Saturday, August 31, 2024

Cuckold Counsellor -- Ch. 10

 The Plan (2)


So, this little naked man standing before me with a pink restraint on his equally little penis was suddenly interested and was showing some excitement at my saying that we were to 'unman' him. Most men would get angry, defensive, offensive or violent even, but our Jonathan just stood there and accepted what I had said.

I looked across to Jon's Wife, Melanie, to gauge the look on her face - it was one of incredulity. Perhaps it was hard to take that her husband could present himself in that way to her Lover, Nathaniel, and to a total (not so total now) stranger like me. Nat had seen this all before with other husbands of Wives he had enjoyed so the only emotion on his face was one of slight amusement.

We had come a long way since the letter from Mel had arrived at my house in Bromley asking for help with her relationship. Her main worry had been that her husband Jon had not shown any affection towards their baby daughter Julie, which was perhaps understandable given that Nat was the natural father and it was clear to all that it had been his dark seed that had impregnated that lovely unfaithful girl.

Jon was a serial cuckold and had been so since before he married Mel, who had been his childhood sweetheart. Because of his inadequacy, Jon had encouraged his best friend Robert to bed his beautiful young Wife regularly, but after Rob found love in the arms of another girl the arrangement finished. Mel had subsequently found other, all unsuitable, Lovers so in desperation Jon had asked Rob to help him with the situation. As luck would have it, Nat who was an old footballing friend of Rob's, was fancy free so a liaison was set up for Mel and the big Black Stud to meet. 

The connection was made between the pretty dark haired Wife and the handsome Black Man and within the space of two dates she invited his large dark member deep into her body. The same member, I might add, that my own Wife Jennifer had experience just a few years before when she and a younger Nat had been an item.
... she invited his large dark member deep into her body.

Everything was chugging along fine until our two Lovers decided that they should 'get busy' and together produced the most wonderful present a Woman can bring to a Man. Julie was born and Jon was left feeling out of it and reacted accordingly. Although to his credit, he was not actively unpleasant to the baby but he was not connecting with the little mite.

Just a few nights before I had witnessed him administer her bottle feed while Mel had been out with Nat, and I had been struck just how efficient he had been but there had been little that passed from him to her in the way of tenderness and warmth. She, on the other hand, couldn't take her eyes off him and held out her arms whenever he came close while she had been sitting on my lap. I had been so moved by Julie's denial of affection, that I vowed to sort this mess out, if only for the baby's sake.

As I continued to look at Jon's thickening penis, encased in its little pink plastic cage I knew that I had to act quickly to enact the plan to 'unman' this little man as had been suggested by Jen. She was always right in these matters.

 "What do you mean, 'unman' me?"

Jonathan had asked me a question and it was now time to put our cuckold in his place. "That was the last question you ever ask me young man," I replied immediately and with some force, "from now on you will do as you are told, when you are told and however you are told. Inside this house you will have no free will and will serve your Mistress and her Master without question. This is how it's going to be."

His face turned bright red as he tried to splutter a reply but I held up my hand and cut him short. "Say yes now and we shall proceed. Say no, then I shall do as you told me to a few minutes ago, and 'f*ck off' for good."

Mel tred to speak too but once again I held up my hand to silence everybody in that room. "What's it to be cuckold?" I asked the desperate young man standing naked before me, "Yes or No? If you say Yes your new and better life starts right here tonight. If your stupid pride says No, then I can do nothing for you and will not waste any more of my time."

I looked up Jon's face and knew immediately what his reply would be, but his pretending to consider my ultimatum was no more than that - a pretence.

"What about if I ...."

I cut him short by shaking my head. "No 'what ifs' Jonathan," I snapped. "Yes or no?"

"Yes!" His voice was indistinct and low.

"Speak up cuckold." I said forcefully, "Do I help you or do I go home?"

A moment's silence and then a more definite answer. "Yes!" He replied. "Yes Derek!" he repeated louder.

It was time for my first lesson. "That is the last time you call me Derek, Jonathan - from now on in this house you will refer to me as Sir!"

It came more easily from him than I would have guessed. "Yes Sir."

"And there are two others here who are your superiors Jonathan." He looked from me to a now red faced Mel and her Black Lover sitting close together holding hands, "From this moment on, you will refer to Melanie as your 'Mistress' and Nathaniel as your 'Master'."

"Yes Der.. Sir!" he replied hesitantly. I allowed him his little slip but I made note that it would be his last until this game was played out.

"Now get on your knees before the two of them and call them by their new titles! And apologise for being the troublesome little cuckold that you are."

Without another word he knelt and then shuffled over to the pair of Lovers who were sat together. I have to admit that he had style and had intelligently understood exactly what the game was now. "I am so sorry Mistress," he said lifting the back of her hand to his lips.

Mel, being the kind hearted girl that she is, reached out to stroke his head but withdrew at my fierce look in her direction. Unaware of her sudden tenderness Jon then lifted Nat's hand to his lips and kissed the back in the same manner. "I am sorry Master," he said in a way that made me think that he had been rehearsing this moment for years. 'What the fuck is going on here?' I thought to myself, 'That was so easy.'

 "Well done cuckold jon," I said to the man who was now on his knees and was practically bursting out of his pink restraint.

"Yes Sir!" 'How easily it now came off his tongue.'

"Just one more thing before I give you the next part of the plan," I said to the couple on the sofa whose gaze was now transfixed on the pink plastic cover to his penis. "I will not use, and have never used violence or deliberate pain on anybody. Our purpose is to encourage cuckold jon to accept and embrace his new way of life. To embarrass him and humiliate him and to demean him so much that he will be totally submissive to you both."

"Well I'm not going to hit him if that's what you mean Derek," said Mel, "but how should I address him? He is still my husband after all."

"By his name of course," I replied to the now more understanding young woman, "lovingly, with feeling and in the full expectation of his total submission to your will. This is not an exercise in cruelty but think of it in terms of breaking in a young horse. A mixture of firmness and caring."

Mel looked away from me for a second or two and then asked Jon to stand up. I was pleased that he complied immediately.

"Baby," she said to her naked husband, "come closer and let me look at that thing you have down there."

Reaching out she touched his little restraint with her fingers. "Does it hurt," she asked him as he looked dotingly down at the top of her head.
"Does it hurt?"

This was the moment that I knew that he would be a good cuckold. He had fully understood just what was at stake now, even if Mel and Nat did not. He was going to play the game and he was going to play it well.

"No Mistress," he replied, "it feels comfortable. It makes me feel secure and it reminds me of what I am."

Looking sharply up at Jon, Mel's brow furrowed as she sought clarification from the words she had just heard. "And what are you Jonathan?" she asked meaningfully whilst taking care not to sound aggressive or in censorious.

Tears sprung into his eyes as he looked up and away from his beautiful Wife whose own view was still concentrated on his pink plastic friend. "I'm your cuckolded husband Mistress, who is prepared to do anything to make you happy," he said to the now silent room. "And I do mean - anything."

A loud emotional sob issued from the back of Mel's throat as she suddenly tried to stand up; but I had anticipated this and my hand came out to gently fold around her left arm to keep her in place on the sofa. There was no doubt in my mind that she was about to wrap her arms around her husband and comfort him but that would have been the completely wrong thing to do.

I took great care not to sound sarcastic when I commented to Jon that I had heard everything that I need to hear. "And now Mel, and you Nat! The first part of my plan is tonight and for the rest of the weekend. Are you with me?"

Their intrigued faces were a picture of incomprehension and I admit to feeling a little smug with three pairs of wide eyes on me. "Mel! You and Nat were going out on a date tonight weren't you."

She looked suddenly at Nat and then turned to me and replied, "We hadn't planned ....." Mid sentence, the penny dropped as she realised that I was suggesting that the Lovers did so, "but I guess that we could go for a drink in town." Turning to her Black Lover she said, "Couldn't we Nat."

After a brief nod from him I continued with my plan.

"Now Jonathan," I said, turning to the silent cuckold standing before us, "tonight you are going to experience the unparalleled joy of helping your Wife prepare for a date with her Lover. You will suggest nice things for her to wear that you will know will be appreciated by Nat and you shall help her dress. It is the prime duty of a true cuckold to make sure that his Wife is beautifully presented. Do you understand?"

He nodded, open mouthed, saying nothing; just the twitching of his pink restraint bearing witness to his excited reaction.

"If she wishes to bathe," I continued, "you bathe her. If she showers - you get in there and wash her. You assist her with her hair, her nails, her shoes, her lingerie. Everything. You are her servant! Her slave! That is your future."
"You are her servant! Her slave! That is your future."

"I see Sir," he replied. "And do I still look after Julie?"

"Of course! I was going to come to that." I replied tetchily, but not before glancing up to his face and seeing the look of relief sweep across his face. 'Really? Relief? Then why am I here?'

"After you have prepared your Wife for her date Jonathan," I continued, "you will continue to look after the baby in the way that you have hitherto, and attend to her when she wakes or needs a feed. For that you will wear your dressing gown (I had seen it hanging on the door), but for all other of your duties you will be as you are now - naked."

He and the others, were now beginning to understand what I was wanting from the little cuckold. "Cruel to be kind," I heard Nat whisper to Mel.

"Exactly Nat," I said, picking up on the remark, "but there is more."

"While our pair of Lovers are out Jonathan, you will do what many cuckolds have done before you." I said to the now fully committed cuckold standing before us. "You will turn down their bed and put some soft lights on in the room ready for their night of loving. Then upon their arrival back at the house, you will then take your Wife upstairs, remove all of her clothing and lay her on the bed ready for her Lover."'Was that a little drop of seminal fluid I could see hanging from his pink restraint?'

I admired his sense of dignity as he kept his face still and emotionless - so I continued, "Then you will come downstairs and ask your Master to join your Mistress upstairs using the words - 'my Wife is waiting for you upstairs Master. Please join her and I hope that she pleases you.'"

I looked at his face and I could tell that he thought that it was all a little 'over the top' so I continued, "Once you have done this you will understand just what it is to put yourself in an insignificant role in your marriage Jonathan. It might sound a little far-fetched but believe me - it works - for everybody."

"Do I have to use those exact words Sir?" he asked.

I smiled and replied, "Not really, but I think that you can guess where this is going."

"Well I, for one, think it's silly," said Mel indignantly as she jumped to her feet, "I've never heard such cr...."

She was interrupted by Nat who stood up next to her and said, "It's not crap my Love. Derek knows what he is doing."

Mel turned to him and looked enquiringly at his handsome dark face and asked, "Are you sure?"

He did not bother to answer but turned to Jon and said in a firm voice, "Get upstairs now Jon and start getting my Lady ready for our date tonight."

Jon looked back and quietly replied, "Yes Master," and turned to leave the room.

"Oh! And one thing else Jon," said Nat in a mischievous tone of voice, "I want her in red hold-up stockings, no knickers and no bra. And that thin black dress that you bought for her recently. I'm going to put my Mistress on display tonight. You got that cuckold?"

"Yes Master!"

"I hope you two know what you are doing," said Mel as she followed Jon up the stairs, "I'm beginning to feel like a prize cow."

"Hell yeah!" I replied standing before her with my fingers crossed behind my back, "he'll be fine."

"And where should I go when they are in bed Sir," came the distinct voice of Jonathan down the stairs.

'No my son! You are not going to watch them on your lap top.'

"Do what all good cuckolds do Jonathan," I called back up the stairs as I gathered my coat from the hallway, "spend the night with your ear flat against the bedroom door, listening to a real man having your Wife. What could be better than that?"

Turning to Nat as he was seeing me out I said, "I shall phone tomorrow with some further instructions for the three of you."

"The way things are going Derek," he replied, "I would make that after eleven o'clock." I understood exactly what he meant.

The drive back from Sevenoaks to Bromley took less time than usual and I was home before eight o'clock, so I poured myself a large brandy and sat in the lounge to wait for Jen and Dom to arrive. Bored, I got my own laptop on my knees and immediately upon switching on I realised that I was looking at the cameras in the house in Sevenoaks; I had forgotten to switch them off.

At about ten I selected the one that covered the whole room and watched as Jonathan, still naked and caged, turn down the bed and left the bedroom. In doing so I knew that he, at least for now, was following my instructions.

I stayed with that computer on my lap just drinking my Brandy for about another hour when out of the corner of my eye I spotted a movement in the screen that I had been watching earlier. It was Jon and he was with Mel - leading her by the hand into the bedroom, so I turned up the sound.

"You don't have to do this Jonathan, you know," said Mel as he moved around behind her and started to unfasten her dress. As it dropped to the floor I could see that he had been true to his word - she was naked except for a pair of hold-up stockings, although I couldn't tell the colour.

"Yes I do Mistress," he said as he led her to the bed, "and we both know why - don't we."

Mel did not reply and lay back on the bed while Jon disappeared from view. Within less than a minute he was back with Nat in tow.

"Please undress Master, and I shall make my Wife ready for you," Jon said to Nathaniel as he moved away and knelt on the bed beside Mel.

Within seconds Nat was naked and the erotic mood in the room was clearly making him aroused. His manhood was past horizontal as he pulled down his underpants and seemed to bounce in anticipation of the pleasures to come as he advanced to the end of the bed.

This were not my instructions and I realised that Jon had had further thought about his role in this situation but it still came as a shock when he put his hands on Mel's knees and moved her legs apart - wide apart. "My Wife belongs to you now Master," he said to a clearly stunned Nat, "please love her tonight in that way that you always do."

This had not been in the script and I suddenly realised that Jon was not only a compliant little hubby, but he was a very, very enthusiastic cuckold. He was loving the fact that his Wife bedded another man and I needed to understand why, given this new fact, he had failed to bond with the baby.

Being the good chap that he is, Nat did as he was asked by Jon and did give Mel, that night, his love in the way that he always does (to paraphrase Jon).
Nat did as he was asked by Jon and did give Mel, 
that night, his love in the way that he always does

Twice in fact. And it was beautiful to watch.

Twice in fact. And it was beautiful to watch.

Earlier in the day, without asking, I had removed one of the self-powered cameras in the bedroom and placed it on a shelf in the kitchen for no other reason than natural curiosity (I'm a liar - I'm a very nosey person). The kitchen camera had a 'sound' capability and when the noise of a crying baby later broke through the silence I was immediately alerted. Into view came Jonathan, now in his dressing gown, with Julie on his hip just as he had done a few days ago when I had been present, but this time it was different - very different.

He was talking to her, laughing with her and playing as he prepared her milk - so I turned up the sound. 

"Your Mummy, Uncle Nat and silly old Derek think that I don't like you," he said in a conspiratorial way to Julie who just laughed and giggled back at him, "but I've fooled them all. They don't know that we are best pals do they?" She laughed and giggled again. "But it's a good game and we are enjoying the drama of it all, aren't we Julie." Her baby chuckle seemed to confirm that she understood.

He fed her her milk as she lay in his arms and I could see that she was a very happy little child to be close to her Dad. "And I know they mean well," he said to the now sleeping Julie, "and there may be something in what that old fart said about serving Mummy. So I'll go along with it and see where it takes us."

The screen went still as Jon and Julie left the kitchen and I sat motionless, looking at  the ceiling in a cold rage.

"You f*cker!" I shouted in frustration.

"Not me I hope Dear," said Jen as she walked in the front door.

I gritted my teeth and turned to my Wife who came into the lounge, closely followed by her Boyfriend Dom. "Not you Dear! Never you!" I replied.

"Well who then?"

"We are being played Jen! At my time of life, and with my experience, I still didn't spot it." I said fiercely in irritation.

Jen leaned forward and looked me in the eye - now very concerned at my aggressive manner, "Who Derek? Who?"

"That cheating, smarmy little cuckold Jonathan. That's who."


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