoyed the sight and sensations of my barely
dressed Wife driving herself into rolling noisy orgasms as we rolled through
the lush fields of the County of Kent.
It was
near to Sidcup when Master Jackson pulled his face away from Elaine's hungry
lips and said quietly, “Shall I finish My Love? Are you ready?”
response was unequivocal to both questions. “Oh God! Please Master! Give me
it! All of it!”
“Is cj
know! Don't care!”
I was
ready. In my mouth, I had felt his heavy brown testicles had tightened in
readiness to release his seed. We were about to receive our ‘reward’.
Reward! A
curious description for a stream of sticky white fluid that would soon jet
out of the long and thick organ that was now deeply embedded in my totally
exhausted but happy Wife. But that is how far my total submission to this way
of life had taken me. I now revered this large Black Man who was so much more
of a ‘man’ than I. Elaine had instinctively understood his supremacy the
moment she had met him and had invited him into her without hesitation; it
was the Natural Order of things and I, as the cuckold, knew it to be so. So
yes; Master's seed is a reward.
His happy
groan, and Elaine’s long drawn-out screaming moan, was immediately followed
by the pulsing and kicking of Master's pole of love as he came forcefully and
satisfyingly deep into my Wife. Although still deeply embedded inside her, small
trickles of frothy semen oozed from Elaine's vagina down the side of the
still vertical, but now slightly softening member. Now it was my turn to show
my own version of devotion, and as the now familiar taste of Jackson's seed touched
my searching tongue, I got to work.
For a good
ten minutes, the loving couple stayed glued together in their post coital happy-place,
and I, as their submissive sex slave, continued to clean the softening organ
as the jism oozed from my Wife’s vagina. We were quiet except for the heavy
breathing of my now very content and satisfied Wife, and it was Terry who
broke the silence.
“We’ll be in
Welling soon, Master Jackson. Do you still want to go on the Lewisham
Thanks for reminding me Terry,” Master replied, with a big happy smile on his
face. And that broke the spell between the three of us.
Elaine eased
herself from the now fully softened dark manhood and, with her hand covering
her vagina, she indicated for me to move across to kneel on the floor,
whereupon she removed her hand away and pulled my face into her sticky groin.
“Do your
thing James,” she said, “I know you love it.”
She was
right. I did love it. I loved the idea of my Wife being the bed mate of a
superior Black Master. I loved the very emotions that being a cuckold gave
rise to in my psyche and most of all, I loved the taste of the warm seed that
had erupted from Jackson's magnificent manhood, and whose release I had
physically encouraged.
I knew
that I was a sexually diminished husband, but that in itself brought with it
another emotion, or sense; it was the sense of freedom. No longer did I have
to pretend at being a ‘real man’, whatever that is supposed to mean. I had
nothing to prove, and that in itself was a release from the straightjacket of
so-called masculinity. I could be whatever I wanted. Such thoughts ran
through my mind as I lapped and slurped at the prodigious milky flow of musty
cream that oozed from Elaine’s warm body.
Jackson looked down at me lapping up the salty cream, and then across at his
Mistress lying back against the seat with her knees up to her shoulders thus
giving my tongue unrestricted access to her labia and vaginal opening from
which a remorseless flow of seed was collected and swallowed.
“Glad to
know you two have found each other again,” Jackson said with a big wide grin
on his dark handsome face. He was, of course, referring to our moment of
discord at Alana's wedding.
Pulling my
face away from Elaine’s divine fulcrum, I turned my head towards him and
replied, “We were never lost Master. Just diverted.”
answer!” he responded, and then with his big left hand on the top of my head,
gently turned my face back to my lascivious duties.
By the
time we arrived at my house in Blackheath, the flow of Master's salty gift
had ceased. Elaine had wiggled back into her knickers, her see-through dress
was secured, her hair was in place, and a happy smile once again played on
her lovely face. “See you both later,” said Master as we were getting out of
the car, “I'm going to meet my new nephew.”
kissed, and we walked up the path into my house as the car drove away. Elaine
was quiet as I opened the door and, as I put the cases down onto the hallway
floor, she turned to me with a serious expression on her face. I knew why.
not fully there yet are you?”
I feigned ignorance
and mischievously noted the look of impatience that crossed her pretty face.
“Fully where?” I asked, pretending to be busy with the luggage.
has changed in you, and I can't put my finger on it.”
I wasn't
going to help her. “Meaning?” I asked.
“Is it
because I am having Jackson's baby?” she asked, getting to the problem right
“No and
We were on
the stairs, going up to the bedroom to change into more relaxed clothing,
when Elaine turned, and looked confused. “No and yes?” she repeated.
“When I
kissed your tummy on Saturday night I knew then you and Master would soon ‘get
busy', as Terry called it; it's just human nature after all. So by the time your
pills were around my neck, it was not a surprise. A humiliation maybe, but no
emotional bombshell.”
took this clarification in and then asked, “So what has changed since
We were in
the bedroom and she was shrugging out of her dress as I thought about my
reply. But I had another question to ask first.
“So when
did you and Master decide to ‘go into production'?” I asked.
stopped what she was doing, sat down on the dressing table chair and, turning
to face me, said, “You remember that week away at the company's seminar on ethical
“There wasn't
a seminar, was there,” I said, totally unsurprised.
She shook
her head, and continued. “Jackson and I stayed at Mede Manor for five days
and had a wonderful time just being together. In love!”
 | “... just being together. In love!” |
I was confused.
It was two and a half months ago – nearly three. “So this was planned?” I
“No James.
It wasn't. I forgot to take my pills with me,” she replied, “so it could have
been then or maybe after.”
“So you
took them after you left the Manor and returned home,” I said – more of a
question really.
“So you
tried to get pregnant?”
“Why not?”
“It was
our last night together. One moment we were making love and the next he came
in me so heavily and completely that I felt different afterwards.”
I could
feel my little penis stiffen even further in its black cage, when I asked the
next question. “You knew?”
“I knew
that I was no longer alone in my body – yes! Does that sound silly?”
It did
sound silly. But I am just a bloke – a cuckold even. But she was convinced
then, and certain now. “No Dear,” I answered. And then putting my arm around
her shoulder I said, “No! Not at all.”
looked relieved at my reassurance, but then asked, “So what has disturbed my
lovely cuckold hubby? Can we get this sorted out before our Master comes home
from seeing his new nephew?”
“Now you
have told me how it happened, I understand. But I feel cheated?”
She looked
mortified at this admission, and once again her pretty eyes glistened with
the imminent onset of tears. “I'm so sorry? I did cheat on you with ......”
be,” said, interrupting her, “I just feel cheated from being their at the
conception. Isn't that what every cuckold dreams of?”
In the
depths of Mede Manor, surrounded by his banks of screens and powerful IT
servers, Mr John Smith stroked his lovely Wife's silk clad arse cheeks as he
ran a small video for her to view. Standing beside him, she looked down at
the recording of a naked young man taking the pretty Alana's small penis into
his mouth.
cuckold James is a very enthusiastic pleasurer of other men's willys,” she commented.
he replied, “Now look at this one.”
The screen
filled with a close-up of Jackson's long and thick manhood being reverently
re-erected by his cuckold, while his Mistress lay nearby with open arms and
“I've been
thinking,” John continued, “that our cj would be a very good ‘Resurrector' in
our ‘Blanche Room’.”
“To help
glanced up at Jennifer, “Poor little boy does get overwhelmed sometimes.
Doesn't he?”
“He might
welcome another to help him, but I would wait until the idea of Elaine being
pregnant has sunk in.”
smiled. “Best you get back to Nathaniel, before he finds another partner for
the night.”
wouldn't dare,” Jenny said as she skipped happily out of the secret cellar
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