Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The way it should be.


All 'small' husbands know that one day the Woman he thought was his life's companion, is now going to mate with a better man than he. It's just the Natural Order and there is nothing a cuckold could, should, or even want to do about it.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Happy Wife Reflections


Mrs Denise Davis says:

I know that I told my husband Jerry that I would not become too emotionally attached to Jacobi and that we would keep our relationship on a 'friends with benefits' basis. Reluctantly, and after much discussion and final acceptance, he agreed that I could start dating my Boss.

I honestly had every intention of keeping my word and not let myself become overwhelmed by Jacobi's size, strength, stamina, and the pure darkness of his skin, but sadly last night I had to tell Jerry that I now belong to my Lover.

"How did that happen Denise?" my hubby wailed. "You promised that you wouldn't fall in love with him."

"Who's talking about love," I replied. "I am now owned by him and there is no other future for me other than being his Breeding Mistress."

"What the f*ck is that supposed to mean," he cried - tears streaming down his pink cheeks. "You'll find out soon cuckold," I replied, as I snapped closed the small lock on the pink cage to his tiny penis.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Do you like Froaden

 Do you like Froaden

Click [here] if you want to see more of Froaden's crude but effective cuckold cartoons.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Just get going cucky


“What did you say to that Black Man back there?”

“Only that he could take you out on a date if he wanted to, and if you said yes of course.”

"He asked you to ask me if I would go on a date with him? Am I hearing you correctly?”

“He said that I had too little down there to - (quote) - ‘give your pretty lady what she deserves’. His words not mine by the way.”

“He’s right. You don’t have enough. Run back and tell him that I shall meet him at Hernando’s Bar at eight tonight.”

“Okay Dear. If that is what you want.”

“It is what I want - and just what you need cucky. Now get going before he changes his mind.”

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Justine and me were just getting started.


“Hey Malcolm! Justine and me were just getting started. You’re a bit earlier than I thought you would be. Did you get all that work done?”

“Oh it’s you Boss! Yes! It wasn’t very much, but I guess what you wanted me to do tonight was not absolutely necessary.”

“Of course it was necessary. How else are me and your Wife going to get some time for f*cking.”

“Perhaps i should get back to work then.”

“Perhaps you should. And don’t return until tomorrow.”

“Will i get overtime pay Boss?”

“Hell Malcolm - some people are never satisfied.”

“Unlike Justine tonight i think Master.”

“Damn right cuckold.”

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Message in a Kiss


Sitting outside of the bedroom, knowing that his Wife and her Master tenderly kiss on their marriage bed, is just the first step in his humiliation. But he knows that this is just one of the first that he will enjoy.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Happy Wife Reflections


Mrs Clare Chesterton says:

My husband Jeffrey said nothing when I told him that a handsome Black Master had asked me to have dinner with him one night. "I could say no to his offer," I said, "if you feel threatened by him."

"It was always going to happen," said Jeffrey as he helped me get ready for my first date with Noni. "It is the Natural Order for a pretty young Wife to be Mistress to a Black Master, so we might as well accept it."

"Do you think I should play 'hard to get'," I asked. "I don't want him to think I'm an easy slut who opens her thighs on the first date."

"I understand Dear," Jeffery replied, "but he is a Master, so he has plenty of other options, and numerous white Wives to penetrate and impale on his big dark rod."

"So you think ......?"

"I do Dear," he responded enthusiastically, and so I did open my thighs.

Noni impaled me so wonderfully that night, the following morning, the afternoon, the rest of that week and many, many times since.

Good old cuckold Jeffrey. Such an understanding hubby.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Cuckold Counsellor - Ch. 7

 Jen's Wisdom

"Whatever is the matter Derek?" said Jennifer, my Wife, as I opened the front  door to our house in Bromley, "you look upset. What has happened?"

"I have just seen something that nearly broke my heart Jen," I replied as I hung my coat up on the hook in the hall, "and I am going to need your good sense and advice before I make the decision that I am going to make."

Her response came at the same time as she wrapped her gentle and loving arms around me. "Of course," she said, "but what has upset you so much?"

She kept her arms around me as we walked into the kitchen where she released me from her hold and set about making me a cup of tea. "She lifted her arms to him," I said, "and he ignored her. It was so upsetting, I'm afraid that I just couldn't stay there and ........."

"Wait a minute Derek. Wind back. Whose arms and who ignored who?" said Jen as she brought me the cup and sat opposite me at the kitchen table.

I am a soft hearted man and I knew that there were tears in my eyes as I recounted how Melanie and Nathaniel's baby girl Julie had smiled and held out her arms to Mel's husband, Jonathan, as he had fixed her milk that night. Although he was gentle and efficient, there was no spark in him - he was going through the motions and it had upset me more than I thought possible. "If it had been me Jen, I would have been playing with her like I used to with ours." I said, "Do you remember how I used to blow raspberries on their tummies?"

"Yes Dear," replied Jen with a tolerant smile, "and it used to take me hours to settle them down again."

Our eyes met and our memories became as one for a second before she brought us both back to the subject in hand. "So? Do you think this trip down memory lane is relevant? Isn't it the whole point of this thing you are doing?"

"In one respect only," I replied, "I have much less time than I thought. And suddenly it's serious and personal."

"Well get on with it then Derek!'" she commented briskly, "Now! Dominic's coming over this evening and I need to prepare, so can you help me get ready please? We're going over to Croydon to see Amar, Jane and Timothy and then coming back here for the night. Oh yes! Don't forget to put your little cage on, because you're coming in to join us later."

Jane is married to Tim and the two of them are as happy as a cuckold couple could be. Amar, as you have probably guessed, is Jane's West Indian Lover and although a little younger than Jen and I, they had produced three lovely coffee coloured children between them. So, with so much in common with Jen, Dom and I it would be normal for them to be friends - like minded people will always find each other they say.

Jen was in the shower by the time we continued our conversation. "I think he's desperate. I told him to strip naked and he complied, with just a token objection."

"Really?" Jens voice came from over the noise of the water, "That's very interesting. What does he look like?"

"Skinny! Nerdy! Beardy!" I replied distractedly. But, having mentioned it, I couldn't get the vision of his skinny body and  little penis out of my head, 'There is something wrong with this picture,' I thought to myself, 'just what the f*ck is it?'

"So! He's a beardy, is he," came Jen's voice from the shower, "that will have to come off."

"You think?"

"Definitely," she responded, "ring him later and tell him he must shave it off. My guess is that he has grown it to look more manly."

I was reaching for my own penis cage where I keep it at the back of the small mirrored cupboard. With my mind still on his penis, I only half heard what Jen had said. Looking down at my own hairless pubic area, I offered up the small metal cage to the end of my own little 'pink prawn' when I had a Eureka moment.

"His face is hairy but his willy isn't." I shouted to a startled Jen, "I bet that he wears one of these things." Brandishing my cage in front of me I made sure that she knew what I was talking about.
"His face might be hairy but his willy isn't."

"Maybe," she replied, "but there must be more to him than this?"

"Well! He's a clever bugger and he's set up some cameras in the bedroom to record their ......."

"What?" Jen had stopped washing herself and was looking incredulously at me. "You didn't think to mention that. It's kind of important don't you think?"

"I was getting around to it," I said in defence as I closed the cage loop under my balls and over the top of my penis, "I guess I should have mentioned it."

I slid the cage over my penis and busied myself getting it comfortable and locked for the night in preparation for Dom and Jen's night in the bedroom.  "He's put a computer server in the garage and can access it from anywhere in the world. And he has recorded every one of her 'couplings' would you believe - catalogued and dated - all very efficient!"

"Ah!" she said as she stepped naked from the shower - checking, I noticed, that my cage was now secured and locked, "He's a watcher then!"

We continued to prepare Jen for her date and chatted happily together in the way that we have done over the many years of my cuckolding. It was like a much loved ballet as we both moved in simpatico together - the beautiful adulteress and her naked and caged cuckold; both doing what they loved most together.

Jen stopped for a moment and turned to look down at me as I fastened one of her stockings to her suspenders. "It seems to me," she said thoughtfully, "that our little Jonathan doesn't know what he wants and Melanie has been very selfish. He's struggling with it all and he has had very little help."

"Your point is?" I asked as I stood to admire the view of a pretty round arse framed in black suspenders and thong panties. 'Dom will appreciate my efforts,' I thought.

Jen moved away from me to slide her red dress over her body. "He has to fully immerse himself in his way of life. From what you tell me he has disassociated himself from it all, being content to just observe." 

I nodded at this comment while at the same time enjoying the view of her final adjustments.
 ... enjoying the view of her final adjustments.

"Find out if he wears a cover to his penis," she continued, "and do it tonight when you ring him."

I knew why she wanted this information but I wanted to hear the reasoning, "Yes! But why?"

"If the answer is yes, then he's been waiting for someone like you, or us even, for ages. He wants to be understood and appreciated. He wants to 'come out' as a cuckold."

"I know what you are suggesting Jen," I replied, "but doing it is another thing."

"You have taken on a huge responsibility and the stakes are high . You have to break him or that little family will break instead."

"You mean that we have to make him want to be a cuckold like me, don't you." I said with a sinking feeling.

"If that is what it takes D," Jen replied as she left the bedroom.

Down the stairs she went, her lovely arse rotating with each step. "Phone him now Derek! We need to know tonight!"

'We? I thought it was my responsibility.'

The front door closed and off she went in her little Nissan to Dartford to pick up Dominic.

I was still naked when I picked up the bedroom phone to ring Jonahan. "I have something very personal to ask you Jon. Are you alone?"

"And what you did earlier wasn't personal?" he replied scathingly after confirming that Mel and Nat were still out.

"I know," I replied, mindful of his negative attitude, "but I noticed earlier that you have shaved the area around your little penis. Is there a reason for that?" He was silent for at least ten seconds. All he really had to say was something anodyne about sweating or something similar, but he didn't - and because he didn't, I knew that he was a 'wearer'.

"Jonathan! Are you still there?"

"Erm! Er!"

I had my answer but I needed to shake him up, "Is it a clear plastic? Or is it pink? Black? Metal? What type of penis restraint do you wear Jonathan."

"You Bastard Derek Grant!" He said loudly down the phone - but he didn't hang up. 'Interesting that!'

My voice was calm. "I wear a little steel cage on mine Jon. Pretty much all the time I am in the house. And especially so when I join Jen and Dom in the bedroom to be the attentive husband. We call it my 'cucky stuff'" The telephone remained silent for another ten, long, seconds.

"CB Six Thousand. Plastic." came the quiet voice down the line.


"Is that the 'S' model. For really 'small' men like you," I asked, knowing that I was goading him.

"That's right Derek. The CB Six Thousand S - for men with a tiny early-spurting willy like mine. Are you happy now?"

"Okay mate," I said to calm him down, "I know this is hard for you, and please understand I am not meaning to upset or anger you." He was silent again, so I continued, "I want you to tell me when you wear it?"

"When I watch Mel and Nat together." he said.

"On your laptop?"

"You already know the answer to that," he replied testily.

"Well that's it for now Jon. But I am now going to ask you to do something that you probably unwilling to do." The phone stayed silent again, so I continued. "Cuckolds, generally speaking don't have shaggy beards," I lied, "so yours has to come off. I understand that you have probably grown it to look older than you are, but it has to come off. You need to have a have a clean shaven face - as well as 'down there'. Think of it as a first step on your journey."

"I guess so. I've had this beard since Rob first started banging Mel. But if you say so."

'Banging Mel? That's interesting. Is he becoming disaffected? I hope not.'
'Banging Mel? That's interesting.'

"We shall talk again Jon. I promise! But until then, do as I have asked you please, and do tell Melanie how you thought our evening went tonight. G'Night."

He sounded a little more relaxed as he said goodnight and I settled down to wait for Jen and Dom.

Twenty minute later the phone rang - it was Mel and her voice seemed on edge, "What have you been doing to my husband Derek? When Nat and me arrived home just now he was upstairs cutting off his beard."

"The program has started Mel. First simple ste

"So you know what his problem is?" she asked.

'It's more than just him sweetheart,' I thought to myself. 

"I have a good idea but I need to confirm a few things first. That's why I want to talk to Nat a. s. a. p. Can you arrange a meeting between the two of us please?" She readily concurred and confirmed that she would phone me the next day.

"And Mel," I said as the conversation came to an end, "I'm sorry if you liked that beard of his. But there is a reason behind it."

"Don't be Derek," she replied firmly, "I've hated the damn thing since he first grew it. He doesn't know how to look after it and he thinks it makes him look more intellectual."

I decided to plant a seed of an idea in her head. "Or more manly?"

"Yes! I ....... suppose ........ so." Her voice became distant as she pondered what I had said, and I smiled to myself as I heard the penny drop from fifteen miles away.

"Goodnight Mel!"

"Goodnight Derek. You clever Sod!"

Jen texted me an hour later to tell me that her and Dom would be home about midnight so I waited up for their return. At about a quarter to one the car pulled onto the drive and they came in the front door laughing and flirting as usual. I had previously prepared the bedroom for them by pulling down the sheets and followed the Lovers up the stairs ready to do my aforementioned 'cucky stuff'.

Being involved sexually with the lovemaking between my Wife and her Lovers had been a part of my life in the early days of being a cuckold, but when the kids had come along and day to day reality had taken over in our marriage, my hot, wet and sticky participation had reduced until I had no longer joined her in the bedroom with her Lovers. That is until July last year after Dom had mentioned that he felt guilty about keeping Jen all to herself.

So there I was, standing naked in the bedroom, undressing my Wife for another man taking care to let my hands gently caress those two lovely arse cheeks of hers as I did so. Closely followed by undressing her Lover for her, making sure, as I pulled his under-shorts down, that his big dark manhood brushed gently down the side of my face. It was going to be that kind of night and we all knew that I was content to do my 'cuckold duty' yet again.

Dominic was his usual powerful self and it wasn't too long before Jen was experiencing those long and lovely slow strokes that we all know drive her crazy. I helped by holding her hand and whispering in her ear as usual, but it was some time before Dom released his seed deep into a gratefully pleasured Jennifer.

It was my turn to get involved and without ceremony I manoeuvered my body down the bed and set about my soothing obligation on Jen's pussy. Over the intervening years I had forgotten just how emotionally humiliating it was to clean another man's semen from his own Wife's labia and vagina, but last year I had rediscovered the wonderful erotic sensation that the seasoned cuckold feels when he demeans himself in that way. With her groin now clean, I turned my attention to Dom's big dark rod, and once again I felt that sexual kick of serving the bigger man with my lips, tongue and gently stroking hand.

With his manhood now fully erect I moved aside and then held it so the glans was resting gently at Jen's labia lips; then, like all good servants, I moved out of the way to allow Dom to re-enter Jen's portal of pleasure. And the wonderful dance of love continued at a pace of their choosing; they were in heaven and so was I.

"I hear that you are doing a bit of counselling Derek," It was Dom after the third, or was it the fourth, time of their lovemaking and they were resting in the afterglow of sexual pleasure. I was exhausted and wanting to sleep but I told him the story of Mel, Nat and Jon nonetheless.

"How did they meet," he asked while stifling a yawn as Jen snuggled under his arm.

"Jon arranged it. All of it," I replied, "He got Nat's number and made sure she rung him."

Jen suddenly sat bolt upright in the bed, causing her lovely breasts to bounce deliciously, "Why didn't you tell me this before Derek?"

"I thought I did," I replied.

"No you did not," she said sternly, "and did you ring him again like I said?"

"Yes I did. And he does. He has a plastic one that he wears when Nat and her are in bed." I answered.

"Then you know what this means don't you?" I nodded but I didn't  really. In these matters my Jen is always way ahead of me.

"His coolness towards Julie is his last bastion of his manly authority." she said in her best Sherlock Holmes voice.

"Yes Jen! So what does that mean?" I asked in my own immitation of Dr Watson.

"He probably feels that if he succumbs to any feelings of patriarchal affection, then he will have lost any last vestige of being a man; or his perception of what a man should be." she said as if thinking aloud.

"And your diagnosis?" I couldn't wait to hear what she had to say next.

Jen paused to gather her thoughts. She then looked down at my own cage and spoke as if sudden enlightenment had come to her. "We have to convince him to take the last step and embrace a new idea of himself. We have to totally 'unman' Jonathan."

"What do you mean?" I asked incredulously.

"Everything. The total package. Just like you Derek, but even more so. And you are going to show him the way."
"Just like you Derek; but even more so."

She was right of course, but would he want to? Somehow I knew, if it was put to him in the right way, that he would embrace it all - maybe. And pivotal to this was not me or Mel, but Nat, who I knew had accepted his Lady's husband into the bedroom many times; and I knew because that husband had been me.

So there was only one answer that, as always, my Wife expected to hear.

"Yes Dear!"