Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Empty Chair - Part Seven

 The Empty Chair – Part Seven

Part Seven - I knew it was you

The red panties felt scratchy on my bottom as I squirmed inside them trying to get comfortable. The sound of contented humming coming from the kitchen as Brian prepared our tea calmed me after the ‘preparations' I had undergone just a few minutes before; nevertheless I knew these arrangements were not at an end.

“How do you take your tea Pete,” Brian asked as he placed a silver tray containing a tea pot, cups, milk, sugar bowl, etc. on a nearby small table.

“Milk with no sugar please Brian,” I replied, fully aware that this was a tactic to relax me before what was about to happen. Whatever it was to be, I was ready for it.

He poured; we sipped the hot liquid in silence until we had placed our empty cups back on the tray. In those few minutes I knew that my fellow cuckold was either evaluating my responses so far to his tutoring, or deciding upon his next move, or both. The look on his face told me that he had decided, subsequently he reached for his briefcase again.

‘I've already got a cage on my little willy,’ I thought, ‘So what the f*ck is next?’

“So you don't have any emotional reaction to your Wife's panties then Pete, so why don't we add a little more and find out,” he said.

“Nothing as yet Brian,” I replied; but said nothing further. But I had stopped squirming in my seat as I became a little more used to the feel of the lace panties on my skin, so he took my silence and calm demeanour as approval.

“Try these on,” he said, pulling out a pair of black stockings from his case, “they're hold-ups so no suspender belt required. Unless you would like ....”

“No!” I responded quickly. “Let's not over complicate this.”

He passed the flimsy hosiery to me which I draped over the arm of the chair with the wide elasticated top nearest to me. I had watched Christine put hold-up stockings on before so I followed her method. I folded the stocking up and in on itself so I could put my foot directly into the toe and then carefully eased it up my left leg until it had stretched sufficiently so I could release the elastic to comfortable fit on my thigh. I then did exactly the same with my right leg. I now had a pair of stockings on , as well as Christine’s panties, and I felt nothing – yet.

“Now stand up Pete,” Brian said, “and stand in front of that mirror over there.”

I walked over to a large full length mirror and peered at my reflection.

“My God cuckold!” Brian exclaimed as be stood behind me, “that's pure perfection. You were born to it.”

".. You were born to it.”

It was true. The image in the mirror was one of pure shameless licentiousness. The stockings and panties were not a matching set but they were pretty nonetheless; my almost hairless body seemed to be made for such femininity. On a Woman, my legs would have been complimented as shapely and my bottom filled out Christine's panties in a rounded girlish contour, in spite of the tiny bulge of my caged penis that had failed to stretch the fabric of the garment to any serious degree.

I spun around, first one way and then the other, to see myself from different angles. Seeing myself in this way had affected my sense of manliness and the more I gazed at my reflection, the more I liked the sensations that were surging unbidden through my emotions. I had expected my reaction to seeing myself in lingerie as one of either excess negativity or indifference, but suddenly my whole being was charged with an enjoyable sense of wickedness, harmless perversion, and deviance.

“Peter! That growing lump in your panties tells me that you have reacted positively to what you are seeing in the mirror.”

Brian was right. My little willy had started to swell, albeit within the confines of the restraint, but enough to fill out the front of my panties a little more.

“I can't believe it,” I replied. “If you had told me before you put me in front of this mirror, I would have called you a liar......... But now?”

“But now you join the ranks of the many. The many who stay quietly unobtrusive, and accept, endure, and then learn to enjoy the many aspects of their cuckolding.”

I looked back at Brian in semi comprehension to the ideals that he was expressing. “Are you saying that this is a good way to live?” I asked.

“It isn't for everybody Peter,” he said, glancing out of the window, “but I would bet my pension that it is for you. You are now free to be whatever you like. You no longer have to pretend to be a so-called ‘real man’. You're a cuckold and that's that. For the rest of your life mate!”

“Christ!” I exclaimed, “I hadn't thought of it like that.”

He smiled as he reached into his case to pull out yet another piece of ... what? It wasn't lingerie or another cage, but whatever it was, it was contained in another velvet sack.

“One more optional extra Peter,” he said as he pulled out a leather collar and dog lead. “Lean your head forward.”

He had judged my reaction would be to accept the symbol of submission without objection or hesitation – and he was right. I was in his hands and I trusted both him and his instincts concerning my sexuality. I was now a compliant cuckold and the best of it was yet to come that significant afternoon. The leather felt cold on my neck initially, but soon warmed from the heat from my body.

“How does that feel?”

“Odd! But okay so far,” I replied.

“Excellent!” he said, as he clicked the spring catch of the dog lead onto the metal loop on the front of the collar. “And I have been keeping an eye on Geoff and Christine. They have finished frolicking together in the pool and are heading towards that big double sized sun bed.”

Brian kept a watch through the window for about two minutes before turning to me and said, “ Just as I thought. Geoff's having your Wife right now, so I think we should go down and join them.”

I felt the familiar feeling of humiliation at his words but I was a realist. What else would the happy couple wish to do after swimming together, naked and in love.

“Won't we be disturbing them? They will not want us gawping at them as they make love, surely.”

“If they viewed us as men of consequence they would, but we are cuckolds, you and I, so we don't count. They are so engrossed in each other they won’t care,” he said, and then continued with the other reason for joining them. “Besides, you have some extra training to do.”

“Really? What?” I asked as he tugged gently on my collar to guide me through the door to the garden.

“You'll see. Now step lively and keep to the grass, I don't want those stockings damaged on the concrete path.

I had caught sight of Christine and Geoff together on the bed as we had left the house, but descending the grass lawn at the side of the pathway the two Lover’s had become out of view due to the hedge surrounding the pool area. Brian swung the access gate open and in we walked to be met with the sight of Geoff (my Boss) looking down into the face of my lovely Wife as he thrust his sizeable member deep into her vagina.

With her wide open legs, wrapped around his back, Chris gazed up into the eyes of her Lover with a warmth and tenderness that could only be interpreted as one thing. She was in love with Geoff and that large thick organ was very welcome inside her warm wet tunnel. Momentarily he stopped thrusting and, while still buried deep inside her, he kissed her gently to which, in response, she lifted her own lips to meet his to share the sensation of each other's tongue in each other’s mouth. Tenderness over, their lips parted, and the thrusting continued much to my Wife's appreciation.

Noises, I had never heard before, came from the Woman I love as the pure sexual pleasure of a well endowed man gave rise to squeaks, sighs, moans, and squeals emanating from her throat. She was lost to the world around her and was in a dimension of ecstasy and abandonment; all self control gone, her body and mind were now the property of the man who now claimed her. I should have been jealous and filled with a sense of loss, but perversely I was happy for her to have found something at last, that I couldn't provide in our marriage.

“Kneel on the mat beside the bed cuckold,” Brian said quietly into my ear, “and your obligations will become apparent soon.”

‘Obligations?’ I thought, as I knelt down with my head just inches away from my Wife's within body and bouncing breasts.

With what, for me, is an unimaginable period of time Geoff and Chris continued their delightful repetition of hard thrusting to the slap of his heavy testicles on her bottom followed by gentle kissing. The animal noises I had heard coming from their bedroom the night before now became a visual feast of erotic coupling before my very eyes; I was a part of the drama of their mating but until my ‘obligations' were required I was peripheral to their loving. A mere spectator in fact.

Brian had taken a nearby bed and, turned away from the action, was busy texting on his phone. Reporting perhaps that he had trained up yet another cuckold, or just passing the time until the inevitable moment between the copulating couple arrived. And arrive it did.

My first inclination of Geoff’s imminent release was a gradual concentration by Chris on her Lover's face. Her expression was one of anticipation and want. She had provided him with her body for pleasure and now she could feel his need to erupt his seed into her; her eyes told him that it would be welcome inside her.

His roar of ejaculation was accompanied by my Wife's quivering wail of orgasm as his thick hard rod jumped and pulsed inside her; flooding her cervix and vagina with streams of hot viscous semen. Again and again he moaned and grunted as his seed spurted from his manhood into Christine until, at last, he was spent and collapsed on top of his pretty and very, very satisfied Lover.

I was quiet as I knelt beside them, not wanting to interrupt their moment of post coital bliss. I was Christine's husband, but I had the good manners not to interfere with their time of togetherness and bonding, and because of that non interference, it was the first time that I realised I had fully accepted my demeaning position of humiliated cuckold. I was ready for my ‘obligation' – I needed to be!

Eventually, Geoff kissed Chris gently and rolled off, leaving her on her back with her legs wide open. It was then when I felt a hand on my shoulder and Brian's words in my ear.

“Get your face in there cuckold. And get cleaning.”

I spun around and looked at Brian. “Sorry?” I asked, confused.

“Your Wife’s pussy cuckold. What else did you think you were here for?”

“But it's .......” My dissent was unceremoniously met with a tug on the lead towards the end of the bed, and subsequently towards Christine's groin.

“Clean her cuckold, and learn to enjoy your new obligations,” Brian said as he pushed my face directly into the wet sticky mess that was my Wife's labia and partially open vagina from which slowly oozed a stream of Geoff's sticky, musty, essence.

I flicked my tongue out to taste the whitish fluid on her coral pink lips; it was salty, thick, and smelt slightly of bleach. It felt warm in my mouth as I scooped it up from her labia before turning my attention to yet another globule of semen peaking its little white head from the dark entrance to her tunnel of love. Initially, I had emotionally recoiled from the idea of consuming the fluid that had been shot out of Gregg's big balls, but the very idea of my subjugation drove me to accept what I was supposed to do. It was my cuckold’s obligation and I was now very enthusiastic about fulfilling them.

... I was now very enthusiastic ...

I licked, slurped, and swallowed the bountiful flow of salty cream in the knowledge that my Wife was content with my action. Her hand, pressing gently on the back of my head, and her occasional sigh of pleasure when I transferred my attention to her clitoris told me that she appreciated my action. So was her breathy, “Oh that's so nice Pete,” comment as I kissed her sticky labia in a gesture of affection.

“Doing well mate,” said Brian, “but you have other obligations.”

I did not need to answer, because I felt his hand on my wrist as he moved my own hand away from Christine’s thigh. I had guessed where my hand was going, so it was no surprise when it made contact with a soft warm tube of flesh as he placed it on Geoff's large, but now flaccid, cock.

“Stroke your Master cuckold!”

So I did just that as I continued to consume the now dwindling flow of semen from the soft vaginal opening. It felt soft, warm, and pliant in my hand as I folded my fingers around its shaft and started to manipulate the manly organ. I wondered if I was doing it right; did Geoff permit another man's hand on his cock or was it okay if a cuckold does so? Did he like what I was doing?

These questions were answered very quickly, as I heard a happy sigh come from his chest and the flesh in my hand start to swell, while at the same time the flow of salty cream stopped from Christine's pretty pink crotch. Accordingly, I lifted my head from the intimate enclosure between my Wife's legs to gain my bearings. Geoff was still in the same position where he had rolled off from her, except that now his manhood was thicker and was standing proud from his thighs under the care and support of my soft hand.

“Get him ready cuckold,” Brian said in my ear.

Again, I knew exactly what was required of a submissive cuckold who had given up on all pretensions of manliness. Obediently, I shuffled across from my position between Christine's thighs to position myself beside Geoff, and with my hand on his cock joined by the other, I lifted the semi-erect member up to my lips with both hands. It felt heavier and more solid.

“Obligation time, cuckold,” Brian said.

I glanced down at Christine's face looking for her reaction. If she had looked horrified, worried, or reproachful I would have leapt from the bed and walked back into the house. But she didn't – she smiled warmly at me. It was a smile of encouragement, so I smiled back at her just before I lowered my head.

I could have said anything to stop at any time and nobody would have said a thing about it, other than a sympathetic agreement. Nonetheless I knew that Christine's affair with Geoff would not stop if I backed away from my ‘obligations' and the big member that now touched my lips would be penetrating her routinely and very, very often; their love and desire for each other was crystal clear to all of us. But I didn't want to ‘back away.

But I didn't want to ‘back away.

I wanted the humiliation and unmanning that a practicing cuckold experiences. ‘A Practicing Cuckold, is that what I am,’ I thought. ‘And what is meant by that definition? Can I be the man I want to be, or do I have to wear a straightjacket of conformity? Are there conventions to be observed for men like me? Is the wearing of a penis restraint and lingerie a required formality for the lesser man? Can I handle the change to my life? Do I really want this?’

All of these questions rattled instantaneously through my brain as my wet tongue wrapped itself around the bulbous glans of Geoff's mighty hardening rod. The warmth of his hard skin and the musty smell of drying semen mixed with my Wife's vagina juices did not repulse me, on the contrary, it aroused my senses and emotions. Although my limited penis remained soft and unerected, I felt excited by the loss of my manliness and the setting in which it was taking place. I was being guided by an expert in these matters and I was serving two people who cared for me, of that I was certain.

I felt a warm hand push my own hands away as Christine wrapped one of her own around his shaft and the other guided my head down his shaft to his heavy testicles. The implication of this movement was obvious: she wanted me to go down on his balls and demonstrate my commitment even further.

She stroked as I my tongue searched out the soft skin of his seed sack and went to work licking and kissing the source of the white sticky fluid that I had consumed from my Wife's vagina just minutes earlier. They were much, much bigger than my own little pouch, but even so, I tried as best that I could to take each skin covered ball into my mouth and gently caress it with my tongue.

“Well done Peter,” Christine whispered in my ear, “you are doing so wonderfully well. I'm so proud of you, but don't do anything that you don't like.”

Finished with his testicles, I was, by then, licking up and down his proud hard cock before I answered her. And my response was no word of a lie as I stopped momentarily from my ‘obligations'.

“I do like!”

“Okay then,” she replied, as she released her hand from Geoff's rod to lay back on the sunbed and open her legs wide in the eternal womanly invite.

Geoff needed nothing more from me, so I scampered to one side as he sat up, thanked me, and positioned himself between Christine's legs. Leaning forward, he guided his tumescent rod towards her pink (wet but semen-free) labia, only to have it met by Chris's outstretched hands to welcome it and position the head, still wet and shiny from my mouth, at the entrance to her vagina. She smiled up at her Lover, he smiled down at her, I held my breath, and the beautiful couple were as one again. His big hard manhood was inside her again, and I had enabled its happy return. ‘Is this what is meant by a practicing cuckold?”

I learned my obligations that warm sunny afternoon as I realised my potential as a ‘Practicing Cuckold’. It has no great meaning of course, but that is how I now describe myself to whoever holds such a conversation with me. I am a cuckold and I am happy for everyone to know it, but let me tell you how such a happy circumstance arrived. How I ‘came out'.

A normal couple would have driven home in silence, in quiet contemplation of the highly emotionally charged weekend they had enjoyed, but not Christine and I. We chatted animatedly about what we had done and why; so by the time we arrived back at Guildford, we knew exactly what our future was going to be.

Chris dated Geoff regularly and stayed the night at his place three or four nights a week. Occasionally, when the timing and circumstances were right, he would stay overnight with us in our marriage bed. And so it was, in the months following the summer. On my part, whether in our house or in his, I was always ready to show my devotion to my Wife and our Master.

At work, Tina (Geoff's P.A.) still speculated about who our Boss's secret Girlfriend was. At our weekly get together in the pub at Friday lunchtime, she would offer theories as to who it could be. One day, the busy little gossip, offered an opinion that had my face burning with apprehension. Was my mucky little secret about to be exposed to all who sat in that ring around the table in the pub. I knew that one day everyone would be aware that my Wife was another man's Woman, but I wasn't ready just yet.

“I tell yer,” Tina exclaimed in her cockney accent, “I reckon Geoff's bit of stuff is married already.”

“Why?” someone, not me, asked.

“Because he has been keeping who she is a secret,” she said, taking a sip from her gin and tonic. “And I tell you something else.”

Everyone leaned forward, eager to hear about our very popular Boss’s new bed partner.”

Tina’s face adopted an expression of conspiracy as she said quietly to all there, “I think she is married to someone within the Company. Why would he keep it a secret?”

“Maybe he doesn't want a nosey cow like you knowing his business,” Mark from R&D chimed in.

And with one poisonous glare from Tina, Mark got up and left.

‘Another bloody empty chair,’ I thought. And was my skeleton about to be released from its cupboard?

It was one Sunday morning in early December, when the rain was rattling at the windows that Geoff raised the subject. “We need to talk don't we Pete,” he said.

‘Oh Christ!’ I thought in alarm. ‘He's put a bun in her oven!’

“What about Master?”

“This can't go on. Can it!” he said, looking across his breakfast at me; still in my basque and stockings from the night before.

... from the night before.

“When is it due?”

He looked startled at my question, and then smiled. Christine stifled a snigger with the back of her hand while standing behind her Lover, stroking his hair.

“No Pete. Well not yet anyway. But aren't you fed up with the speculation?”

“Fed up Master? No! I'm happy with the way things are,” I said, as I fiddled with one of the clips to my stocking tops. It was a true statement; I was content that my Wife was getting the loving that she clearly needs and my status of ‘practising cuckold' was very much to my liking. But Geoff wasn't finished, so I waited respectfully for him to continue with his line of thinking.

He clearly had something on his mind, Chris had become quiet, and I held my breath waiting for what was to come.

“I was thinking that this conjecture at work about my love-life has gone on long enough. And it is starting to effect efficiency,” he said grimly. “So it's about time they met Christine.”

I understood that he would want to introduce Christine to those who work for him and hold him in high regard; it was true that he treated all of us as friends and the feeling was reciprocated. But my feeling was one of concern. How would my work colleagues react to knowing that my Wife is now the Mistress of a superior man? My family and personal friends had been told and, I had to admit, had shown little surprise at this revelation, but how would the people in the Human Resources Department take this news; I was the Deputy Head after all.

“It means that you have to ‘come out', Peter,” Christine said.

“Come out?”

“As a Cuckold, Darling,” she replied. She hardly ever called me Darling, so I knew that this was something that meant more to her than usual.

“You want everyone to know that you are Master's Mistress. Is that it?”

Her short answer of, “Yes!”, told me that she wanted a permanent relationship with Geoff that was recognized by friends and family alike.

“And I want everyone to know that this arrangement is forever, Pete,” Geoff said - joining in the conversation. “And I have an idea.”

Two weeks later, as I helped Chris step into her dress, I had a feeling of impending drama as we made ourselves ready for the party being thrown by Geoff. Christine seemed to be slightly distracted as we prepared for the evening ahead. 

As usual, he had opened up his house in Godalming for the dual celebration to say goodbye to my immediate boss, George, on his retirement, combined with a pre-Christmas dinner for the Company management.

The conversation, just a fortnight earlier was still on my mind, but no arrangements had been made and, to be honest, I had avoided the subject of ‘coming out' with both Geoff and Chris. It was a bridge I was unwilling (or too cowardly) to cross.

The room in which my fellow cuckold Brian had initiated my training had been decked out in Christmas decorations (Christine and I had helped), there was a nice log fire burning in the grate, and a long wooden table with approximately twenty four places had been set. Chris and I were greeted at the door by Geoff in a formal manner that deliberately implied that we were just another employee and his Wife, so those who arrived behind us would not suspect that she was his Lover. It was a subterfuge that even had ‘nosy' Tina unaware of our happy love triangle – or so I thought.

Geoff arranged for his seat to be positioned halfway down the long side of the table with and empty place beside him. Chris and I were seated almost opposite him with the door to the hallway behind us. Tina, Geoff's PA, was sat next to me with her Lover, Deven, the other side of her. George and his Wife were given a pride of place at the head of the table, while at the far end the boring arse of a Financial Director held sway over an assortment of junior managers and non-executive directors.

Unsurprisingly, the food and wine were superb; so the atmosphere soon became relaxed as conversation turned into laughter and a convivial mood prevailed in the room. It was after the food had been cleared away and we were all talking together happily, when Geoff tapped the side of his glass to attract attention. The room fell silent in anticipation.

Geoff was well practiced in giving speeches and he held the room with an amusing historical review of George's time as Head of HR in the Company; how he made such a dull man sound so interesting was a revelation to us. It was a fine and thoughtful speech, and I liked him all the more for it.

“Now tell us what we really want to know,” muttered Tina beside me.

The room fell silent after the applause and banging of the table; but Geoff remained silent and standing.

“And now to a personal matter,” said Geoff, as the noise in the room changed from quiet to silent.

“I have been aware for some time that there have been rumours about my private life, and a new Lady in my life .......,” he said, pausing to look around the room, “and let me say the rumours have all been true. I do have a new Lady in my life, and she is with us here in my house tonight.”

His words were clever because they implied that the Lady in question was ‘in the house’ and not at the table. He was playing mischievously with everyone in the room but I knew exactly whom she was, and what was about to happen to me – but not the how.

My hands began to shake and my stomach muscles cramped at the thought of where his little speech was going. I was about to be ‘outed' as a cuckolded husband by my Wife and her Lover in front of my work colleagues. I was going to be humiliated in the worst possible way. They would laugh at me and call me names like ‘Cucky Pete’ or something similar. But Geoff hadn't finished.

“But this beautiful and gentle Lady has a hubby,” he said, as murmurs started around the room. “But,” he continued, “I want you to know that he is a very, very good friend of mine, and a nicer bloke I have yet to meet. And my Lady and I have his acquiescence.”

‘Acquiescence?’ I thought. Is that the right word for a cuckold when he steps to one side when his Wife is taken upstairs for the night by his Boss. When he accepts that she willingly invites another man's member inside her, then allows his smaller penis to be encaged, and finally - last but not least - he feminizes himself with his own Wife's lingerie.

‘Sissification’, isn't that the word I read on the internet: is that what I am? It was certainly true that wearing lingerie in private, and when I was ‘practicing' my cuckolding when Chris and Geoff were together in our marriage bed was more than just arousing for me. It was now defining what I am. At work, I was the same efficient, intelligent, and tough negotiator with the unions, whilst at home I was totally submissive to Master and Mistress. I was their feminized sex slave – they liked the arrangement and I loved it.

So the word ‘acquiescence’ implies reluctant agreement. But my reluctance had been minimal when Geoff had dated Christine and subsequently took her to his bed, so perhaps the words enthusiastic, or committed would be a more accurate description. I had learned to love the very idea of my Wife being another man's Woman, especially because they had included me in their love-making and had treated me as a part of the sweaty, sticky, and delightful action. The taste of his seed was now very familiar to me, as was the feel of his thick fleshy member in my mouth. In the intervening months after the wonderful day by the pool, I had honed my cuckold’s submissive skills to a very high level.

So far, only my family had become aware that my Wife was now the Mistress of a bigger and better man and had accepted that I was ‘on board’ with the whole situation. I had expected condemnation from them, and extreme denunciation of Christine, who my Mother had loved on sight when we had first started dating, but after some explanations from us both and a ‘face to face’ with Geoff they came to recognize the situation. But would my work colleagues be a different matter altogether.

I knew that within a small enclosed group of individuals, keeping such a secret for long would be impossible, and it was a minor miracle that my status as cuckold was still an unknown fact. But, as I sat there in that room, with Christine beside me, I knew that the secret was going to be short-lived.

“So without further ado, I shall go and get her. And I shall introduce you all to my new Lady,” Geoff said, as he slid back his chair and walked around the table towards the door behind us.

Clearly Chris and I had been placed in a position so as to enhance the mystery of his secret Lover. I could see the look on the faces of my colleagues as they watched Geoff head towards the door; they were fully expecting him to open it and reveal the stranger. But as he swivelled on his feet and leant over Chris, they knew who she was, and her face tilting back to meet his lips with her own, they knew exactly who his 'Lady' was.

But Geoff did not want anyone in any doubt as to his mastery over us both. As their lips searched hungrily for each other, his right hand slipped beneath her dress to gently caress her left breast. There was no mistake who his Mistress was, and just who was her cuckolded husband.

... and just who was her cuckolded husband.

I sat in my seat looking straight ahead as my Boss continued to enjoy the feel of my Wife's soft white breast in his hand, until eventually he held out his hand to help her out of her seat and join him at his own place at the head of the table.

“Oh! In case anybody was asking (they weren't), Pete is taking over from George as Head of the Human Resources Department,” Geoff said as he held Christine's chair for her to sit beside him.

The room was silent and attention was divided between Christine and myself; some were looking and assessing the new Lady in their Boss's life while the rest looked at me for my reaction. But before I could react it was Tina who spoke first. Looking sideways at me she said, “I knew it was you Pete.”

“I knew it was you Pete.”

I said nothing in reply. I just stared straight ahead in my humiliation and, to be honest, my relief at the secret being revealed, or so I thought.

“We all bloody knew,” said George. “Sorry mate!”

I smiled at this revelation but for me the game was over. I was now a fully outed cuckold so all I could do was lean down and retrieve my Wife's handbag and place it beside me on the empty chair.

The end


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