Saturday, August 17, 2024

Cuckold Counsellor -- Ch. 9

 The Plan


I was pensive as I let myself into the empty house after the drive back to Bromley from Sevenoaks. In spite of a little friction between my Wife - Jennifer's ex Black Lover - Nathaniel and myself I was now glad that I had met with him in the pub in Sevenoaks to discuss the way ahead in order to reconcile cuckold Jonathan with his baby daughter Julie. 

It had been a revelation to me that Jon had not only encouraged his Wife - Melanie to ring Nat to arrange a date after the party where they had first met, but that he had also planned the whole thing with the collaboration of his best friend - Robert. 

It transpired that Robert, one of Mel's former Lovers, was a football friend of Nat's and so the tender trap was set with the connivance of one previous Boyfriend, one very enthusiastic prospective Lover (who wouldn't want to be?) and one dutiful adoring but sexually inadequate husband. 



'Oh what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive,' I thought as I put the kettle on to make a 'Pot Noodle' for my supper, 'I wonder if Mel knows that she was 'set up' to be Nat's inamorata?'  

The small plastic pot of shite alleviated my hunger, as did the cup of Malted Milk that I took up to bed, but I was alone and I missed Jen and her current Lover - Dominic lying near to me. I was grumpy and lonely. And I didn't like people being manipulated, 'If she didn't know then, she is going to know now - tomorrow!' 

Since we had received that letter from Melanie asking for help with Jonathan, my life had consisted of nothing but thinking of ways to make that little man (Jon) to accept his status and recognize his lack of manliness. I had enjoyed some success; I had even had him stand naked in front of me and ejaculate by just talking to him, but I knew that I was missing a trick (or two). That is until Jen jumped in with her 'two pennies worth'. "We have to totally unman him," she had said. And she was right - but how?

I had a few hours to spare in the morning, after a fitful night's sleep and, because I was not due at Mel's until three pm. It takes less than an hour to get from Bromley to Sevenoaks, so I carried out some household chores and watched a daily political program on the television. Wouldn't you just know it! Jon was on as a guest journalist - his face shaven and his best suit on. He looked about twelve years old but his intellect was far from immature. He skewered a puffed up politician with his dry wit and rapier-like reasoning that had the
lefty old fool dribbling from the corner of his mouth.

I had seen the other side of that odd little cuckold; that 'Jekyll and Hyde' who had destroyed another man's proposition by cool and clear argument. For that he had my respect but I had to remind myself that this consummate journalist had accepted the idea that another man could order him to take his clothes off and goad him about his Wife's lovemaking - in his own kitchen for Christ's sake!

I knew, by just a little research on Google and Linkedin, that Jon was regarded as a 'hard nosed bastard' by his colleagues on the paper in which he worked. His attitude to truth in politics was uncompromising and that he had no political leanings either way which set him apart from the others - and that he had few friends in the profession. 

So how did that square with the permissive man at home? Well maybe not so permissive now that I had found out that he had arranged a Lover for Mel. 

'Hell!' I thought, 'Am I just what he has been looking for in his private life? Someone to show him the way? That would explain a lot.' 

I had a light lunch then drove the fifteen miles through Dunton Green into Sevenoaks, stopping at Mel's house at just a few minutes before three. 'No Nathaniel yet.' I had noticed that his car was not parked nearby, 'Good! That gives me time to talk to Mel alone.'

Mel was a picture of 'Yummy Mummy' as she greeted me at the door with Julie in her arms, "Two beauties to greet me," I said in an unctuous manner, which I immediately regretted as it was not my style.

"Not you as well," replied Mel, turning on her heels to walk back into the house, "I get enough of that from Jonathan's boss and his workmates."

Following that pretty figure down the hallway was a joy, as was the cheeky grin from the tousle haired infant looking back at me over Mel's shoulder. "Is she teething yet?" I asked, while smiling back at Julie.

"My nipples confirm so!" she replied quickly, as she ushered me into the lounge, "Two razor sharp incisors, positioned to extract the maximum pain. I wouldn't mind so much if she would just stop giggling when I scream."

I remained silent as we sat down to face each other and waited for her to speak. "So Derek!" Mel said, as she rearranged the baby on her lap and handed her a small toy. "You've been at it again." I didn't know what she meant, so remained silent. "Nat came in last night and started chatting to Jonathan. Was that your doing?"

"Yes! What of it?"

"Never, ever, has Nat sought out Jon's company," she replied.

"And how did Jon react?"

"Differently to the way I thought he might," Mel said as she reflected back on the previous evening, "I expected him to be put out by the unexpected change. But he wasn't. He was ...." This highly intelligent woman was clearly struggling for words. "He was kind of timid. No that's not right. He was .."


Her eyes shot up as she replied, "Submissive! Yes that's it. Submissive!"

She rolled the word around her head as the idea that Jon could be that way was a sudden revelation.

"That's excellent news Mel," I said in confirmation, "but we have work to do. Before Nat gets here I want to do a little search of Jonathan's things. Starting in the garage."

She nodded in agreement so we made our way to the garage attached to the house. It took me three minutes to find the server and its UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply). 
"Do you know what that is for Mel?" I asked her.

"For his work Derek," she replied, "So he can send articles off to the paper."

"Sorry No! It's for watching you and Nat." I said to the beauty standing beside me. "Every Lover you have had, and every bit of fun in your bedroom upstairs has been recorded and stored. He watches you Mel! You and Nat, and Rob, and all the others. Catalogued, dated and listed. It's all in there!" I said pointing down to the humming black boxes on the floor.

"Every Lover you have had, and every bit of 
fun in your bedroom upstairs has been 
recorded and stored."

"Do you know something Derek," she said thoughtfully, "I have often wondered what it is that he does all night when I'm up there with Nat?" 

'Could've fooled me!' I thought sarcastically.

"Well now you know Mel." I responded to her rather weak reply. 'Does she already know?' "We can discuss its implications later but now I want to open this," I said - pointing to what appeared to be a small safe on the other side of the garage floor. "Do you have the key?"

"No Derek. I'm afraid not."

I thought for a moment about Jonathan. 'He's the kind of guy who would hide something in plain sight.' I thought to myself as my eyes swept the garage walls, roof and floor. Hanging from one of the rafters was a small key on a loop of string with a label saying, 'SHED KEY'.

"Do you have a shed in the back garden Mel?" I asked as I unhooked the key from its nail.

"Yes!" she replied looking curiously down at the shiny object in my hand, "But it has a combination lock."

I smiled at her and then offered the key into the safe's keyhole and turned the lock. The door sprang open to reveal it's contents.

"What, in God's name, are those?" Mel asked as I pulled out two small appliances and placed them on the nearby workbench.

"Those," I replied smugly, "are your cuckold's penis restraints. The cage one is for when he is feeling a little masochistic and the other tells me that I need to search your bedroom."

"Why Derek?" she asked me with wide open incredulous eyes.

"The pink one tells me that there is more to find." I replied. "Sorry Mel, but our Jonathan has a couple of habits about which you know nothing."

She stopped me by pulling me back by my arm. Startled, I turned to see why she had suddenly used a physical force on me. "I need to know right now Derek. Is Jonathan a pervert? And even worse - is he a danger to me or Julie." Her face was one of heartbreak and deep concern. But I knew exactly what to say next.

"No Mel. Anything but!" I replied as I watched the worry lines on her face recede, "It's his way of handling his status in your life. And he has been doing it for a very long time."

I took a deep breath and told her it straight. "He wears them when you are in bed with Nat. It's a form of voluntary masochism usually. I wear one myself when Jen and Dominic are together. It has a calming effect on me and I guess on Jonathan too."

"It has a calming effect on me and I guess on Jonathan too."

"I see!" she said quietly, pausing to look down at the two restraints in my hand, "I think! But it was more than I wanted to know about you Derek."

"Point taken. To the bedroom then!"

We went together upstairs into the main bedroom and, after permission from Mel, I searched the bedside table on Jon's side of the bed and the wardrobe where his clothes hung - there was nothing out of the ordinary except dark suits, sweaters and the usual bric-a-brac of what would be expected in a man's domain. But I wasn't convinced.

"Presumably all of these are his business suits Mel," I asked, "they are all very smart."

Looking bored after my searching she replied offhandedly, "Yeah, all except that old one on the end. It was his wedding suit. He says that it brings back fond memories for him."

'Got him!' In a flash I whipped out the old brown pinstripe from off of the rail and threw it onto the bed - it was a very odd shape indeed.

Within seconds Mel and I had found what Dominic had suggested that I look for. Sewn into the jacket silk lining was a zipper and when opened, a cascade of suspenders, stockings, thongs panties and jewellery fell out onto the bed.

"Let's put these all back where they came from and then we should talk," I said to an ashen faced Mel. She had tears forming at the corner of her eyes and I knew that what I had revealed worried her greatly. "And I shall tell you what we are going to do about Jonathan."

She was quiet as we descended the stairs and I could tell that she was just holding it together as we went into the kitchen for a cup of tea.

"He is still the same Jonathan now as he was this morning Mel," I said to the very quiet lady sat across the breakfast bar with one hand holding Julie and the other sipping tea. "And he has been doing this for a long time. I think that you already knew that he was spying on your lovemaking but I can see that the latest revelation has come as a shock." She nodded. "I think that we should take him down a path that he has been wanting to go down since the day you both married," I continued.

"Is this the plan?" she asked, suddenly more animated.

"In general terms yes." I paused to make sure that the next words I said were the right ones. "Together - you, me and Nat are going to emasculate your husband."


"We are going to make him less than a man," I replied.

"I am not going to allow anything to be cut off my husband Derek," she shouted indignantly, which caused Julie to look up in surprise and make her bottom lip start quivering.

'So much for choosing my words carefully - Dummy!'

"What? No!" I replied, suddenly alarmed at my own stupidity, "I don't mean that. I mean in his mind. He has to be convinced that he is no longer in control but is now a compliant partner to both you and Nat. We must unman him soon or this situation will only deteriorate further. He must accept his subordination."

"And you have a strategy I presume?"

"Yes Mel. By carrot and by stick; we shall have your husband behaving as a true cuckold should. And the first thing to do is confront him with these," I said pointing to the pink and caged penis restraints on the table. "Tonight!"

"But not the underwear Derek?"

"Too soon," I replied as the door bell rang. It was Nat.

We said our hellos and sat down in the kitchen again to discuss the way forward. We chatted for a while but something was nagging at me; there was a disparity between Jon's version of the decision to start a family and Mel's. "Something doesn't add up Mel." I said before we got down to the real business.

"Jon told me the other night that he was not informed about you two's decision to - shall we say - get busy. But you said that he had been told that you were making a baby together." I said to them both. "There is a dichotomy between his version of events and yours."

"Big words again Derek," she snapped back, "Please don't. As for me informing my husband that I was planning to have a baby with my Lover - I did tell him."

"In what way?"

"I told him that we were going to take our relationship to the next level, and that we were building a future," she replied.

"Yes Mel," I said, "But what did you actually say?"

"Just that," she retorted sharply, but then her face fell as she realised something that I already suspected, "Oh Christ! He thought that I meant something else. Didn't he!"

"That's my guess Mel," I replied, "But I shall ask him when he arrives home tonight. Just me, without you two. I think that he may respond better."

Turning to Nat, I said, "It appears that Mel doesn't know the full story about how you two met Nat. I think that you should enlighten her. Don't you?"

His dark face grew even darker as her turned to Me. 'Is he embarrassed?'

"Jon and Robert arranged for us to meet. He set the whole thing up," he said and then noticing her confusion he elaborated, "Jon that is. But I thought you knew. Rob and me are old friends and used to play football in the same team."

He stopped to look at Mel's reaction but received only a terse, "Go on!" from her.

"Rob and Jon were getting worried about some of the men you were seeing," he said, clearly desperate to make her see that his intentions were good, "so Rob asked me to intervene and ........ seduce you."

Mel's face was cold and hard as she looked back at her Lover. "I thought you knew," he repeated.

She stared hard back at Nat and then spoke, "Do you and my little husband take me for an idiot?"

The room fell silent and I sat back and watched this delightful episode unfold before me.

"Of course I knew - Nathaniel my Dear," she said with extreme sarcasm, "and do you think that my bird brained husband could keep something like that to himself. Him and Rob were on the bloody phone for weeks before that party. I even heard your name mentioned once or twice, so when you swanned up to me at that party I knew what the game was."

"Yes Mel," I said quietly, "but 'our boy' has kept one or two things from you hasn't he."

The smug expression on her face disappeared immediately to be replaced by one of inquiry, "So what are we going to do about that Derek?" she asked.

"Well! you can bring Nat up to date with what we have found and I am going to think about a plan for tonight and this weekend." I replied.

It was later, after some discussion and, it must be admitted, a few laughs at Jon's expense that we had come to an agreed strategy for the next few days.

It was getting closer to six o'clock when we heard Jon's car in the drive. Julie had been put up to bed and the 'Inquisition' awaited him in the lounge.

Jon walked in, still in the same suit that he had been wearing at lunchtime on the television. He looked at the three of us and upon his gaze settling on me he remarked, "Oh Christ it's you!"

"Nice to see you too Jonathan," I replied. But I had more to say. "You know why I am here don't you." He nodded. "So you are going to do everything I say, aren't you." He nodded again.

I looked for any sign of defiance but there was none. "I want you to go upstairs and put on the item that I have left on the bed for you. Just that - nothing else." And with eyes as wide as saucers, he turned and went out of the room.

"That went very easily," remarked Mel, but Nat said nothing.

"He's desperate to be recognized Mel," I commented, "he wants to be included, "He ...."

I was interrupted by Nat who spoke for the first time in ages, "He wants what you had with Jen and me, and probably still has with her new Lover. That's right, isn't it Derek!"

"Spot on mate!" I replied, "But not all at once. 'Slowly, slowly catchy monkey' I think."

I didn't see Jon enter the room but I knew that he had come in by the gasp of surprise from Mel and the low whistle from Nat. "Well here's the monkey," he said said, clearly embarrassed at his nakedness and the pretty pink restraint now encasing his small penis, "so what is the catch?"

I smiled at his play on words but replied slowly just so he understood. "No catch Jonathan, you look very fetching by the way."
"No catch Jonathan, you look very fetching by the way."

"F*ck off Derek! What's the catch?"

"We! Between the three of us are going to turn you into a true cuckold," I replied, "Not just the desperate little man that you are now. But we shall achieve it with firm kindness, affection and deep humiliation. You're going to love it!"

I wasn't wrong about this little man. His eyes reflected interest, arousal and gratitude, and their moist corners told me that our plan was not a moment too soon.

"But first we are going to unman you."

And with that, his pink restraint moved as his penis filled out its snug pink little chamber. 

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