Saturday, February 8, 2025

The empty chair - Part Six


Part Six - you have your cuckold

Sitting naked in a corridor looking at the wall is not as dull as it sounds when your Wife is in the nearby bedroom lying equally naked with her Boyfriend. Is it the knowledge of their nearby lovemaking that humiliates a husband or is it the screams and groans as her Lover enters her with his 'larger than life' member? I guess the answer to that question will differ from cuckold to cuckold, but for me it was both.

Lovemaking couples all over the world make similar noises of pleasure, pain, desire and the ultimate ecstasy of their climax. But to hear the familiar voice of the Wife you love making those same noises is something else entirely. The voice of the woman who daily sits alongside you in the car when you go shopping who now begs her Lover to 'do it again', or the familiar words she uses when she tells you that she loves you, she now tells the man who has now positioned himself between her open legs. The same moan that she emits when she is annoyed with you now sounds so very familiar as he pushes his manhood into her; it's the same noise but for two very widely different reasons.

The knowledge that you have been put in this position to instil the fact that you are now a cuckold and can be told to do so and comply readily is a humiliation too. You have succumbed to your cuckolding, you have submitted to your unmanning, you are a submissive husband and will always be seen so by your Wife. And yet, I knew all of this and still I sat on that chair and listened to Christine giving her beautiful married body to someone who I knew to be a better man than I.

I had been told to remain quiet while I was there and mostly I had complied with Chris's instruction as Geoff had her once and then again and then again. His powers of stamina and strength were enormous and were only matched by her desire to accommodate his large engorged manhood deep into her vagina. The metronomic sound of the slap of his heavy testicles against her sweet little arse gave me a curious sense of well-being - my Wife was now receiving the kind of loving that I had failed to give her. She was now his Woman, I was only her husband and the seed now erupting into her body was that of a real man.

Such was my degrading and such was the new normality of the position I was in, and its implications to my future as a cuckold, that the small erection of my penis that I had sported when I had undressed for Christine slowly dissipated. For the rest of the night it sat between my legs like a shrunken pink floppy cotton reel. Even a little bit of 'self love' was denied me, no matter how hard I tried; I was impotent in every sense of the word.

Quite when Geoff and Chris stopped their lovemaking and I fell asleep I do not know but the first I knew was a hand shaking my shoulder and Chris's voice urging me to wake up. I was in a bed with fresh clean sheets and pillows for my head.

"How did I get here," I asked her.

"Geoff came out to check on you and when he found you asleep he lifted you up and brought you here," she replied.

I was suddenly uncomfortable. "Was he naked when he lifted me?" I asked.

"Of course," Chris replied, "he was taking care of our cuckold like a good Master should. He's very strong."

"I expect that you have been finding that out over the last two nights, haven't you?" I commented sardonically as I eased myself out of the small bed to stand naked before her.

"Oh yes Dear," she replied, "and he's so wonderfully big where it matters."

"Oh yes Dear," she replied, "and he's
so wonderfully big where it matters."

Chris showed me where the Master Bedroom bathroom was and after a brief refreshing shower she led me, still naked, down to the kitchen where Geoff had prepared a breakfast of sausages, bacon, eggs and large home-made hash browns. It was very odd that I felt little embarrassment at being the only one in the room without clothes on. 

Christine looked highly desirable in her see-through blouse and short skirt and Geoff was happy to show his muscles in a training vest and tight shorts that revealed the outline of his 'mating equipment'. I was now getting used to the idea of my unmanning and being subjected to my Wife and her Lover's whims and, of course, a hot breakfast is always a good start to a day.

Brian, Geoff's brother in law, arrived at ten o'clock, just after we had finished breakfast and were sitting waiting for him in the Conservatory. He was a small man, like myself, and had a diffident manner when addressing Geoff and Christine, but with me he was more business-like. After introductions he asked me to stand up so he could view me in my total nakedness, which seemed to please him.

"If I may say so Peter," he said; his voice now steady as he spoke to someone he saw as his equal, "from what Geoffrey has told me and what I see before me now, I would guess that you will make a spectacularly successful cuckold. You have already made a brilliant start and I don't think that I shall have to work too hard to put you on the right path."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome," he replied, "but before we start we need to put a cage on your little penis."

"I'm sorry! Did you just say that you want to put a cage on my 'willy'?" I exclaimed.

Brian looked concerned at my reply. "Yes of course! Geoffrey has given me the approximate size you need so I have brought two of my older larger ones with me. I guess that Christine gave him the current size of your 'little man'. And don't worry, I bought new padlocks for the and they have been hygienically cleaned - I haven't worn either of them recently."

I was intrigued. "Why?" I asked my new mentor.

Brian was nothing but honest and his answer had me just a little concerned. "Because the cage or restraint should always be a snug fit Peter," he said without embarrassment, "so after a few years of wearing such a device, the penis can shrink. My own is just the size of my thumb and as you can see, I don't have large hands."

His answer did not ease my concern and my answer confirmed my thoughts to him, "I don't want to wear one of those things," I said, "and what little I have down there, I want to keep thank you very much."

Brian smiled at my outburst and replied, "I thought you might say that Peter but you now have to realise that the life you had before has now gone. You are a cuckold now mate! And as such you are no longer entitled to have pride in your penis other than how pretty it looks when released from its plastic cage."

"Even so .....!" I stuttered, before Christine cut in.

"It's for your own benefit Pete," she said, "and Brian tells me that you won't feel properly unmanned unless you wear one of those things. I couldn't stand it if you were in any way conflicted about our new life together."

I saw the wetness in her eyes as she had spoken and realised that I had disappointed her, which was something that I had always hated doing to m ,y lovely Wife.

"Will it hurt?" I asked, knowing that they could sense my indecision.

"Not at all Pete," Brian replied, "and once it's on you will be surprised just how comforting it can be. Oh! And one more thing - it is always advisable for a cuckold's own Wife to do the initial fitting. To let him know who the boss is in their new relationship."

"And who keeps the key?" I asked.

"The usual practice is for the Wife to keep it safe with her," he replied, "but there is nothing stopping you from making your own arrangements.

"And the spare key?"

"In the Shower Room for hygiene purposes," Brian replied as he reached for the briefcase he had brought with him. The catches seemed to make a disproportionate noise in the quietness of the room as he opened the case and removed two red velvet sacks which he placed on the conservatory table.

"They are both exactly the same," he said as he emptied the sacks out onto the shiny wooden surface, "each one has a range of ring sizes, and we shall start with the widest one first."

"Will you show me how to do it please Brian?" said Chris, "And I think that we should do it quickly and then talk about it later."

"Good idea," said Brian in response to Christine's suggestion, "it doesn't do to prevaricate at such a moment."

I wasn't even asked if I wanted a penis tube; they just assumed that I had acquiesced. Almost immediately Geoff told me to stand with my hands behind my head and open my legs wide. I closed my eyes expecting, I didn't know what - something painful probably. Brian was talking quietly to Chris explaining what each part was and how it fitted so I stood mute and uncomplaining as I waited for my humiliation to begin.

But it wasn't painful. Chris was gentle as each different sized ring was tried to ensure a snug but comfortable fit under by balls and over the base of my little penis. Carefully she had plied some sweet smelling oil to my penis and testicles to ease the fitting  and then starting with the widest she gently pushed one testicle then the other through the ring then fed my floppy penis through so the locating pin was uppermost. 

The largest size was far too big and fell off almost immediately, the next size down was too big also but the intermediate was the 'Goldilocks' of the ring sizes - not too big and not too small. It felt comfortable and when Chris slid the whole cage over my little penis and snapped the lock shut I knew that my concerns had been for nothing.

... I knew that my concerns had been for nothing.

"Now," said Brian with some satisfaction, "you're beginning to look like a true cuckold."

I had expected discomfort and something dragging on my balls and penis, but that was not how it felt at all. After the plastic warmed through it became a part of me while giving me a feeling of protection at the same time. 

"It feels ........" I said as I looked down at my caged penis, searching for the right words, "comforting! Yes that's it! Comforting!"

"That's very encouraging Peter," Brian commented, "but there is more to it than having your 'pink prawn' locked up in its cage. And the fact that you are happy to stand naked and unmanned in front of your Wife and her Lover is a very good sign indeed. I'm beginning to think that you a natural born cuckold."

Although I still had my hands behind my head and my legs apart, I glanced across at Christine who was listening intently to what Brian was saying. Something he had said needed clarifying for her.

"Brian, are you saying that Peter is enjoying this?" she asked my fellow cuckold.

I remained silent because, in spite of the complete humiliating position I was in, Christine's instincts had been spot on. I was loving the attention despite the indignity; I was being demeaned but a secret part of me relished being degraded as a man. But my emotions were all in my brain and did not transfer themselves into arousal; my penis remained unresponsive, inert and small.

"For many such men as Pete and I, this is better than sex," he replied to my lovely Wife, whose face coloured at the thought of me preferring total submission to her.

"I wouldn't go that far," I said.

"Yes you would, and you already have Peter, it's just that you don't know it yet" Brian replied, "and now all you need is to hear about your options."

"What options?"

"I assume that you don't want to be just a grumpy resentful cheated husband?" he said. 

I shook my head, which he took as a signal to continue, "So let me tell you a little about myself. Would it shock you to know that I define myself as a 'Black Owned, Sex-Slave, Sissy Cuckold?"

"It would, if I knew what it all meant," I replied genuinely, causing the three of them to laugh at my ignorance.

"Okay then," he said - still smiling from my response, "do you know what 'Black Owned' means? I suspect that Geoffrey and Christine know a little about it."

"Well I do of course. You're married to my Sister Gwen," Geoff chirped up - happily enjoying the show."

"I think I do too," said Chris, "we have neighbours with Black Boyfriends and they have a definite look about them that says they are the property of someone other than their husband."

"I couldn't have put it better myself Christine and you can apply that definition to me with respect to Gwen and Lamont. They are my Mistress and Master, and I am their Sex Slave," replied Brian without any evidence of embarrassment or shame.

"What does that mean?" I asked - still not certain what a cuckold sex-slave was.

"It means that I am used by them both for any erotic pleasure they require Peter," Brian replied, "as part of my cuckold duties."

"In what way?"

"Amongst other things I am her 'clean up boy' and his 'Resurrector'," he said, as if in confirmation, but I was still confused and my expression must have showed it because he continued to explain just what 'cuckold duties' were.

"When I have been invited to attend Master's mating of my Wife," Brian said as he resumed his explanation, "it is my duty to ease and soothe Mistress's vagina and labia with my tongue and to clean up as much of Master's seed that I can."

This I understood because Christine had had me tasting my own ejaculate just a couple of nights previously, but the word 'Resurrector' confused me; and I said so.

"When my Master wants to have my Wife again after making love, he will expect his cuckold to resurrect his manhood with my hands, lips, tongue and mouth," he replied.

I was astounded by what he had told me and managed to ask, "you fellate him? Are you a gay man Brian?"

"Sexual orientation has nothing to do with being a cuckold Peter," he replied, "I serve my Master and Mistress in any and every way that they require without arousal. All true cuckolds should be submissive and asexual, and once they have achieved this state of mind you will be amazed at how wonderful life can be for Beta males like you and me."

"Beta males?" I asked.

"The passive subservient male who always shows deference to his Master - the Alpha male. You and I are such men Peter and you are now beginning to realise it."

"The Alpha male is Geoff in this situation I presume," I said, suddenly realising the truth of what Brian had said.

"Indeed he is. As is Lamont an Alpha male. And Peter, that is the last time you refer to your new Master by his first name. For your own sake you must now refer to him as Master while in his company. I do the same for Lamont."

I was beginning to realize what I was letting myself in for, but the truth was that I had embraced my cuckolding. I had always known that one day I would have to accept another man in our marriage and on the day of our wedding I know that some were wondering just what she saw in me - the small bookish man with a beautiful blond goddess. 'It's his devotion,' she would tell her best friend Nicola, which was true then and was still true as I stood naked and caged before her and her Lover.

"I understand," I said truthfully.

Momentarily Brian turned away from me and said to Geoff, "did you say that Christine and you were going for a swim Master?"

A look of complicity passed between the three of them as Geoff replied, "I did Brian. We shall get undressed here."

As my Wife and her Lover quickly shrugged off the few clothes they wore, Brian turned to me and said, "I think I have said enough so far Peter, it's now about time you experienced your first taste of true cuckolding."


"That's what I said cuckold. Now get on your knees."

I looked at him and nodded in agreement but I had little idea what was to happen next. Nevertheless I lowered myself to a kneeling position like a subservient cuckold should.

"I want you to show us here today that you are now devoted to your new Master," Brian said, as Geoff walked forward to stand in front of me. 

His large manhood - massive in relation to my own - hung from his groin like a pink ten inches of cucumber with its purple head just inches from my chin. I knew exactly what I was about to be told and I couldn't take my eyes off the very organ that had been inside my Wife for much of the night before.

"Take it in your hand cuckold," said my fellow cuckold, "and kiss its beautiful head."

I looked up at Christine for any sign of emotion in her face; pity perhaps or even disgust, but there was none. She was expecting me to comply.

There were no lighting bolts in the sky or angry claps of thunder from the Gods when I wrapped my right hand around the soft warm flesh and lifted the large helmet shaped glans up to my lips. It was just a quiet room in the South of England where a simple person, me, was redefining his new non-sexuality.

"Kiss it Peter," Brian said quietly, as I hesitated, "and show us why he is your new Master."

Was it the emotion of shame that coursed through my body as my lips made contact with my Master's manhood or was it something else? Was it the realisation that I was no longer the man that I always thought I was? And was my submissive acceptance of the lessening of my manliness something that I had sought ever since my Boss had stopped me in the Office Toilets for a chat about dating Christine. It had been a relatively short time since that conversation, but a long road had been travelled by me to where we were now.

“Open up cuckold and take him in as far as you can,” said Brian.

I hesitated for just one moment. I had gone this far and there was no reason to stop now, so I did as I was told - like any good submissive should - so with a wide open mouth I leaned forward and felt the head of his manhood against the back of my throat.

This pleased Brian almost as much as it had pleased Geoff and Christine.

It seemed to me to be the most natural thing in the world to be subjugated in this way - to be a vessel of pleasure to the better man who now bedded my Wife. And it was pure nature when, unbidden, I wrapped my tongue around the head of his manhood and started to explore the warm solid flesh. But my sensuous exploration was short lived as he stepped back and removed his cock from my mouth and my hand that still gently stroked its impressive length.

“Good boy!” the three of them said in unison.

“I think you have your cuckold Master,” said Brian triumphantly after a pause in which all four of us took stock of what had just happened.

“It was never in doubt, but now Chris and I are off for a swim, ”Geoff replied as he took a hold of her hand to lead her out of the Conservatory and into the sunny garden. “we shall leave you and Peter to discuss cucky things further.”

The noise of the two Lovers laughing and splashing in the pool reached our ears before either of us moved.

“And now for the next bit Peter,” said Brian as I got up off my knees, “but this is purely a matter of choice for cuckolds like us.”

I remembered that there had been another word in his description of himself.

“And what is that?” I asked.

“Many of us like to wear our Wives’ underwear as a symbol of our unmanning,” he replied, looking carefully at me to see what my reaction would be.

“That’s the ‘Sissy’ thing is it?” I asked.

“It is!”

“I’ve never really thought about it Brian,” I replied truthfully, “and to be honest I don’t think that it would do very much for me anyway.”

“Well try it anyway replied, “Christine has left her panties for you on that chair. Why don’t you try them on for size.”

When her and Geoff had undressed to go swimming, she had placed her blouse, shorts and shoes on one chair and her knickers on another. It was obvious that this moment had been planned by all three of them and once again I experienced that familiar feeling that I was being manipulated; but it didn’t matter I knew what the game was and I was one of the major players.

I took the flimsy lace underwear from the chair, stepped into it and pulled it up over my new penis restraint and stood waiting for my own emotional response.

... and stood waiting for my own emotional response.

“I don’t know what to think,” I said to Brian, “but perhaps you can talk me through how you feel.”

“Of course Peter,” he replied, “but before that I shall make us some more tea. So why don’t you sit down and we can have a long talk.”

I had expected to feel a sensuous rush of emotion but to my disappointment, I had felt none. So, like the subservient cuckold I had become, I sat down to wait in the empty chair behind me.

To be continued

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