Tuesday, December 31, 2024

A Rhyme for Our Time

A Rhyme for Our Time

A good Mistress to a Black Master will always be kind to her cuckolded husband, and pick just the right time to tell him that she now carries a child inside her that isn't his.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Happy Wife Reflections

Happy Wife Reflections

Mrs Quora Quentin says: 

I know I shouldn't tease my husband but he tells me he enjoys it. He was always okay with my mischievous ways, so when I told him that I was dating a big strong Black Man he thought I was joking; that is until I brought Jackson home one night and took him up to our bedroom. He was my Master from that very night on and Paul was a cuckold. 

Paul recovered from the shock of his cuckolding very quickly and within two days he was wearing one of those little cages. on his little pink willy. A day later he asked if he could clean me out after Jackson had pumped his salty cream into my vagina, and after a week he was kissing and licking his big dark rod back to hardness - I was so proud of him. 

Jackson and I are very aware that Paul likes to be tormented, so when he is getting close to cumming my Master likes to get my hubby excited by asking me if I would like to have his baby. I always give him the answer that we know makes Paul shiver in humiliation. 

As I say, my hubby knows my teasing is only in mischief, but ...
... maybe one day, it won't be.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

The empty chair - Part Three


Part Three - It's all around us 

"What the hell was all that stuff about?"

"What stuff?" Christine asked as she steered the car out from Geoff's drive onto the open road back to Guildford.

"All that guff about 'three cornered marriages'," I responded as she accelerated the car to match the speed of the local traffic, "and what was that word he used?"


"That's it! And trying to tell me that thousands of couples are living in cuckold marriages," I said, "does he think that I was born yesterday?"

Chris smiled as she concentrated on the road ahead. "No, he doesn't think that. In fact he quite likes you Pete. But you are a little naive."

"What do you mean?"

"It's all around us if you know where to look. There are more couples who live in such relationship than you could ever imagine," she replied. "He gave you three examples tonight. Your department head, Tina - his PA, and his sister; and he alluded to more in the Company. It's not so unusual these days. Since the invention of the birth control pill in the sixties and the rapid advance in Womens' choices and their liberation, this particular way of life for couples has grown exponentially.

... this particular way of life for
couples has grown exponentially."

Chris clearly knew more about this subject than I had given her credit for, but I wasn't buying it. "You've been reading too many ladies magazines," I commented dismissively, as she slowed the car down to the 30mph limit just outside Guildford, "and why, may I ask, do all of these hubbys allow their Wives to go with other men?"

"Allow? Wives aren't owned any more Pete, not by their spouses anyway," she replied, "besides, for many hubbies, a happy contented Wife who is regularly bedded by a vigorous Lover is the perfect marriage."

Once more, she pushed back against my negative reaction to what I had been told. "Are you sure about this?" I asked, my disbelief less certain now.

"As well as being your Wife, I am a Woman too. And Women like to tell each other their secrets. So I am as sure about this as anything Dear," she replied.

"If it's all true, then, how do these couples get into this sort of situation?" I asked, now curious.

Christine turned the car into our driveway, switched off the engine, grabbed her handbag from the back seat before saying, "I don't really know Pete because we have always been faithful to each other. So perhaps some Wives cheat initially and then when he finds out, hubby accepts his situation, or perhaps they talk openly about their sex life and decide that her having a Lover would be good for their marriage. Or maybe it starts with the Wife going on a date with another man with her hubby's acquiescence. Some cuckolds even rejoice at the very thought of her dating another man."

Some cuckolds even rejoice ...

"A hubby like me you mean."

"I suppose so Pete," she said, "but I haven't said that I will sleep with Geoff. It's just a date after all. We could just go to the cinema and hold hands like teenagers. Who knows, we might find that we don't like each other after all."

I thought that very unlikely and told her so. I had seen their desire for each other as they had swam and talked together in his swimming pool earlier. I had witnessed how readily she had bared her breasts in his company and the warm light in her eyes when she knew that Geoff had glanced appreciatively at her beautiful round orbs. But I needed to get something off my own chest too.

"I don't know where this little situation is going," I said, as I followed her up the path to our front door, "but can you promise me one thing."

"What is it?"

"That you tell me everything, especially if you decide to ....."

She turned back towards me and asked, "Decide to do what?"

"Yyyy you .... know!" I stuttered. "If you decide that you would like to climb into Geoff's bed."

"Oh that!" 

"Of course that."

Chris was amused by my stuttered request and couldn't help smiling as she asked, "Is that before or after I decide to let Geoff have his wicked way with me?"

From what depth of my psyche my answer to her question came that night I shall never know, but the smile fled from her face when I emphatically and loudly gave her the answer.

"Both!" I exclaimed.

Chris looked deeply into my eyes and could see the emotion there within. And as I looked in her own beautiful blue eyes I could see a realisation dawning. I knew that she knew that I would accept anything as long as she stayed my Wife.

"You will know everything Pete," she replied, "because I love you and if my dating Geoff turns into an affair, you will be a part of it. Are you ready for that?"

"I don't know. Just don't leave me. That's all I ask."

"No chance of that Petey-Boy," she replied as she ruffled my hair affectionately, "but you could be expected to make some sacrifices to your manliness."

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked - suddenly worried.

Chris did not reply to my question immediately. She did however grab my hand and pull me up the stairs; her grip was fierce and relentless. I knew exactly where we were going and why.

"First lesson tonight Sweetie," she said as she started peeling off her clothes and dropping them onto the floor of our bedroom. "Now come on. Get that pink tongue of yours working on me. Show me how much you love me."

I was almost naked at about the same time as she was. Our clothes had been strewn carelessly around the room but we didn't care. Christine's beautiful body stretched naked before me on the bed, her lovely long legs spread wide waiting for me. It was clear to me that she had been anticipating my desire to pleasure her, and she was not wrong.

Her labia felt warm against my lips as I kissed and licked the coral pink flaps in the way that I knew she liked. Already her pussy was wet from her heightened state of desire so I knew that it was time for my tongue to seek out her clitoris and get to work on bringing her to orgasm.

I had never seen her become so intense so quickly before. We usually spend a little time exploring each other before we get to where we were that night. But I was not fooled; I knew where that craving had come from, and it was all to do with the man whose swimming pool we had enjoyed and who had told me that he wanted to date my Wife earlier that evening.

Christine's moans and writhing became more and more intense as I sucked gently and licked vigorously on her sweet little clit. She was in a world of her own, but I had done this many times for the Woman I love and I knew that she was near to climax.

Her orgasm was both noisy and intense. Her screams could be heard down the street as her body flailed violently on the bed. With both of her hands on the back of my head she pressed my face hard against her labia; I couldn't move - I didn't want to - I was locked in a submissive embrace. I was just a 'thing' that provided her pleasure.

As she calmed down and released my head from its loving vice, I continued to gently kiss and lick her slippery lips. I could tell that I had given her everything that she wanted from me that night, and normally that would be the end of our lovemaking. But my sexy lovely Wife wanted more.

"Do you want to?" she said, as she lay languidly back on the bed. "I think your little chap deserves a treat tonight."

I didn't need asking twice. Within milli-seconds I was between Chris's legs and my small hard penis was nestled inside her.

"Finish up Petey," she said as my first thrusts brought me very close to orgasm. "Hurry up and cum because I have a little task for you."

Very quickly I felt the first wave of orgasm cause the first spurt of my seed into Chris's vagina. Another and then another pulse from my penis completed my little moment and I groaned in satisfaction as I collapsed onto my Wife's lovely body.

"Was that nice Dear?"

I barely heard her speak such was my sense of euphoria.

"Was that nice Dear?" she repeated.

"Mmmmm! Yes," I replied, barely conscious.

"Then roll off me and lay on your back Pete."


"This is your very first lesson in becoming unmanned," she replied, as I lay down next to her on our big bed. "Are you ready?"

"Yes!" I replied as I felt her get up from the bed and take up a kneeling position with her groin just above my face. But it wasn't her pussy I was looking at, but the back of her left hand. 'Does she want me to kiss her hand?' I thought - now thoroughly confused by it all.

"Are you ready Petey?" she asked - her voice remote from me now as her soft white thighs pressed against my ears and reduced all sound.

"I guess so."

"Then clean me Pete," she said loudly as she removed her hand. "Clean me in the way that thousands of hubbies clean their own dear Wives after their dates with their Lovers. Show me you can do this like all the other gentle loving husbands."

As she lowered her groin down close to my face I could smell the musty aroma of my own semen as it now commenced oozing from her vagina to form small globules of whitish jism on the lips of her labia.

I tried to wriggle free of the tight grip of her thighs on my arms, but I failed. I had no choice. I was trapped. I had to obey.

I had to obey

My tongue flicked up onto her pouting lips and made contact with the larger of the drops of semen. It tasted salty as it slid down my tongue and then my throat. Almost immediately another fell from her vagina directly into my mouth; then another and another all of which I consumed. I understood now just what this little piece of perversion was for; it was to humiliate me and put me in my place. And I was beginning to enjoy the emotions of total submission.

Every drop that I could reach with my tongue or fell into my mouth was consumed. The one drop of sticky jism that had fallen into my left eye was no more than a minor irritation and was quickly forgotten when Chris lowered her groin down further to make contact with my upturned face.

Slowly at first, she moved her pussy backwards and forwards, grinding her labia flaps and clitoris on my nose, lips and chin.

"Learn to serve, Pete," she said. It wasn't a request - it was a command.

I could say nothing in return. My face was being used so she could pleasure herself. Dutifully, I pressed my tongue up onto her sticky wet pussy and felt her respond with a low moan of pleasure. On and on her pleasuring went as my tongue became more and more numb from use. 

Her climax, when it came, was violent and screamingly loud; I was tossed around like small boat in a raging sea. I had never known my sweet Wife Christine become so forceful. I was seeing her in a different light, and I would admit it to anyone, I liked what I was seeing.

Within a heartbeat, she changed back to my adorable Wife and jumped up from the bed to tidy the room, pick up our clothes and switch off the light.

"You did well Pete," she said as she snuggled down with me under the duvet.

"Did I?"

"Mmmm, of course you did my Darling," she replied sleepily. "I'm so proud of you."

She was asleep within seconds and, although I still had a gummed up eye and a salty musty taste in my mouth, I was too.

Monday morning was just like any other. Christine said nothing about the night before and after a slice of toast and a cup of tea I went off to work.

Geoff was in the Boardroom all day with shareholders so I had little chance to speak, not that I had much to say to him. Christine, on the other hand had a lot to say for herself over dinner that evening.

"You're still not convinced, are you?"

"What about?" I didn't want to get into that 'three cornered marriage' stuff again.

"You know damn well."

I said nothing, but I could see that Chris was wanting to talk.

"Do you know Jennifer Green at number thirty two?" she asked as she reached for the salt.

"The pretty girl four doors down from us," I said. "What about her?"

"She has a Master."

"A what?"

"He is a rich Black Man who has been her regular Lover for the last five years. She calls him her Master."

Once again I was being confounded by Christine's knowledge; but I had a question. "And her husband, I think his name is Gerry, does he not have a say in this arrangement?"

Chris looked up at me from her meal in amusement. "What if I told you that it was his idea Pete." 

"If you say so," I replied grumpily, beginning to get fed up with the whole thing. But my lovely Wife was not finished with me yet.

"And Susan and Terry who live in the corner house. Have you noticed that she gets picked up by a big car four nights a week?"

Four nights a week

"Not really," I admitted But I didn't mention that I had spotted that the car was a top of the range Audi.

"Another Master," she responded triumphantly.

And so that is how my evening went. With Christine chattering about all the people she knew in Guildford who were living the cuckold way of life.

It was towards the end of the evening, as we were getting into bed, when a thought struck me. "If this is all so commonplace," I said, "why haven't you succumbed to it all? It's not as if you are pug-ugly after all."

As she rubbed her night cream into her hands and face, she turned to me and shook me to my core with her words. "I was once approached by a very famous and rich Black footballer a few years ago. He wanted to date me and make me his Mistress."

My mouth fell open at this revelation. "What???" Was all I could say.

"You and me were newly married then, so I thanked him for his kind offer and told him that I have a wonderful husband. He was okay about it, and I last heard that he was dating somebody else's young blond Wife, I think she's from Croydon."

".... he was a dating somebody
else's young blond Wife ..."

We were both tired and Christine was asleep very quickly but I could not. My head reeled with thoughts and images of Wives dating other men and the more I thought, the more it became clear to me that I had been living with my eyes closed. I had seen Susan getting into that big Mercedes many times and thought nothing of it; likewise I had often wondered why Gerry at number thirty two always went down to the pub when another car was regularly parked outside his door. Clearly, the big dark man who visited was enjoying pretty Jennifer's charms while Gerry absented himself. If I was cynical before, I was convinced now.

Geoff wasn't available again on the Tuesday, the day of his first official date with my Wife Christine. 

"He's gone to Manchester," Tina told me when I enquired, "he'll be back late this afternoon but has to go home straight away. He's got something special planned for this evening - he tells me."

By the time I arrived home Chris's preparations for the evening were already very advanced. She had showered, fixed her hair and had chosen a set of lingerie for the evening.

"You mean business," I remarked in appreciation of how the tiny straps accentuated the curve of her pretty arse.

"You mean business," I remarked.

After the revelations of the last two days I felt that instead of being terrified  of her dating Geoff, I was now experiencing feelings of complicity. I wanted Christine to look nice for him. I wanted her to enjoy her date, but I was not yet so completely compliant that I wanted her to spend the night with him.

"And you look nice," I muttered.

"Thank you Dear," Chris replied as she pulled a tiny black dress from the wardrobe, stepped into it and pulled it up over the whole lovely ensemble. And once again I noted that she had left her breasts free underneath that little piece of thin and clingy silk-like cloth.

"Oh by the way," she continued, "Geoff came back from Manchester earlier than he had planned so he's picking me up in ten minutes. I have left a salad for you in the fridge and there's a yoghurt for pudding. Must fly."

Moments later, Geoff's car pulled up outside our house, but as she was about to open our front door to leave, she turned to me and kissed me on the cheek and said, "Geoff and I made an agreement on Sunday by the pool. At the end of every date, he will ask me if I want to go back to his place and spend the night with him. It will be our little ritual and I am under no obligation to say yes."

"I remember him saying so," I said.

"That's right, she confirmed, "but if I ever do say yes to his invite, I will text you so you will know that I am with him. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" There was no other answer I could give.

"Then goodnight Pete, now go and get your supper and I may see you later," 

The door closed and she was gone. Gone to enjoy the company of another man. Having fun, flirting no doubt, making promises with her smile and enjoying his gaze at her unfettered breasts beneath the black silk of her dress.

And not for the first time or the last, I sat down with supper on a tray, watching television, next to Christine's empty chair.

To be continued

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Janine it’s time to go

Janine it’s time to go

“Janine! It’s time to go. The last bus leaves in ten minutes.”

“I don’t want to leave just yet Dear. Harvey here said that he would give me a lift home later.”

“That’s humiliating! Leaving my Wife in a club flirting with another man is not quite what I had in mind for the rest of the night.”

“And going back home with you isn’t quite what I had in mind cucky!”

“Well Okay. But try not to show too much more of your arse to the boys.”

“Of course not. Except Harvey; he can see as much as he likes.”

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

A Rhyme for Our Time

All inadequate husbands know that one day a real man will bed his Wife and possibly impregnate her. All he can do is to stand aside and watch.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Happy Wife Reflections

Happy Wife Reflections


Mrs Penny Partridge says:

I have been giving myself to Black Masters since I turned nineteen. I found that their stamina, strength, and size was such a difference from those of all the white boyfriends I had been out, and then to bed with. Nevertheless, there was one white boy I liked who, although he wasn't a very effective Lover, was very nice so when he begged me to marry him I said yes.

Geoffrey, my husband, always knew that I had a preference for the dark side, so when I suggested to him that I should take up an offer of a date with a Black Master, he said yes. Because of that, our honeymoon was a very happy time for both of us.

We have now been married for almost eight years and in that time Geoffrey has developed into a very happy and truly submissive cuckold. So much so that he likes nothing more than to stand beside my current Master (Jerome) and I as we make love, and to make a little film of us for his album of memories.

If Geoffrey can catch the moment just before Jerome ejaculates his seed into my body he considers that he has done his good cuckold's duty. And me? I'm just happy that I have pleased both of my men.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Thinking of my Wife on a date makes me hard?

Thinking of my Wife on a date makes me hard?


What a thought! Well what else makes me aroused? Let me think:

. Listening to her talking to him on the phone;

. Helping her get ready for dates with him;

. Wearing a little cage on my equally little penis;

. Thinking of her with his big manhood in her mouth;

. Thinking of me with his big manhood in my mouth;

. Thinking of his large cock deep inside her;

. Thinking of his seed erupting inside her;

. Thinking of his seed growing inside her;

. Scooping his seed out of her pussy with my tongue;

. Begging her to sit on my face;

. Doing all of the above again, and again, and again!

And that’s just for starters.

Friday, December 20, 2024

I’m taking the Mercedes.

I’m taking the Mercedes.


“I’m taking the Mercedes,” she said as she left.

“Who are you meeting this time?” i asked.

“A new guy. Someone from work. I shall probably be late.”

“It’s that big black man you were talking to when i picked you up from work isn’t it,” i said.

“Yes! What of it,” she replied aggressively.

“Oh nothing Dear! It’s just that i asked him to take you out,” i replied.

“Good,” she said, “then you will know that he has a taste for doing other men’s Wives in the back of their car.

“i know Dear! That’s why i asked him. I’m quite proud of my Merc and of you. It’s what us cuckolds get off on.”

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Lies and pretence

Lies and pretence


After a long night in my Lover’s bed I always return to my husband Roger. As the Mistress of a powerful, rich and well-hung Black Man I have always seen it as my duty to please my Master and to make sure that Roger doesn’t miss me too much.

We have our rituals, and one of them is for hubby Roger to stay in an adjoining room when I join Master in his hotel room. When I return to his room in the morning I always pretend that that the sex we had was only okay (a lie) and Roger pretends that he is asleep and didn’t listen at the keyhole all night (also a lie).

Lies and pretence between cuckold and Wife - the secret of a good cuckold marriage.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

A Rhyme for Our Time


Knowing that his pretty young Wife lays on her back all night for her Master is one of the many things that a husband has to accept. But a true cuckold knows it, welcomes it, and loves it - especially when she gives him 'the news'

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Happy Wife Reflections

Happy Wife Reflections

Mrs Nancy Norman says:

It took me nine and a half years of marriage to Geoff to realise that there was more to loving than something, small, pink, soft, and once a week every Friday night. In the early days after our wedding, we did it every night, then it became twice a week, then once a week, then it became a routine romantic evening together, and finally a boring chore that we both did for the sake of appearances.     

Geoff was very sensitive to his responsibility for our dull sex life and he, at last, recognized that his tiny, floppy, shrimp was responsible for our tedious love-life. So much to his credit he said to me one night that he would do something about it.       

I thought he was talking about therapy, or a course of Viagra, but one night he brought his Boss, Jerome, to the house for dinner and made it very clear to me that he would not stand in my way if Jerome and I took our attraction for each other to another level.     

Geoff knew that I had been attracted to his Boss because I had never made a secret of it; even telling him one night that I imagined being in bed with Jerome to try and spice up our sex life. It didn't work - just like his willy.          

Well, it transpires that Jerome felt the same about me, so we did take it to another level that night. Then another level the next night, and within the following week I sat Geoff down and told him that I was now 'owned' by Jerome and that his long dark manhood was always welcome deep inside me. And his was not.       

Geoff understood immediately and recognized his inferiority without any argument or tearful scene. It was no surprise then, when my husband went out the following day and purchased ...

... all the things a good cuckold needs.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

The Empty Chair - Part Two

 The Empty Chair


Part Two - His Girlfriend


I usually enjoy Thursday evenings, when Christine, my Wife, and I sit down for the evening together and talk about what we have planned for the Weekend ahead. A bit of gardening perhaps, a garden centre for some plants and a coffee, a trip to the coast for the day or even going to see her Mother in Chertsey. But not tonight; my Wife was out to dinner with my Boss, Geoff, at his Sister's house as his 'plus one'.

It was already clear to me that she had wanted to go on what was effectively a date, and that she had found him attractive. How had she described him? As I sat alone in our lounge I recalled her words. "A big attractive hunk of a man" she had said and there was little doubt in my mind that she had meant it. I didn't buy the 'getting him out of a bind' excuse she had given me for going out with him, but at least she had the good grace to tell him that she would only go if I was okay with it. I had said yes, but all the same, my Wife was out on a date with another man and my emotions were as confused as I had ever known them.

It was about a eleven forty five when the headlights of Geoff's big car swept across our curtains and filled the room with an odd yellowish glow casting shadows that moved across the wall. The lights went out and I sat and waited for Chris to open our front door and come into the entrance hall. However, it was just after twelve when she walked into our lounge and said hello!

It took less than a second to see that she had enjoyed the evening and the company she had been with. Her eyes shone with pleasure and fun as she sat down and faced me. There was a different air about her - she was no longer my Wife Christine, but now a beautiful desirable young Woman. Something had changed her; she was the very same lovely girl I had married but the person who sat before me was excited and happy, which consequently made her both alluring and exciting.

... made her both alluring and exciting.

"Did you have a nice time Dear," I asked lamely, already knowing what her answer would be.

"I have just had a nice meal with some lovely people," she responded, "and my companion for the evening was both gentlemanly and good company. So yes I did. How about you Pete, did you do anything special this evening?"

"I just sat and watched television," I replied, aware just how banal my reply must have sounded to her.

We chatted some more as we went to bed, mostly about Geoff's Sister (Gwen), the others at the party and the reaction of his Sister's journalist friend who apparently been looking daggers at her all night. Clearly the 'Leftie' journo Rebecca had had her pretty nose put out by Christine hanging onto Geoff's arm that evening.

"G'night Dear," she said sleepily as her warm lips touched my cheek. I was hoping for more in the way of loving, but the contented sigh from my beautiful Wife that was quickly followed by her regular breathing told me that my hopes were dashed.

"The Boss wants to see you." It was Tina his PA who had come to my desk to let me know that Geoff wanted a word.

"What about?" I asked, but as I asked, I was thinking that it was probably something to do with his date with Christine.

"Those absentee figures you gave him, I should think Pete," replied the sexy little brunette who usually sat like a fierce sentry at her desk outside his office door.

"Like hell it is," I thought. And I was not wrong.

Geoff looked happy and welcoming when I entered and gestured for me to sit down in the chair opposite his big desk. He went straight to the point.

"Pete, let me say right here that I am grateful to you for letting your lovely Wife come with me to my Sister's last night," he said enthusiastically, "and let me tell you that Gwen took to her straight away - as did I of course. And I have to say that she held her own with that snotty 'blue-stocking' journalist. It was great to watch. They hated each other on sight and the sparks flew between them all night. Such fun!"

He was clearly enjoying himself with his recollections of his evening with my Wife so I just sat and listened to his enthusiasm without following too much of it or bothering to answer, that is until he said, "..... brains as well as beauty. You have a rare Lady there Pete."

I couldn't help myself, but his last comment irritated me. "I know!" I interjected sharply, "and I am glad that you both enjoyed yourselves Geoff, but Tina mentioned the absentee report."

He looked uncertain for a second, as there had been no such report, but then I saw the realisation on his face that it had been my excuse to come and see him earlier in the week to cancel their date. And then he understood astutely what the reason was for the mysterious absentee figures.

"You only had to say no Pete," he said quietly, at which I regretted my outburst immediately.

"I was just being stupid," I replied - weakly - again!

"You have every right to be concerned, but there is no need" he said, "nonetheless I would like you and Chris to accept an invitation as my way of saying thank-you."

I was intrigued but said nothing.

"The weather looks good for Sunday." he continued, "How would you both like to come over to my place for the afternoon. I have a pool so you can bring your swimwear with you. How does that sound?"

"Sounds lovely," I replied, feeling that sense of impending doom that I had felt the night before, "I'll ask Christine this evening."

"Good idea Pete. But I asked her already."

'Of course you did.' Some things were becoming very clear to me now.

When I returned home that evening it was no surprise to me that a large (and expensive) bunch of flowers had pride of place on the dining table.

“Wasn’t that nice of him,” Christine said to me as she passed me the small card that had been attached.

‘Girlfriend? Kisses?’ I thought,‘

She was only there to get him out of a sticky situation. Does Chris see it that way? Or is there something else going on?’

“That’s a bit personal,” I remarked.

“Mmmm,” she replied, “I suppose it is.” But her eyes and the ghost of a smile that played around her mouth gave her thoughts away. And I was starting to worry - even more.

“We don’t have to go on Sunday. I could phone him and say you are unwell,” I said, beginning to feel desperate.

Her response was immediate. “Don’t be silly Pete. You do not want to insult the CEO of the Company that pays you.” She was, as always, right - and  my future was sealed at just that one short sentence.

On that fateful Sunday, as Christine and I pulled in to his drive we both whistled at the same time at the size and beauty of his house; it appeared that Goeff was used to everything being big in his life. Godalming in Surrey is one of the most expensive places to live in England and it was obvious that Geoff likes to live well in a nice place. His large mock-tudor mansion was set back from the main road behind a high row of beech trees, and as we drove up a quarter of a mile long cobbled drive that finished in a small roundabout around  a marble fountain in front of the main entrance we remained equally impressed.

Geoff, to his credit, greeted us both with equal warmth and attention even though, as I was beginning to realise, that we were at his beautiful mansion because of Chris. As he showed us around it was was clear that he was justifiably proud of his house and the art on its walls, including a painting by Titian looking over the twelve-seat oak table in the large conservatory that opened out onto the well tended garden.

"Let's go and relax by the pool," Geoff suggested.

The pool area was surrounded by high hedges and was out of sight of the other nearby mansions; in fact the the whole property was not overlooked by anything at all.

"Oh yes! You can both change in there," he said as he pointed to a small cabin set back from the pool between two hedges, "it doesn't get used much because I usually swim nude, but I guess I should make an exception today."

While Geoff had disappeared into the house to change, Chris and me stripped naked and made ourselves ready for an afternoon of swimming and sunbathing. I had pulled my own shorts up and Chris had her bikini bottoms settled snuggly over her pretty arse when she said, "Can you help me with this clasp on my bikini top please Pete. It won't snap closed properly."

It was true, the small fastener had been distorted and wouldn't mate properly. The spring in the press stud socket was bent and wouldn't keep the stud in place, so I pushed it hard through the hole and it seemed to hold in place. "Just don't do anything strenuous," I advised her as I opened the door for us to go out onto sunny pool area.

"What kept you?" It was Geoff, and he already had his Speedos. In his suit at work he always appeared to be a heavily built man, but in just his tight swimming shorts it became immediately clear that Goeff works out in a gymn. The hard muscles on his arms and legs were complimented by a solid six-pack stomach above a generous bulge showing through the thin material. Goeff was very generously endowed, and I am sure, from the sharp intake of her breath, that Chris was mightily impressed.

"Minor problem! Fixed now!" I replied tersely - aware of his appreciative but discrete glance at Christine's lovely body that was enhanced by her pretty red bikini.

Together we settled down on three sunbeds and started to talk about each other and to his credit, just as he had in the house, he included us both in the conversations. He showed interest in us both which I thought showed a lot of class, as it was perfectly obvious to me now that where his interests truly lay. 

‘Think about it you twerp. Why would the CEO of a major Company invite a junior manager from the Human Resources Department to share his swimming pool,’ was my cynical thought.

Geoff had brought some drinks down from the house so we spent a good hour chatting away happily with our ‘new friend’. But the afternoon was warm and the pool looked inviting so it was with some relief when he suggested that we have a swim.

“Don’t wait on me to say folks,” he exclaimed, “just jump in when you want. That’s what it’s here for.”

The water was warm, clean and very inviting so we all went in together. Geoff immediately bursting with energy by doing a fast crawl, Chris alongside him with her very accomplished breast stroke and I followed with a very slow paddle. I cursed myself for never having bothered to learn to swim properly as they swam away, leaving me behind. 

Geoff and Chris had done almost ten lengths swimming together, when it happened. The temporary repair I had done to the bikini top failed and Chris found herself swimming with her lovely breasts very much on view.

Like the gentleman that I am, I immediately went to her aid but not before Geoff had swum up to her, eased the fragile material over her head and tried to fix the problem. Like me, he also experienced difficulty in making the fastener work and eventually gave up.

“I’m not very good with this sort of thing,” he said as he passed it back to her, “I think it’s completely broken. When I was married, my ex Wife Celia and I used to swim naked so I never had that much practice in repairing Ladies bikini tops.”

A decision had to be made and it was Chris who made it. “It’s quite private  and secure here, nobody can see us. You boys don’t have to wear these damn things so why shouldn’t I swim dressed just like you two? It's just not fair!”

I was stunned. My Wife was telling us both that she was happy to bare her breasts to a stranger. A big handsome stranger who I knew she liked, but a stranger nonetheless. I was speechless and  my mind had gone blank at the thought of another man looking at, and appreciating the beauty of, Cristine's lovely tits.

“Well I don’t mind, if Pete doesn’t,” said Geoff, while studiously averting his eyes.

Chris still had her hands partially covering her breasts when she turned to me and asked, “Do you feel comfortable with me being topless Pete? Nobody's looking.”

“Do you feel comfortable with me
being topless Pete?”

To this day I don’t now if this little incident had been by design or accident but what I did know at that moment that if I had said that I was uncomfortable with Goeff looking at her breasts, then that would be the end of a very nice afternoon. And I would shown myself to be a prude. So there was no other answer I could give.

“Of course not Dear,” was my reply, to which she immediately dropped her arms and swam away to join Geoff and continue their companionable swim together.

I was still swimming alone when Chris and Geoff left the pool still chatting intimately and made their way to the sunbeds together. He then took his own towel and gave it to her to wrap around her shoulders and to dry her hair, and I continued to swim, aware that I was, to put it mildly, surplus to requirements.

From the pool, I could hear their laughter but not make out their conversation. I knew that it would be seen to be rude to just go over and join in, however something was telling me that we were coming to the nub of the reason for our visit.

It was a few seconds before I realised that their laughter and chatter had ceased and suddenly there was a serious air between the two of them. I swam over to see what had happened just as Christine replied to a question that Geoff had put to her.

"Only if we talk to Pete about it first," she said to him, not realising that I was nearby with my arms resting on the tiles at the side of the pool.

"Talk to Pete about what?" I asked, suddenly feeling that the water had chilled a little.

"Why don't we all change out of these wet things and go up to the house so we can talk in more comfort," said Geoff.

"I had better throw this bikini away," Christine said as we changed back into our day clothes. I was tempted into sarcasm about it having served a purpose but decided not to when she put her pretty lace blouse back on without her bra. She had evidently enjoyed her topless time with Geoff and me and was unwilling to put her two beauties back in restraint. My Wife's character was changing, right before my eyes.

My Wife was changing, right before my eyes.

Geoff had poured drinks and made some sandwiches that were laid out on a small coffee table. There were three armchairs that had been deliberately spaced equidistantly around the table so we could see each other with ease. Chris and I took our seats as Geoff handed out the drinks.

“I guess Pete, that you were wondering what this is about and why I invited you both here this afternoon,” he said.

“It had crossed my mind Geoff. It’s not every day that the millionaire CEO of a company invites an undermanager from HR and his Wife to his house. I am assuming that this is about more than just the dinner party on Thursday night.”

He smiled at this and responded by saying that it was a fair point. “But I brought you both here for a reason.” he confirmed. “But first a bit of background for that reason.”

“Go on!” I said, sipping my drink and noting that Chris had remained very quiet since leaving the shed by the pool and was biting the inside of her lip. She does this when she is nervous.

“I am going to tell you something that I don’t want repeated please,” he said as he sat down in the chair facing us both. “I have always been a very driven man Pete; but you already know this.”

I nodded - he was.

“It is the reason Celia and I divorced three years ago. I was always away on business and she was left at home and although she was a faithful Wife, she couldn’t take the loneliness. The long hours I worked, the weeks and months away and the inattention took their toll and she left me. And with hindsight I don't blame her.”

I glanced over at Chris and I could see that she was emotionally rivetted to what he was saying. But Geoff was opening up his soul, so we both remained quiet, and a little nervous.

“The divorce hit me hard,” he continued; his face reflecting the pain he had suffered, “so I threw myself into the work even more so. And for the last three years all that I have done is work, sleep and eat for seven days every week to make our company what it is today. It wasn’t until my Sister Gwen sat me down and told me that I was turning into a machine and tried to hook me up with her journalist friend that I realised just how much of a boor I had become.”

He paused for breath, took a sip of his drink and continued. Chris and I remained silent at these heartfelt reveleations; he was clearly getting something off of his chest.

“And,” he said - continuing, “it wasn’t until Thursday night that I realised that I had been missing something good in my life.”

He paused, because as we were all aware now, he was about to get to the point of it all.

“With Christine on my arm the other night I understood just what I needed. I have missed female company terribly and it wasn’t until Chris told me, in the car as we left the party, that she could feel that I was lonely, that I knew what I wanted.”

“So you need a Woman in your life?” I suggested.

“Correct Pete. But not just any Woman.”

He sat back and watched me as I realised exactly what he was suggesting. “You mean Christine don’t you,” I exclaimed; pretending to be surprised. I had seen this coming from the moment we had entered the house. And by her silence and the pretty red flush to her cheeks, so had my Wife.

“That’s right Pete,” he replied choosing his words carefully, “I would like to date Christine. But only if she says yes and you say that you agree to it.”

We sat in silence for a moment or two as the shock of what he had asked me sunk in. I needed to say something profound or dismissive but could think of nothing, so what came next was the first thing to come into my head. 

"Do you mean 'a single date' or do you mean 'dating', with all the implications that word infers? In other words making my Wife your Girlfriend."

"Yes to either or both, if Christine wishes it to be so," he replied confidently.

"I am trying to get my head around this Geoff. Are you really telling me that you want to have a relationship with my Wife." I remarked, "That's a bit outrageous isn't it?"

Geoff's face showed that he had just thought of something. "Chris did say that you are a little old fashioned Pete. That's a good thing in a man but you should know that what I am proposing is quite normal these days. Did you know that there are hundreds of marriages in just this area of Surrey that are, shall we say, three cornered."

"So you are saying that the county is full of unfaithful Wives Geoff. Is that right?" I asked sarcastically, but feeling even more vulnerable than I had before.

"Unfaithful? No!" he exclaimed, "But have you ever heard of the word Polyamoury?"

I shook my head.

He continued. "Google defines it as, and I quote - 'the practice of engaging in multiple sexual relationships with the consent of all the people involved'. That cold scientific statement, in most modern cases, is usually defined as a Wife having a faithful husband and another man in her life. A Boyfriend or Lover." 

... is usually defined as a Wife having a faithful
husband and another man in her life.

"So are you saying that Surrey is full of cuckolded husbands," I asked, now very worried.

"Living in cuckold marriages that is for certain. But not just in this little corner of the world - there are thousands all over the Western World. My own Sister Gwen has a big guy she stays with three nights a week. He was at the dinner party the other night while her hubby Brian was upstairs working They are good friends by the way."

"So what," I said, "that's not thousands is it."

"Okay Pete, you're not convinced. Tina, my PA, is in a strong relationship with Deven from the Thermodynamics Department and her husband works across the road from us in the Council Offices. And George, your Department Head, his Wife is the long term Mistress of Sir Charles, our Vice President. And they are just two of at least twenty of our staff who live this way. And that is just our small Company."

"So this is what you have planned for Chris and me is it Geoff?" I asked - now very annoyed.

"I have nothing planned Pete, I am just saying what's 'out there'. My point is that this way of life is pretty normal these days. A satisfied Wife with a submissive husband and a powerful young Lover is, for many, the best of all relationships. But you are addressing all the wrong questions to the wrong person."

"How do you mean?" I asked.

"Not once have we brought Chris into this conversation Pete," he said, "don't you think we should? Why don't you ask her if she would like to go on a date with me. I thought that Tuesday evening might be nice to start of with."

I was now shaking with extreme emotions as I looked over at my Wife, sitting with her legs pointed towards Geoff slightly open, and her nipples clearly standing out proudly like two coral pink cotton reels through the lace of her blouse. But Geoff had one more thing to say.

"Ask her the question Pete. YOU have to ask her. Not me. It is only right that you become part of the story. And you must tell her that we will both honour her decision and her wishes."

I couldn't get the words out. I was shaking like a leaf. Chris had all but told me that she was attracted to Geoff, so I was trapped. I knew that I should get up and take my Wife home but I just couldn't. However it was Christine who broke the silence.

"Well! Have you something to ask me Pete?" she said quietly.

I took a deep breath and said. "Geoff has told me that he would like to take you out on a date - on Tuesday evening. Would you like to? It's completely up to you - no pressure either way."

She did not reply to my question, but within seconds she arose out of her seat and went over to Geoff and sat on the arm of his chair. Leaning her head down to his upturned face she planted a tender kiss on his mouth.

"I'll see you Tuesday," she said to him with a lovely happy smile on her face, "but now I think that it's time to take Pete home."

And with those words she walked out of the room, leaving Geoff and me both looking, astounded, at her empty chair.

To be continued.