Saturday, July 13, 2024

Her Former Best Friend


Dani and I were just a normal couple, enjoying our new lives together and very content in our modern marriage. We didn't think we could be any happier until one night my pretty young Wife reminded me of a commitment I had made years before.   


"Yes Dear?"  

"Do you remember the promise you made when we first started dating?"

"No!" I said - lying through my teeth. I did remember and I had been dreading the day all through our engagement and in the the last three years of our marriage.  

"Liar!" Dani said as she smiled in recollection of all of those years ago; but she hadn't finished and still wanted to remind me. "You promised that you would look away and stand aside if I ever felt the urge to try out someone different from you."  

"Yeah!" I said, remembering every word that was seared into my memory, "but we were just dating then. It's different now we're married."   


I had the honest answer of - 'Marriage Vows Missus' - on my lips but I knew why she was asking the question. My half cousin Richard had asked us to come over to his house in the South of  France to spend a week in the sun, and he had been Dani's Lover before we met. Nevertheles my Wife had never been shy in telling me about Richard's impressive looks and physical attributes.    

Richard greeted us both warmly, was the perfect host, and encouraged us to use his pool when the day was at its hottest.   It was in the morning of the second day when Dani said that she wished to take me up on my offer from all of that time ago - I didn't say yes or no to her, but did tell her that I would look away when the time came.

That 'time' was the day in the pool when Dani had been flirting outrageously with her ex-lover and decided that she would like to revisit her former 'best friend'. 

... she would like to revisit her former 'best friend'.

Her reaquaintance was a happy event that became a regular occurrence during the rest of the week, and after we (she) had decided to stay another four weeks in that beautiful part of the world.   That time in France is now just a happy memory that Dani and I love to reminisce about. Such memories we shall hold dear for the rest of our married lives together, ....

... just as we shall the the souvenir.

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