Jonathan Part One
I now had a clearer view of the history between Melanie, Jonathan and Nathaniel, if only from Mel's perspective. However, as I drove back to Bromley from Sevenoaks I couldn't help thinking about Jonathan and the dynamics between him and his Wife Mel, her Black Boyfriend Nat and little Julie. One thing I did know was that Jon, as Melanie referred to him, was a cuckold of some years.
He was a young man who possesses inadequate 'equipment' for physically loving
his Wife although I knew, even without meeting him, that he clearly loves her
and that she loves him. But does he feel the same about the beautiful baby
Julie who Nathaniel and his Wife had made together. Was Jon a total submissive?
One thing was certain, I needed to meet this guy because there must be more to
him than meets the eye.
And Nathaniel, my Wife Jen's former Lover, what are his thoughts on this? Is
Melanie just another pretty white vessel for his pleasure or is
there attachment here too. Does he care about, or even care for, his
Mistress's husband? Does he even acknowledge his existence?
"I can tell you something," I said to Jen as we sat down to dinner
that night, "she doesn't like you. That pretty little thing knew you were
at it with Nat in Corfu, and I can tell you she is one smart
Jen's face turned a red colour as she realised that she and Nat had not been as
clever as they had thought. "Oh dear! I was so hoping to see the baby.
What is she like by the way?"
"Julie? Beautiful! She has Mel's features and Nat's colouring - of
"Of course!" She replied
meaningfully. It was a simple statement, but was loaded with significance for
Melanie and her little family - ours too. "Well if there was ever an
expert to help this little feller, then it's you."
I smiled ruefully and replied, "Derek Grant - Cuckold Counsellor - at your
service madam!"
Jen came around the table and put her silk clad breasts either side of my head,
kissed my growing bald spot and with great tenderness she whispered, "Fix
this tortured cuckold 'D'. Fix this little family before it breaks. You can do
it and you know why. You have - we have - already been there ourselves."
She was right, neither of my children are from my loins; they don't look like
me or have the same colouring, but they are my kids who are well brought up,
and happy. They were the result of her love, and I stress the word love,
affair that Jen had enjoyed with a strong and handsome Black Master.
So I was uniquely qualified for this undertaking but I was determined not to
jump in with any remedial measures until I had talked with all three of them
and understood all of the issues. 'Perhaps,' I thought, 'when
I have talked to Jon and Nat, I could get them all together. We shall see.'
I was eating breakfast a couple of days later when the phone rang -
it was Jonathan. His voice was thin and his speech was terse, so I had the
immediate sense that he was nervous and resented having to call me. I had some
sympathy for his position, why would he talk about his sexuality to a total
stranger, so I adopted an emollient tone that after five minutes
seemed to work. We agreed to meet the following evening when Mel was going to
be 'out'. Presumably on a date with Nat.
Jon turned out to be just like his voice - thin and tense. Tall, with a slight
stoop he was the archetype bearded intellectual that can be seen on the
television in any number of current affairs television programmes at any time.
It was clear that, for his job in a major newspaper, he had a 'planet sized'
brain; he also had a beautiful Wife, who sadly he could not, and
never will, physically satisfy.
We shook hands at the door and I followed him in to the same sitting room that
Mel and I had talked just two days earlier. As we sat down he evaded eye
contact with me and I couldn't make out if he was nervous or resentful. I
decided to settle him down with some easy questions about himself and to open
up some common ground.
"What did Melanie say to you about me Jonathan?" I asked him straight
away because. I needed to know what she had said to him in the way of
His face coloured bright red; so much for my easy questions. "She said
that your Wife is Nathaniel's ex Lover and that you are a bit of an expert at
that sort of thing. And please call me Jon. In the interests of speed and
We smiled together, which warmed the room a little. "What did Mel say was
the purpose for our meeting?" I asked as he turned red again.
"Mel thinks that I don't bond with the baby very well. She says the reason
is because it's not mine." He replied with his face the colour of
'The baby? It's not mine? She's
beautiful and her name is Julie mate!' I thought to myself
without, hopefully, showing the sudden worry in my reactions.
"Is she right?"
He looked evasive at the directness of my query. 'So much for easy
questions. Is this going to be difficult?'
"I do everything I am asked to do."
"That wasn't my question Jon." I replied in an even voice to hide my
irritation at his reply, "Do you feel comfortable with her?"
He didn't show it but I could sense his own irritation that I had not let him
get away with such a deflection, "I do my best Derek. Honestly I do. It's
just that progeny thing."
At last! An honest answer! I decided to change tack to put him at ease.
"Did Mel tell you that my Wife had children with two of her Lovers?"
"Yes she did. I don't really know what to say to you Derek. It's clear
that we aren't the same. Sorry! I didn't mean to offend you," he replied -
red faced again.
"No offence taken Jon," I lied, "but you're talking crap. You
are probably more like me than you know. It is just the circumstances that are
different," I looked at his even redder face and smiled, "and given
time I shall prove it to you."
He took an easy way out to diffuse the mild confrontation we had just
had. "Would you like some tea Derek?" He asked as he stood up to go
to the kitchen.
"White - no sugar please." I replied as I realised that he was
stalling for time. With that in mind I followed him and dropped a question in
to see the reaction. "Is Mel out with Nat tonight."
"Oh yes! I think they have gone to see a film in Tunbridge Wells. They'll
be back later." His reply elicited no emotion or emotional response as he
filled the kettle. "Did you need to see them both?"
There was no deflection, embarrassment or evasion in his reply; his Wife
was out on a date with the father of their child and he didn't even flinch. No
beetroot face he at that very moment.
"Jon. Can I say something to you that I said to Melanie,?" I used her
full name for effect which caught his attention, "Can we be honest and up
front please. I am going to ask you some very personal questions and if
you don't feel that you want to open up to me then we are wasting our time. I
am a stranger to you after all. But I do have good intentions"
"I don't know if I can trust you," he replied, "if word of this
got out at work I would be finished."
I needed to put his mind at rest. "The only people who are involved with
this are you, Mel, Nat and me. And another thing - if you wish
to ask me questions about my way of life I promise to answer you
truthfully. How about that for a guarantee." I said as I took the cup
from him to drink. It was good cup of tea too.
"Okay Derek! I agree! But it won't be easy for me."
Good answer! I needed to get him started and in a certain frame of mind.
"You do know Jonathan, that you and I are most certainly not the only
cuckolds in the world. There are millions of us. I bet that there are some guys
at your newspaper who are just the same as us but never speak of
"Is that what I am? A cuckold? That's a bit strong isn't
it?" he replied looking aghast.
"What other name would you give to it Jon." I answered. Clearly he
had never seen himself as such a man.
"Unfortunate! Handicapped! Hanging on by the skin of my teeth."
"But not beaten?" I needed to hear his reply.
"No! Not yet anyway!" His reply was mournful and there was a tone of
inevitability about it.
"You think she will leave you?" Now I really needed to hear this
"I wouldn't blame her if she did. She needs - has always needed - more
than I can give her. It was okay when Rob was standing in for me but since then
I can feel the distance between us growing."
Now I was getting somewhere
with him.
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It was okay when Rob was standing in for me. |
"And has the arrival of Julie increased that distance." I asked - fully expecting him to blame it all on the baby.
"No! Not really. It was an humiliation of course. But I had little to do with it."
I tried not to show my surprise and it was an interesting
answer. He felt on the outside, but didn't blame her. I tried a new tack.
"Well you certainly brought Mel and Nat together. Didn't you?" I
thought it about time that I challenged his 'poor me' attitude.
"Yes! I did Derek. After those lumps that she was seeing after Robert had got
married he seemed so suitable."
"So you got his telephone number from him at the party and arranged a date
for them both. Is that correct," I asked, "and how did you feel when
they went out on her first date?"
"Nervous, but confident that he was the right choice," he replied as
if he was accessing an old happy memory.
Instinctively I felt that this guy needed a little shake up as he was getting
too comfortable with just talking. So I took a big risk, held my breath
for a moment and then spoke, "You agreed to help me to help you Jon,"
he nodded in agreement, "then drop your trousers and pants, and show me
your penis."
"What? No!"
"Mel told me you were small down there. I need to see for myself." I
said a little more forcefully. In all truth I couldn't care less about his willy,
but I wanted to see how compliant he could be - that was the important test.
"I can't!"
"Liar! Do it now. Let me see your 'little man'."
For a second he stood there and I thought he was going to refuse, and then with
a sudden flurry of activity his trousers and pants dropped to the floor.
"You're not gay are you?" He asked.
"It's worse than that mate," I replied, "I'm an engineer."
He laughed nervously and stood in front of me with his admittedly tiny penis in
full view.
"And now the rest Jon. I want to see just what it is that your Wife has
rejected in favour of a big Black Stud." 'Was I seeing things but
did his 'feller' just move. Hard to tell really.'
He quickly lifted his tee-shirt over his head, stepped out of his trousers and
stood naked in front of me except for his socks.
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"This is it...............Seen enough?" |
"This is it,"
he said while attempting to flick it up to make it look bigger, "seen
'O.K. cuckold,' I thought to myself, 'let's shake your tree.'
"And did you help Mel get ready for their first date," I said to a
clearly embarrassed Jonathan, "or any other dates since."
"No! I never do. I don't ever feel that it's my job to do so."
'Did little pinky just twitch? Press harder Derek. Let's see what happens
"So you have never prepared her intimately for another man's appreciation.
You've never bathed her, brushed her hair, dressed her, selected pretty
underwear to wear or put jewellery on her in the sure knowledge that a better
Lover than you will admire your handiwork." He shook his head without
speaking but his face had grown red again. "And you have clearly not had
the pleasure that many cuckolds have experienced of kneeling before her,
kissing her mound in the sure knowledge that another man's big penis will soon
be taking the place of your lips."
His expression changed gradually as I spoke, from blank to consternation as I
described what I do when Jen goes on a 'special date'. Similarly, his willy was
changing from tiny-shrimp to little shrimp. But I had more torture to dispense.
"And when you see her walk down the path to get into his car, do you watch
through the curtains as Mel kisses her Lover. Making little promises to please
him in bed that night with just the contact and movement of her lips on his.
Laughing with him on her date - maybe about your little willy." 'Oh
yes! That got you to 'half mast' didn't it Jon boy!'
Jon was now staring at me as if I had two heads. 'Is he about to
'chin' me. I wouldn't blame him if he did.' I thought with amusement.
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you imagine them together, kissing and pulling each other's clothes off to reveal their nakedness. |
"And when they returned from their date and went upstairs. Did you imagine them together, kissing and pulling each other's clothes off to reveal their nakedness. Her soft pink skin against his dark, almost black, body - how beautiful it must have looked; pink and black go so well together don't you think." 'Fortyfive degrees now - keep going. Cuckold to cuckold - this is such fun!'
"Can you see her in your imagination. Kneeling before him and taking
his huge dark member in her hands and bringing the beautiful pink head up to
her lips and kissing it tenderly. Her tongue flicking and rolling over the
sensitive bulbous glans as the whole thing starts to fill with his hot blood.
His dark cock now full and upright after Mel's expert ministrations being
adored and worshipped by your lovely young Wife. 'Just off
top-dead-centre now. Good work Derek.'
Jon was now physically shaking, his eyes were bulging and sweat poured from
his forehead.
"And finally Jonathan! Mel laying on her back in your marriage bed
with her legs wide open, smiling lovingly at Nat as he settles between her soft
white thighs and lets his cock head nestle between her labia lips. She wants
him and needs him inside her and like a lacivious whore she rises up to meet
him and brings that lovely big rod of his inside her. He claims her. She
belongs to him now and you are now a cuckold again, like so often before.
"Stop it Derek. You sod! Look at me."
I smiled back at him and said, "Thanks Jon. You've confirmed part of my
theory. You're not in denial about them, you're flesh and blood after all. You
do like to think about your Wife with her Lover."
He was teetering on the edge of ejaculation but he could just about talk. "You're
wrong Derek. I don't think about Mel and Nat together."
It was my turn to be on the disadvantage. "How so Jon?"
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"I watch them Derek. I watch them!" |
"I watch them
Derek. I watch them!"
With that, his little chap spurted a few drops of semen onto the floor.
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