Saturday, September 14, 2024

Cuckold Counsellor - Ch. 11

 Progress of sorts


So! I was being played was I? Jonathan was having a laugh at 'old fart' Derek and playing the role of diffident cuckold while at the same time pulling the wool over everybody's eyes. 'But why?' I thought.

"But why?" I said to my Wife Jennifer, who clearly had better things on her mind as she slid down Dominic's large member for the second time that night. Dom, for his part, was very relaxed about me expressing my thought processes while Jen and he made love, but she was clearly thinking differently and said so.

"Oh for heaven's sake Derek!" she exclaimed, "either shut up about it or go and sleep in the other bedroom. Besides it's so bloody obvious to me what he's up to."

I had been told! And as a cuckold of many years I knew better than to interrupt my Wife when she is at her 'pleasure'. So I recommenced my normal bedroom duty for when she is entertaining her Lover and lay silent alongside the pair of them on our big bed as the two entered the truly passionate phase of their lovemaking.

It has been our practice for many years, having been started during our time in Saudi Arabia all those years ago, for me to intimately attend to Jennifer's and her Lovers' needs while they make love. I have long ago thought through the natural but pointless angst of the cuckold and for me now it is my delight to join them both and to serve them in this way. If this attending to their passions requires from me a little 'man to man' pleasuring then so be it; I know my own sexuality and it isn't gay, straight, bisexual or any other 'ality' that one could think of - my arousal is derived from serving my Mistress and the men she enjoys.

Jen finally orgasmed on top of Dom as he shot his own seed deep into her sexy and beautiful mature body. After just a few seconds she lifted herself off his now flaccid member and with the fleeting comment, "I have to pee," she hopped off the bed, put her hand between her legs and scampered into our adjoining shower room leaving some small puddles of semen on Dom's tummy and groin.

"Do you need cleaning Dom?" I asked as I looked over at the sticky mess that Jen had left, "Or do you want resurrecting? Or both?"

"Hell no Derek!" he replied sleepily, "I think 'Her Majesty' is done for the night so I think a nice warm flannelet cloth will do it."

"He just wants wiping," I said to Jen, who was still sitting on the WC, as I ran a small flannel under some warm water from the nearby sink.

"Okay then 'D'." she replied offhandedly, "you had better get on with it because I have some need of you afterwards."

Back on the bed I knelt beside my Wife's Lover and lifted his heavy flaccid member up with my hand and applied the wet warm flannel cloth to it's length, while at the same time leaning over to lick up the little puddles of semen that she had dropped on his tummy and thighs.

"It strikes me Derek," remarked Dom as I gently cleaned his manhood, "that this Jonathan guy wants to be you. From what I hear from Jen, you had him standing naked in front of you without any opposition or complaint."

"I think that he was startled by my forcefulness," I replied prior to finishing off the cleaning of his dark organ and then sipping up the last drop of semen from its glans before rolling over on my back ready for Jen. "The perception is that us cuckolds are weak 'less than a man' types, not someone who walks into his house and lays down the law."

"So he's even more conflicted," commented Jen as, having finished in the WC, she climbed onto the bed and lowered her crotch down onto my face, "Well done Derek. Now the poor sod doesn't know what he is."

"At least I've made a start," I answered just before her sticky labia enveloped my nose and my lips.
"At least I've made a start,"

So who was this cuckold Jonathan, his Wife Melanie and her Lover Nathaniel?  It was some months ago that Mel had sent us a letter telling us that Jon had not taken to the baby (Julie) that Nat and she had produced together. While he was not showing any signs of harming the child, neither was he displaying any tenderness or love that would be expected of a father, which he legally was but it was clear from the baby's colour that Nat was her natural Dad. 
In the letter Melanie, who we had met when she was on holiday in Corfu with Nat while heavily pregnant [Holiday cuckold], had asked (begged) for me to carry out some form of consultancy on Jon's attitude [The Letter].

My impression of Jon had initially been that he was a confused and a little unmanly sort of bloke which had initially confused me as he had been a cuckold since before Mel and he had married. But this was not the case; our 'Jonny Boy' is a serious political journalist with a national newspaper and presented an authoritative persona in his professional life, especially when appearing on television.

Mel's first Lover Robert, who I suspect that she had been a little more fond of than she was prepared to admit, had eventually found love in the arms and between the legs of another girl. Nevertheless, after a few disastrous affairs, Robert and Jon had arranged between them for her to meet Rob's Black Football buddy Nathaniel. Hence Mel and Nat became passionate Lovers and, in the heat of their desire for each other, decided to start making a baby without formally telling her cuckold - Jon.

On his part, Jon had secretly installed a series of cameras in their bedroom and spent his time quietly watching Mel when she was making love with Nat (and Robert beforehand). I, on the other hand and working on a hunch, had taken one of the 'bedroom cameras' and hidden it in the kitchen; hence my extreme annoyance when I had watched Jon feeding baby Julie and it became clear to me that there was a bond of affection between them. 
This was no estrangement between Father and Daughter; this was something else. I was being played by Jon, but for what reason? Suddenly Dom's words came back to me, "Jonathan wants to be you Derek," he had said to me just moments before Jen lowered her pussy down onto my face.

"We have to totally 'unman' Jonathan," Jen had said just a few nights before and it was a realisation that caused me to partially lift her lovely crotch from my face and say, "This isn't a consultation at all. This is a cry for help."

"Oh well done 'Brains'," was Jen's sarcastic response as she re-lowered her pussy down onto my face, "you got there at last."

I didn't respond to her catty remark in the way it deserved for the simple reason that I could not. But I did hear Dom chuckling to himself just before he lay back with his hands behind his head looking happily up at my Wife's gyrations on top of my face.

Confused? I don't blame you if you are new to this storyline. Perhaps if you read all would become clear Dear Reader.


"So what are you going to do Derek?" asked Jen as we three sat down to breakfast the next morning, "I think that we pretty much know just what the story is now."

"The dynamic has changed Jen," I replied while spooning up some fruit and yoghurt, "as I said earlier; he has been the instigator in this. An obtuse way of going about things I admit but I have to admire his insight into Mel's thinking and his manipulation of her emotions. Even so," I mused, "there were a million ways that this could have backfired."

"Not if he had advice from someone with experience," suggested Dom while chewing on a piece of bacon.

Dom's words had me thinking, "What? Who would have such intuition for that?"

"Think Derek! Who would have the most to lose if Melanie and Jonathan fell out because of Julie? Who would lose out on a beautiful girl's affection if she was wracked with guilt?"

It was Jen who answered, "Nat! Of course! He likes to give everybody the impression that he is just a 'happy go lucky' Black Man. But we know him better don't we 'D'."

I recalled those times when Nat had been Jen's Lover and I remembered just how astute he could be. As well as being a wonderful Boyfriend for her he was also, what some might describe as being, very well off financially. Eureka!

"That's right!" I exclaimed, spraying yoghurt over Jen's lovely white table cloth, "It's the pair of them who are playing me. The bastards! That tallies with what Mel had told me the other day that the two of them had been chatting after my talk with Nat."

"So what are you going to do about this situation?" asked Jen after swallowing some toast with marmalade.

"I need to act decisively, effectively and without any further vacillation." I said.

"And do what?"

"Absolutely nothing - yet!" I replied as Jen and Dom's eyes looked heavenwards in exasperation.

It was around midday when I rang Mel to ask how the evening went. "He went off script a little Derek," she answered, "and was more enthusiastic than I thought he would be. He was quite lovely actually."

"And where did he spend the night?" I asked, as if I didn't know.

"I'm guessing that he was in the kitchen." she replied, "Nat and I were otherwise engaged. If you take my meaning."
"Nat and I were otherwise engaged. 
If you take my meaning."

"I do!" I answered noncommittally.

'No he wasn't in the kitchen sweetheart,' I thought, 'Our cuckold was listening at the door. Just like I told him to. But did he have his laptop?'

"Okay Mel," I said, "we need to get this process going, and I have a task for all three of you. What are your commitments today?" (Saturday).

"Not much! A bit of shopping in town maybe."

"Excellent! I would like you, Nat and Jon to go out as a threesome together. I want you and Nat to walk along as two Lovers ..."

"No problem!" she interrupted chirpily.

"... and I want Jon to walk a short distance behind you, while at the same time making it obvious that he is with you both. And I want him to be taking care of the baby. I want everyone who sees you all to make the connection and understand just who is the submissive, who is the Master and who is the lucky lady. And I want this out in the public."

"I see," she replied slowly and I thought for one second that she was going to demur, "but I usually carry Julie in a sling."

"Then adjust the sling to fit Jon," I replied.

There was a moment's silence until she asked, "Where should we go then Derek?"

"Why not Knoll Park, the Shambles in town or both. It's a nice day and there will be lots of people about. I want as many people to look at Jon and know him for what he is. And I want him to know that they know."

"Okay," she confirmed, "If you're sure. It's like a gay man 'coming out', is it?"

"It is very similar and I am sure that this is what he needs," I replied. "And tonight I want Jon to get you ready in the same way as he did last night, but tonight he must stay in the bedroom and kneel at the end of the bed. No more television for him! I want him to start to realise what being a real cuckold is all about."

"Oh my God!" said a startled Mel, "What about Julie. He tends to her night feeds and everything."

"He can do that too, but he must attend to her when she needs him and then return to the bedroom after she is settled." I confirmed.

Then she thought of another potential problem. "What if Nat has a problem with this."

I knew the answer to this without even thinking, "Nat will be fine with the idea. Take my word!" I needed to move on from this as I did not want to go to Sevenoaks yet again in the space of a couple of days so I came to a decision, "And I want you, Julie, Nat and your cuckold to come here for lunch tomorrow. Jen does a lovely roast beef. Nat knows where we live - you may recall."

She sounded dubious about meeting Jen again but confirmed that they would be there; Jen, on the other hand was less than enthusiastic. "You said what Derek Grant?" she exclaimed loudly. "You invited three adults and a baby to our house tomorrow for Sunday Lunch without even consulting the poor cow who is going to cook it all? Just where was you bloody head? I haven't got anything in."

Dom came to my rescue by saying, "You wanted him to do something, so he's done it. So we'll both go down into Bromley and get what you need. You and me My Love; and we'll stop for a drink. How about that?"

Ten minutes later a glaring Jen passed me in the hallway as she and Dom went out to the car and took off for our local town - shopping.

Dom and Jen went back out to eat that evening so I stayed in and switched on my own laptop and brought up Jon's Static IP Address. As expected, there was little going on in the bedroom other than Mel sitting at her dressing table with Jon standing naked behind her helping to arrange her hair.

I saw Mel's lips move and turned up the sound. "......... Derek's on Sunday Jon. I don't know exactly why, but it is clearly connected to what he has been doing for us. I'm not looking forward to meeting Jen again though! Not after Corfu anyway."

"Nat tells me that she is very nice," said Jon as he stood back to admire his work.

"She is! But Nat would say that anyway," replied Mel coldly, "And I should be grateful because I was getting some sleep at least. Albeit while he was bedding Derek's Missus."

"Are you going to be late tonight Mistress?"

Getting up from the chair, the lovely Mel slipped on a skirt and a white blouse with blue polka dots. "Look after our daughter Jon and I shall see you later," and with that she kissed her husband and disappeared downstairs to meet up with Nat.
"Look after our daughter Jon and I shall see you later,"

Nothing much happened that evening except that Jon, now with his dressing gown on, brought up a glass of milk from the kitchen and sat and waited for his Wife and her Lover to come home.

The noise of the front door closing was the signal for Jon to remove his dressing gown and wait for his Mistress to come into the bedroom.

"Do you want me to prepare you for Master," asked Jon as Mel entered the room.

"Silly question little man!" she replied, "but tonight is going to be different."

"Yes Mistress?"

"Tonight you are not leaving. Tonight you are sleeping at the foot of the bed like a good cuckold should."

Jon was completely thrown by the latest arrangement, "And what about the baby Mistress?" he asked - clearly worried.

"It's simple Jon. When she cries you put your gown on and see to her." said Mel in her sternest 'Sergeant Major' voice. "And when she's sleeping you're in here with us. Got it?"

"Yes Mistress," he replied with the faintest of smiles on his face, "Shall I take your blouse now."

Within just a few seconds Mel was naked and lying languidly on the bed with her legs open waiting for Nat to come to her, but she hadn't finished with her cuckold. "Tongue me Jonny Boy!" she said quietly.
...., but she hadn't finished with her cuckold.

Jon knew immediately what she meant but stood stock still as if in a state of shock. "Pardon me Mel? - I mean Mistress." he asked quietly.

"Get me ready for a real man, cuckold," she said in her stern voice again, "and don't make me tell you twice."

He understood the game that was being played and knelt on the bed and lowering his head down to her crotch he started to lick his Wife's labia. "Do you ......... mean ......... like this ....... Mistress?" he whispered between enthusiastic applications of his tongue on her clitoris and soft pink lips.

"That's ... perfect .... little man," she said between gasps of pleasure, "just keep going until I give you another instruction."
"That's ... perfect .... little man,"

There was no further conversation as Jon did his duty and Mel writhed in delight at the sensations from his tongue.

Our Black Stud Nathaniel was just a bystander in this little ballet of lust on the bed before him, and I noticed that he took his time to strip as if he was not in a hurry.'Why is he not pushing Jon aside and putting himself between Mel's legs? Has this little scenario been prearranged between the two of them while they were out?" My questioning thoughts were soon to receive my answer.

The room was silent as Jon maintained his commitment to his Wife's needs and was only broken when Mel now glanced up at a naked and clearly aroused Nat.

"That's wonderful Jonathan," she gasped as she squirmed with ecstasy, "but now you must do something else for me."

"What is that Mistress?"

"I want you to take a hold of Master's manhood," she said, looking down at a clearly alarmed Jon, "and position it's head at my vagina."

Jon's chin dropped as did my own - thirteen miles away.


"Now please Jonathan," she said - in a way that brooked little argument.

"Yes Mistress!"

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