Saturday, February 1, 2025

You're looking thoughtful

You're looking thoughtful 

"You're looking thoughtful Dear. And why are you staring at me?"

"Am I? I didn't mean to."

"So what's on your mind?"

"Can I be honest?"

"You're my Wife. Of course you can. In fact you should."

"I should? Well okay then. But you might be shocked at what I have to say."

"Please go on. But am I going to like this?"

"I don't know! But Master and I have been talking and we think we should take the next step in our relationship."

"Your affair, you mean."

"Our love affair. Yes!"

"I wear the cuckold's cage on my little willy and I help you dress for dates with our Master so what else do you want from me?"

"I want you to hang my Microgynon pills from your little penis restraint."


"So you fully understand...

... just what the next step in
our affair is going to be."

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